Friday, June 13, 2014

2nd District Grand High Priest Reception

Well before I start in about the GHP Reception, I'll give a little update on the saga of the week. Mom went in the hospital Sunday released Tuesday and then after another episode Wednesday morning which caused another visit to the ER, they decided to put a heart monitor on her as they felt for sure it is a heart problem of some type and sent her home. They also recommended someone to be with her for around a week to make sure no more episodes occurred. So Thursday my sister took her back to the doctor so he could get the readout on the monitor and I would stay with her on Friday (so much for attending the Red Cross Constantine session on Friday). On Thursday evening a guy was to come to the house to give us an estimate before 8 PM for some work we need done and then I planned to head to Lodge. Well I waited and waited and he never showed up but by the time I figure out he wasn't coming it was too late to go to Lodge. Next came a potential for a major issue with a project I've been leading at work that had earlier int he day just been approved for production this weekend. I thought how could things get worse. I should not have thought that because on Friday the dishwasher and washer at my mother-in-laws house had a water leak problem which soaked every towel in the house trying to clean it up. So we shut off the water to both, took all the towels and put them in the dryer to dry them out to use again and what do you know the dryer would not work (I guess I know what I will be doing in the morning rather than attending the Red Cross Constantine session on Saturday). Maybe there is something to this Friday the 13th stuff. All that being said....we went to the Grand High Priest Reception for the 2nd Capitular District in St. Mary's Ohio tonight. Past Grand High Priests Robert Crabbs and Bill Purdy along with widow Susan Oliver of Honorary Past Grand High Priest Steve Oliver. We also had present Grand King Keith O'Dell. Grand Scribe Bob Blackenhorn and of course our Grand High Priest Bob Thomas. Oh and the problem at work turned out to be nothing big and for right now we are ready to go this weekend...I hope.

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