Monday, November 30, 2015

Busy night getting caught up on Masonic work

Every once in a while you have to stay home from meetings just to get some Masonic planning and work accomplished which was exactly what happened tonight. I got a couple of activities planned and the invitations sent out along with catching up on several Masonic pieces of mail which I needed to address. Did I get completely caught up...nope but at least the critical items have now been addressed. Oh and I forgot to mention the best part ... the inspection I had planned to attend this evening but decided I just had to get this work done, I found out had to be cancelled.  Glad that my decision saved me a 7 hour round trip.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Taking a few days off for family items

Well today is the 25th wedding anniversary for Pam and myself so we have a few things planned over the next few days with our family. With that in mind the next entry will probably wait until next Monday. Hoping everyone takes some time off to be with their family over this Thanksgiving period. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Tall Cedars

Shortly after I joined Masonry we started a Tall Cedars group. I quickly got in line and served as the presiding officer and for many years helped them out. Over the past 10 years or so I haven't been able to be active and we have come to the point where the group had to make a decision if they were going to stay open or not. As they summons the current members to attend the meeting I was in attendance and we voted to give it one more year as MEC George Shell came forth to serve for the first time. We also made plans to re-establish the ritual team and work to get a class of candidates for April. While the folks present tonight are all very busy, they agreed to help keep us going especially since Springfield and Columbus just folded and Cincinnati is very close to folding. Overall, we agreed some changes may still need to be made as to meeting dates, places and general purposes; right now we are going to start the reorganization by focusing on membership.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Grand Commandery Reception

Today was the statewide reception for the Grand Commander Gerald Pugh being held in Marietta. Again tonight there were more distinguished guests than I care to list but from the Grand Chapter among our current officers in addition to our Grand High Priest Robert Blankenhorn were REC Jeff Addis Grand King, REC Rod Carr Grand Master 3rd Veil, REC Ryan Adams Grand Master 1st Veil and Grand Chaplain William Straton. At our table also was RIC Dave Mourer who we had to ask if he thought Grand Council was better than Grand Chapter and we were able to capture his response (see photo). While it was a wet and dreary night for the drive and Ohio State ended up losing, otherwise, it was a good evening.

4 Inspection Day

Today all 4 degrees were performed at Loveland as Loveland, Blanchester, Morrow and Batavia all held their Chapter Inspections. I saw many Companions from the 4th District as they had a very good turnout including Past Grand High Priest Kermit Zimmerman and Grand Master 2nd Veil Ron Hart Sr. If you are wondering what MEC Zimmerman was doing in the picture ...we were too.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

7th District School

This year my region consists of the 2nd, 7th and 10th District. I decided that I was going to the Inspection in Marion tonight in the 7th District. Unfortunately due to some scheduling conflicts, they had to swap out the Inspection for a school at Marion this evening. It actually turned  out to be really a nice evening as DDGHP Ken Foy and several other members attended to discuss the MEM degree. The nice part was in addition to a talk from Ken Chamberlain, we got to sit around for a while and discuss  this degree along with other degrees. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Grotto Stated Meeting

Tonight started out on a sad note as I went to the viewing for a friend of mine wife who I served with in the Scottish Rite who past away from cancer. She had been sick about 5 years ago but went into remission. Unfortunately it returned and this time she couldn't beat it. I then headed to our stated Grotto meeting. RWB Keith Newton Grand Orator has been our Monarch this past year. Since tonight was elections I made sure I showed up. We are a very small group and a few of us have served more than once to keep us going. Since I only had done one round, I decided it was my turn to take a second term.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Manchester Chapter #129 Inspection

Today was the Inspection for Manchester Chapter located in West Union in the 5th District in the Mark Master degree. Our new at large Deputy Dan Cogley was doing the Inspection for the Chapter which is where immediate PGHP MEC Keith O'Dell is member. In addition, several of his appointed officers from last year were also present, REC Rod Carr Grand Master 3rd Veil was also in attendance. This Chapter is relatively close for me (around 70 miles each way) but it takes for ever to get there as there is no easy way to get to West Union. On my way home for some reason something told her to stop in the middle of the road (after looking both ways to make sure one was coming of course) which I did. Out of nowhere came two large deer running full speed about a car length in front of me. I was lucky as I would have hit them if I hadn't stopped but as it turned out it just was a good story ... of which I like good stories about MISSING deer.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Clinton Chapter #26 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection in the Past Master degree for Clinton Chapter in the 11th District which meets at the Eastern Star Home in Mt. Vernon. Our Grand High Priest, MEC Robert Blankenhorn Jr., was present in addition to several of his appointed Grand Officers and Grand Royal Arch Captain Dan Smith. In addition, REC Ron Horne DDGHP from the 10th District, came down to assist them with the degree. This is a great facility to hold a meeting.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Dayton Scottish Rite

This morning was the semi-annual Scottish Rite Reunion and in addition to attending the 14th degree, I was able to take care of some Royal Arch Chapter business. Luckily I was able to get the business accomplished in time to get on the road to head to the Cleveland area on time.

Grand Illustrious Master Reception

Tonight was the reception for MIGM Richard Amlung in Independence Ohio. There were too many dignitaries to mention them all. The evening flowed well and the meal was very good. We were lucky to start back somewhat early since every night this week has been fairly late arriving home.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Wooster Chapter #27 Inspection

Tonight I headed north to the 10th District for Inspection in Wooster Ohio. MEC Bob Crabbs was also present along with DDGM Lew Fleege. They had a good turnout and as the DDGHP Ron Horne said "They had a good Inspection". As I burned the highway up for the third straight night, I was really glad a full tank fill-up was still only around $20 since gas prices have dropped lately.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Willoughby Chapter #231 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for MEC Robert Thomas chapter, which has moved to Burton, in the Mark Master Degree, As had been a common theme this week when a last minute illness kept a member from being in attendance, someone stepped up off the sidelines and helped out. Being located near Cleveland this was definitely a longer drive and unfortunately due to some nighttime road construction work, delayed me about an extra hour getting home (so I didn't make it until around 3 AM).

DEO Mac Polston

Well I just spoke to our 3rd District DEO and it sounds like he is coming along well from his surgery last Wednesday on his back. He had gotten to the point where he couldn't walk, sit or stand without being in serve pain and as several might have noticed he even had to use a walker at times to help steady himself. He is still hoping to be back in circulation by next week but I'm sure it will still be a little of a slow go for a short time.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Pomeroy Chapter #80 Inspection

Today was the Inspection for Pomeroy in the Past Master Degree located in the 13th District. While physically now located in Middleport, it is easy to find being right downtown and last night luckily the dance class which meets on the first floor seemed to be over before the meeting started. They had an actual candidate who was younger and is traveling to other Inspections to get more of the degrees. REC Rod Carr,Grand Master 3rd Veil, inspected for the evening while DDGHP Scottie Smith helped out with the degree work. Once again a key part was missing as the Secretary needed to be with his wife who was very sick but at the last minute PDDGHP Ken Finkle stepped in and helped them out. PGIM Roger Gaul was also present filling in for the Secretary as the prompter.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Friendship Chapter #245 Inspection

Tonight was the first Inspection of the year in the 3rd District in West Carrollton which is the home Chapter of MEC Steve Duncan and MIC Bobbie Campbell. The work was in the PM degree and unfortunately a couple of cast members were unable to make it at the last moment. Rather than panic, a couple of visiting Companions stepped up and helped them out as they had an actual candidate for the evening. As the DDGHP REC Greg Clatterbuck said this is what Royal Arch Masonry is all about Companions stepped put to help each other when in need. MEC George Shell was also present as Twin Valley had an official visit but my Chapter, Trinity #44, had nine in attendance to win the alter cloth for tonight.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Zanesville #9 Dedication

Zanesville Chapter moved to a new facility and today we dedicated the room for the purpose of meeting and performing ritual work at the location. It is a nice facility with plenty of room for any work necessary. The Grand Officers, led by our Grand High Priest, Bob Blankenhorn performed the ceremony. PGHP Alan Hart and PGIM Pat Lively were both present. While it isn't often the Grand Chapter gets to dedicate a new facility, this year we have at least two such ceremonies planned.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Best laid plans

Well I intended to head to Canton today for the KYCH meeting. Unfortunately, the communications between Pam and I must have been a little off since she thought I was leaving at 1 instead of needing to be there at 1 so since it was the weekend she turned off the alarms. While this normally would have been no big deal since I would have been up anyway in time to make the 4 hour trip, last night the dog wasn't feeling well and woke us up around every half hour or so until early this morning. Luckily this morning he was feeling better and happy we hadn't left so we could spend time with him,,,maybe it was a conspiracy plot being executed by the dog!

Friday, November 6, 2015

DDGM 8th District Installation

Tonight I went to the Installation for a Past High Priest of our 3rd Capitular District Skip Vanderhorst. Skip and I have done many things together over the past 20 years including York and Scottish Rite activities as well as Grotto activities. They had a nice Installation and some good food afterwards. The attendance was really good with many from the 2nd and 8th District present.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

DDGM Installation 2nd District

Today was the installation for our new DDGM in the Second Masonic District Brian Arehart. Brian is part of several younger very enthusiastic officers we have in our Lodge District. RWB Arehart is also a Boy scout leader and several Boy Scouts participated in presenting the flag at the ceremony and he reminded everyone that Grand Lodge has an award for Masons involved with scouting. There was a very good turnout including many PDDGMs (around 20). RWB Doug Kaylor and RWB Keith Newton were also present.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Valley Commandery Stated Meeting

Well over the past couple of days most of the "planned" activities I had scheduled were changed. Yesterday I was headed to Columbus for the DDGM installation of RWB Ken Cohen who I served with as a State Officer while we were in DeMolay together. Unfortunately, something came up at my daughter Laura's house requiring immediate attention and I didn't make the installation. Today I was headed to the Inspection for Springfield Council on my way home from work but found out we were going to practice the Full Form Opening for our review next month and that a couple folks were not going to be able to make the practice, Since I knew they needed help, I decided to help out my Commandery instead. I ended up filling in for the Recorder for the evening. I think I made the right choice since things were a little rough in the practice but the good part is almost every one of the major parts was being done by someone new.