Tuesday, June 30, 2020

David Hudnot AMD Stated meeting

I started tonight with the first of two zoom meetings at an AMD based out of Lebanon Ohio. They have had some challenges over the past year or so and are working to get themselves back on track. I shared some ideas my AMD has instituted to help solve the very problems they are having and we also had in the past. 

Sr. DeMolay Mark Lodge Stated

Tonight we held a well attended zoom DeMolay Mark Lodge Meeting. They held their elections and Installation basically holding the same officers for next year. There were members from around the state in attendance along with MEC Jeff Addis and REC Bob Nilsen. The DDGHP Ron Bokan also went over the inspection report. 

Monday, June 29, 2020

Alpha #97 AMD Stated Meeting

Tonight I headed to Tipp City for an AMD meeting. Prior to the first time several met at the restaurant next to the Lodge (Harrison’s) and for the first time since March I had dine-in at a restaurant. They had some interesting discussions today even though a few couldn’t make it for health reasons. I just wish I had asked the dress for the meeting as even else was in business casual. 

Friday, June 26, 2020

Antioch Welcome Back Party

Tonight I attended a welcome back open at the Shrine in Dayton. I saw several who haven’t seen for a while. Most everyone spread out over the room and kept appropriate distancing. It was good to have the opportunity to safely socialize again. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

North Bend Mark Lodge

Tonight I attended with my Grand Aide Dennie Fitzgerald the Mark Lodge in Cleves Ohio for the annual meeting, elections and installation. I'm a life member here and have belonged for more than 30 years. They had the entire room laid out for social distancing and even the tables downstairs were set up appropriately. Both 4 DDGHPs and REC Ron Hart were also present.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Khana Shahar Grotto stated

Tonight after I attended another non Masonic meeting in Springfield, I stay for the stated meeting and Inspection for Khana Shahar Grotto. They had around 15 in attendance. We social distanced by sitting at different tables around the room. I was also there to discuss with them a combined short form ceremonial Ormus will be doing with them on July 13th. Right now it appears there will be about 20 candidates in a combined Grand Master and Grand High Priest class as both of us are members and Past Monarchs of Ormus Grotto. The Grand Monarch is also planning to be present that evening. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Twin Valley #240 Stated/Installation

Tonight MEC George Shell installed the officers at his chapter. EC Dennie Fitzgerald, Grand Aide, was also present. They all complied with our 6ft distancing during all ceremonies and during the meeting. Unfortunate, their prior Secretary announced he was retiring and the King agreed to take over the position and a Past High Priest agreed to serve for a couple years.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

8th District Grand High Priest Reception

While social distancing was the order of the day and everyone made sure they were washing/sanitizing their hands appropriately, the 8th District held a very nice reception tonight. Considering the current health situation we had a good turnout spread throughout the room. They presented some nice gifts which were definitely personalize for Pam and myself.  I made some comments in relation to the past couple of months and where will hope to go from this point before heading home.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Ormus Grotto Stated Meeting

Tonight we held our monthly meeting and made our plans for our upcoming ceremonial in July. I was excited to read 13 petitions for our small 30 member Grotto. I personally turned in 8 of those petitions for our joint GM/GHP ceremonial. We went through every aspect of the event and started plans to announce at the ceremonial to get those new members involved. I did something similar when I was Potentate by naming a York Rite Class in honor of all Past Grand Officers we had at our Shrine which brought in over 50 new members. I would encourage any group to consider honoring some well known member of that group, you might be surprised how many might decide to join because of the class honoree.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Trinity Chapter #44 Stated/Installation

Tonight we held our stated meeting and installation in person for my Chapter. We had 18 in attendance and two who were coming and had a last minute health issue and couldn't attend. We also had 3 50+ year members in attendance. I installed the officers and we covered all the business for the past 3 months (which the Secretary, Treasurer and High Priest took care of). All was handled properly but in an expeditious manner and we were done prior to 9 PM.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Al SIrat Grotto Meeting Online

Tonight I called into an Online meeting for Al Sirat Grotto in the Cleveland area. The meeting was very well ran and followed their normal procedures for business. This was one which almost had the feel of an in person meeting. The also had a little over a dozen in attendance with many of those who normally would attend an in person meeting in attendance.

Wine Outing Change

The very first Wine outing at Sycamore Lake (NW Ohio) has been changed from July 11th to August 15th .... same location and same time. I will keep you informed if there are any other date changes or if cancellations required.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Grand Officer Meeting Online

Today I held a meeting with the Grand Chapter officers to discuss Grand Chapter and our current situation, discussed when we thought we could restart degree work (right now looks like earliest is September) and several other items for the future benefit of Grand Chapter (including the local Chapters). It was a good meeting and we kept right to the schedule.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Adoniram Council #131 Installation Online

Tonight I attended my Councils Installation of officers. It was interesting as the new Illustrious Master Jim Reinhart was installed by his father MIC Robert Reinhart who is a Past Grand Illustrious Master. We also had present PGHP Steve Duncan and current Grand Illustrious Master Grover Manning. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Minerva Lodge Stated Meeting

Tonight was my first in person Masonic meeting since March And I never realized how a small thing like giving the pledge could be so meaningful. We had 22 in attendance spread throughout the lodge room. We discussed how we are going to use the GM Class Edict to help get almost 15 we have right now in various stages of joining to become Master Masons. Many of these candidates are younger and one was present tonight who gave back a very good return of his work. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Nazir Grotto Meeting Online

Well tonight was the first night we could attend meetings in person but I had already agreed to attend the online meeting for this Grotto when I found out we could again meet in person. So tomorrow at my own lodge I will be attending their in person meeting for the first night back. I’m still staying relatively close to home for most of this month but will start venturing out a little more next month as I’m hearing several places might be holding special in person meeting after such a long layoff.  Tomorrow we also have a conference call with the hotel for Grand Chapter where I hope to get some updated info on the hotel requirements so we can get info out to all Chapters very soon.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Valley Commandery #80 Meeting Online

Tonight we held an online Commandery meeting for my Commandery. A few had trouble joining but we also had a member in a nursing facility in Toledo join us. They are scheduled to install their new officers next Monday. MEC Steve Duncan hosted the meeting.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

York Rite Cooperation Meeting Online

Tonight the Grand Officers from Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery got together and discussed several comment items to all Grand Bodies. We also discussed a common statewide Google calendar with filters so we can better make communications with all Masonic organizations known across the board. Future dates for statewide events were also discussed.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Antioch Shrine Stated Meeting Online

This morning Antioch held their stated meeting which was delayed from April. While they didn't have the normal size attendance they did have several who attended. The Potentate went through the normal business and discussed the post closure situation. The meeting ran very efficiently and they also discussed cancellations of any future events and parades along with the future opening of the Shrine Hospital in Dayton.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Portage Chapter #202 Stated Meeting Online

Tonight I attended the stated meeting for Portage Chapter where they elected and installed their new officers. I served as the Chaplain for the Installation. MEC Ross Black was also in attendance. They also covered any business needed and completed the meeting in a reasonable timeframe.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Victory Chapter Installation Online

Tonight I installed the officers for Victory Chapter. We had a very good turnout with Grand Officers Greg Clatterbuck, Randy Clark and Rick Bielecki assisting. They also announced they are meeting over the summer since things have been somewhat shutdown over the past couple of months. They are also planning at least 4 social events with the ladies.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Busy Night

I started out with the Installation of Miami Valley York Rite College. I was the outgoing Governor and tonight we installed new officers. (DDGHP Jim Couch also was present and on a Chapter meeting with Norwood Chapter who also recognized me.) Immediately afterwards, I switched over to a Royal Arch meeting for my Chapter, Trinity #44. We had an out of state member attending which was nice to see them. After they finished, I jumped over to the Chapter and Council meeting for Cambridge. They both decided to keep the same officers as this past year. Grand Illustrious Master, Grover Manning was also present. Some nights with ZOOM it almost seems like your able to teleport like in Star Trek.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Yusef Khan Grotto Stated Meeting Online

Many of the Masonic groups have adapted well to meeting online and tonight was one of those pleasant meetings which had adapted. We went through all of the meeting business and then started into a social session. They had a good number in attendance and some even turned themselves upside down for the humor effect.