Friday, May 29, 2020

Ormus Grotto Happy Hour Online

Tonight we held a fun evening where we met with Grotto members from Ormus and from around the state. We did talk about some of the upcoming planning activities of each Grotto attending but it was more of a way to socialize. Our furthest away joining was Kendall Lawson who joined us on his way home from Gatlinburg Tennessee.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Ohio Grotto Meeting Online

Tonight I attended a meeting where we discussed Hospitality Rooms at the next couple of Conventions. We discussed health code rules and potential differences for the one which will actually be held in Kentucky. While we still have a few questions, we got enough settled tonight so we can finish discussions in August when hopefully everything will be more clear. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Steubenville York RIte Meeting Online

Tonight I attended the online ZOOM meeting for the Chapter, Council and Commandery in Steubenville. They were well prepared to hold their elections in all three groups tonight (pretty much their entire business for the evening). They had done a pre-meeting list of those who would serve in each of the positions. With only a couple of changes due to some discussions they had about positions for individual officers, they elected a full slate in each group. It’s good to be able to see members from around the state even if it is not able to be in person.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New Lisbon Chapter Meeting Online

Tonight I  attended A Zoom meeting for New Lisbon Chapter. Their DDGHP was present along with GM1V Zel Bush and head of our Jurisprudence Keevin Berman. It was sort of a bittersweet meeting as they finalized their vote to consolidate with Salem Chapter. They started the process In February and then everything came to a halt until they were able to get enough present tonight to vote. The good part is several of their member were already working with Salem Chapter. 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Shrine Leadership Meeting Online

Well after four days of working every day outside mulching, trimming, mowing and cutting things down and cleaning them up, I attended the Shrine Leadership Meeting where we discussed the post-shutdown activities and which parades have been canceled. We also learned that a Past High Priest and KYCH from Unity Chapter, Mike Fryman, was found deceased when the police went to do a wellness check on him. He was also one of the Directors of the York Rite stage crew in Dayton. Definitely a big surprise. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Updated Edicts

Today I put out some “Updated/New” Edicts which should be on the website soon to help with the 6/1 opening of Chapters. Please note if you are still holding online meetings or Installations they are included.  One item is if you Chapter still needs to hold meetings/ Installations online please copy me on your notices to your Chapters. I will in turn send them the the webmaster to add online activities so they can be added to the website calendar. Also if your officers are all repeating from last year they do not need to be installed again. Hopefully we are getting back to a little more normal situation. Please remember to still use social distancing and refrain from our normal handshaking as we still aren’t out of the woods yet. Looking forward to seeing more of you soon. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Grand Chapter Officer Meeting Online

Tonight the Grand Chapter Officers met to discuss some changes which may need to be made to accommodate Grand Chapter (given the current situation). We also discussed coming out of the post closure period and what might need to be done to help keep our members safe while they met. It was a good meeting with lots of discussion. Probably by Friday I will be updating the Edicts I have put out along with some new information to cover our ever changing conditions.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Trinity Chapter #44 Stated Online

Tonight I attended my own Chapter meeting online. There are some positives to using this method but the negatives far outweigh the positives. I’ll be glad when things open back up so we can meet again as a free country should be able to do. We had about 11 in attendance including Grand Lodge Orator Paul Weglage, Past Grand High Priest Steve Duncan and Grand Illustrious Master Grover Manning.

Canton York Rite Online

Tonight, after my own Chapter finished. I jumped on to the Canton York Rite (Chapter/ Council/ Commandery Meeting). All three of the Grand Presiding officers of those bodies were there at the end of the meetings. It's good to see that folks around Ohio are taking advantage of the opportunity to meet virtually at this point.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Willoughby Chapter #231 Stated Online

Tonight I attended a Zoom meeting for Willoughby Chapter and we held the election of officers for next year. It was good to visually see several who I’ve only been able to hear over the phone in the past couple of months including our Grand Secretary MEC Bob Thomas. I heard REC George Tegner actually called a member today so he must be doing somewhat better but he indicated the recovery would take over a year.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Nazir Grotto Meeting Online

Tonight I attended an online meeting for Nazir Grotto in Canton online. It seems like I’ve been in at least one a day for the past few weeks (some for outside Masonry). For very small groups they really seem to work almost as well as in person. I’ve also noticed some guys attending who we never see attending in person. I still, however, miss the in person meetings. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Antioch Shrine Virtual Oasis Online

I attended what was a virtual Oasis this evening for Antioch Shrine. We got together as discussed what everyone had been doing and challenges anyone was having. We also got an update on the status for future activities. This was the start of three back to back meetings I had this evening.

Ormus Grotto Meeting Online

Tonight we had our stated meeting for the month. We covered several items including replanning some activities which were supposed to have happened over the past couple of months. While the attendance was small, we were able to get a lot accomplished and finished in time for me to have a short break before my last meeting this evening.

AMD Grand Officer Meeting Online

I wasn't sure what to expect for this meeting and it was apparently the first time they have held a Grand Officers Meeting. It was really interesting as they involved the Grand Superintendents (I am Grand Superintendent of Ohio South) in any Grand discussions for the first time. In addition, it was the first time all Grand line officers were involved with the administration of the group. Across the board all who attended loves the meeting. I think they will consider using this medium for meetings even after we can meet face to face since we had folks from all over the US in the meeting. We not only covered some important information but got to give individual updates on what was going on in our state.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Scottish Rite Dayton Online Meeting

Tonight we reviewed the 12th degree, watching the video first and then discussing it. We have a person in Dayton who does training on each of the degrees and with that a slide presentation with questions which we discussed. I was in this degree for several years and the discussion and the video were a nice reminder of the time I did the part.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Online Meetings

Well seems the online meetings are a big hit right now. Hopefully, all Chapters are considering taking advantage of them as I authorized them. As per the Edicts, you can also vote for officers for next year and hold an installation online if you so choose  I have 14 invites for this month so far and expect more (though a couple I can't make as they overlap another online meeting). They seem to work fairly well though nothing beats meeting in person. On a side note, for almost 15 years, I worked mainly with remote customers around the world (many I never met in person) and almost all those who worked for me were also working remotely around the world. I, however, always enjoyed even the one time person to person meetings with those I was working with as it always gave me a better perspective of them as a person instead of just a name or number. I look forward to the day we can meet again face to face.