Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Chapter Assessments

I’m taking some during the lay-off period to work on something we as Grand Officers discussed you help us determine the”health” of various Chapters. This should help Regional Officers to focus on assisting DDGHPs with Chapters who are in the most peril of closing. It is imperative that the Grand Chapter find a method to allow struggling Chapters to be identified and assisted before it is too late. We also need to determine a method to make this happen without adding additional efforts to our already hard working DDGHPs.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Another idea

If you are like me and it seems like you can never get caught up, now might be a good time to look through all those old programs, handouts, etc. which have accumulated over the years. In looking through some if my “stuff” I found lots of items which caused me to remember many of the good times over the years at Masonic activities. I also found a photo album the Shrine Photographers gave me when I was Potentate back in 2012. I really hadn’t had a chance to look closely at the pictures but when I did today, it brought back many great memories.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Emergency SItuation

Well yesterday we had an emergency that may cause us to leave the state sometime soon. As you may know our daughter Laura is in Tennessee going to college at the University of Tennessee. While they are not on lockdown yet, like we are in Ohio, she is doing school remotely as the campus has shut down and the location where she is doing her student teaching just shutdown. One of the parents, who has four kids at the school, has an essential job and asked Laura to watch the kids for her while the school is shutdown. On her way there to watch the kids she had an accident and totaled her Jeep. Luckily, she is fine but that was her only transportation. The insurance has already reviewed the accident and the check is on the way so she can get something to replace her Jeep.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

New Edicts Tomorrow

Tomorrow new Edicts will be coming out to hopefully help the Chapters deal a little better with the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. The situation seems very fluid but I’m trying to not only help the Chapters with these code overrides but also are written in such a manner to allow them to be accomplished with limited changes no matter how things change in the next few weeks.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Information Coming

On Monday, I should have some edicts ready to be sent out to allow Chapters to function/recover after the COVID-19 mandatory shutdown of all Masonic activities is over. I realize many events were planned between now and May 10th and catching up after this point in time will be a challenge. I went through the code section by section and believe the items I am going to override in the code will allow Chapters to continue on their Pathway to the Future. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Another Idea

Since you might have lots of time right now, you might consider pulling out the ritual and working to learn a new ritual part. I.don't know of a Masonic body who doesn’t need more persons to learn various parts. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Good Idea For Something To Do During Layoff

Since we are supposed to be staying home for most of the time during the next 60 days why not consider some Masonic Education. Grand Lodge has online Education Courses you can take.  The materials needed to take the courses can also be found online. All this can be found in the Grandview Members area. I have in the past taken all the course which were available for Lodge, Chapter and Council but these are new from when I took them (around 30 or more years ago). We also have some online Education available as well off the Grand Chapter website as does Grand Council off their website. 

Monday, March 16, 2020

Long Layoff

Well I now will experience something which I haven't since 1976 when I joined DeMolay, a 60 day layoff of Masonic related activities. The most I can remember was a couple years back when I was required to be off 3 weeks for the heart attack. Normally, I feel guilty or uneasy about 3 days off. Well I'll just take a deep breath and hope that all our members stay safe during this hiatus. While I won't be writing as often in the BLOG, I will probably write some things happening since I'm sure I'll be online doing some type of follow-up on a regular basis. I've already rescheduled several visits for after May 10th which were going to happen between now and the 10th of May. Unfortunately it will now be impossible to make all Chapters at least three times while I've been in the Grand Chapter line prior to the end of my term. Now it will just be the majority. We are never guaranteed anything in life and plans are just that plans and sometimes life gets in the way. 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Change of Plans

Given the spread of the COVID-19 virus, traveling plans are being changed almost daily and today was the start of those changes. WhileI was in Cuyahoga Falls this morning (I had stayed overnight last night) for a couple of Council Inspections, they were both postponed so I headed back home. We were also planning to have the Grand Kings Program presentation tonight but also was postponed. I also had some farther from hone travels planned through Easter which I have now changed into closer visits to my home. I mostly am changing those visits as I understand each local needs to make a decision if they are meeting or not based on health concerns. I just don’t want to make far away travels and find out a majority are not present and the meeting can’t be held.

Friday, March 13, 2020

El Rey Grotto Stated Meeting

I travelled over to Oberlin this evening where we first had dinner and then the stated meeting. They have a unique setup as the Lodge meets at 5 then they have dinner afterwards and then the Grotto meeting. They had a nice turnout and this was their first stated meeting since Installation in December. (They go dark in Jan and Feb and meet the rest of the months of the year).

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Cuyahoga Falls #225 Stated/Awards

Tonight we started out with a nice meal to the meeting. It was then time to head to the lodge room to hand out service awards. The neat part tonight is that I had meet all prior to this night as they had all being active in the Chapter for a long time. We gave out 2 50s, 60 and 70. We also have another 70 to pass out at a nursing facility when they again allow visitors.  MEC Ross Black and the 17th DDGHP were also present.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

King Cyrus Chapter #207 Stated

Tonight I went to Loudonville for their stated meeting. This is the home Chapter of the 10th District Deputy Grand High Priest (I’m attempting to make the home chapter of every Grand Line Officer, DDGHPs and PGHPs. I also talked with the DDGHP about a visit he is making to a Chapter representing me tomorrow. After the meeting I headed up to Cuyahoga Falls where I’ll be staying tonight through Saturday while I make some visits in this area.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Greeters Meeting

Today we had enough present at the Greeters meeting at the Shrine that some had to sit on the sidelines (about 15 fits around the table). Prior to our meeting, the Seniors Group put on a great breakfast (all you can eat for $5). We discussed several topics and while I probably should have ran the meeting (I’m VP and the President couldn’t be there) our junior past President started the meeting before I got in it and I told him just to continue. It was also good to hear that we are making progress on our new parade uniforms. While I might not make many this year, it’s good knowing I will not have to deal with it next year.

Chillicothe Chapter/Council Stated Meeting

Tonight my Grand Marshall, Greg Clatterbuck and I travelled to the home Chapter of REC Ryan Adams Grand Principal Sojourner and REC Joe Shilling DDGHP. We got there early enough to join them with some food prior to the meeting. Greg and I both helped them open the Chapter and they completed all business prior to closing and then holding the Council Meeting.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Walnut Chapter Service Awards

This afternoon I went to the Columbus area to present a 70 and 80 year service award. Their HIgh Priest did a great job getting this event set up. Both recipients were very alert and well spoken. Their information about their years in Chapter and private life which was very enjoyable. Both DDGHPs were present along with Grand King Dan Smith.

Hamilton Chapter Stated Meeting

Tonight I attended the Stated Meeting and can confirm they are in the beginning of a process to merge. We dissuaded the timing that they are hoping to the process complete and I reminded them to involve MEC Keith O’Dell who  is involved as the Chairman of the committee which deals with mergers.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

KYCH Waverly

Today we had 5 candidates from around the state who received their KYCHs. There were several KYCHs present despite this meeting being a little more off the beaten path. It was also nice to see how many were present as there are a couple other major events going on today. 

8th District GM Reception

Tonight was the reception for our Grand Master Keith Newton in his home District at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington. After a good dinner we introduced most in attendance and the gave out the youth awards and community service award. Our GM finished off the night with a few words of wisdom.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Charlemagne Red Cross Constantine

Tonight was our quarterly meeting at the Steer Barn in Upper Sandusky. It was also my first official meeting as Sovereign. We had a very nice meal with the ladies and a couple short items of business. The attendance was a little down due to some other commitments and illness but those present appeared to have a good time.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Unity Chapter #16 Inspection

Tonight the Dayton candidates finished up their degree work with the Royal Arch Degree. (Tomorrow is Commandery and Saturday Council) We had PGC Burch Zehner and Grand Commandery Officer Rich Ganion present. From Grand Chapter we had Grand Marshal Greg Clatterbuck, Grand Guard Rick Bielecki along with PGHPs George Shell and Steve Duncan. I should also thank EC Lynn Chadbourne who has stepped in to help out the Chapter as Secretary and EC Jim Midlan who came back to serve again around 20+ years later as High Priest.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Oola Khan Grotto

Tonight I went to Cincinnati for a Grotto member at-sight for our DGM of Grand Lodge of Ohio Rick Dickerscheid performed by Grand Chief Justice Jim Drake. There were also several from Achbar  Grotto in Columbus present. A well deserved honor and lots of fellowship on the evening.


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Alpha Lodge #729 Inspection

 Today the grand presiding officer’s all went to Alpha Lodge for their lodge inspection this evening. We were also joined by the Grand High Priest of Prince Hall. They had a nice turnout and good Inspection. 

Monday, March 2, 2020

Joint Chapter Degree

Tonight started off the Dayton York Rite week with 4 candidates receiving their Mark Master Degree. By the end of the week, they will probably all have their Royal Arch degree and possibly also be members of Council and Commandery. Our Grand Scribe, REC Rod Carr, reviewed the work for us. Grand Marshall Greg Clatterbuck and Grand Aide Joe Fair were also present. Our Grand Guard REC  Rick Bieleck was also in attendance fresh off of eye surgery and very happy he can now see to drive.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Weekend Off

This past weekend I took off for a couple of reasons. One was I got feeling bad Friday evening and didn’t feel better until mid-Saturday but I also was not sure if I would have to head to Tennessee to take care of some issues at the house down there. Luckily, I was not needed to head south and worked to get some Masonic administrative items caught up here. Definitely lots of moving parts right now which makes it good that I’ll be closer to home most of the upcoming week.