Sunday, October 30, 2016

Cunningham #187 Reconsecration

Today in conjunction with the Grand Lodge of Ohio, they held a re-dedication of the temple and we held one for the Chapter meeting in the building. They had refreshments for us both before and after the event. I'm not sure if we have done two re-dedications in one day for Lodge and Chapter in the same building but no matter it was a unique thing to occur. They have done a beautiful job of restoring the Lakewood Temple and as the event was well planned out it moved right along according to plans and we were able to head back home at a reasonable time.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

GHP Reception and 200 Year Gala

Tonight was the Statewide Grand High Priest Reception and 200 year Gala Celebration for Grand Chapter held in Independence near Cleveland. We also took pictures for the Grand Family. With it being a little more special being the 200 year Gala, we wore tails for the evening. It was a nice event and they had a good hospitality room for everyone to relax, The nice part was that since tomorrow is a recon in Lakewood we could just stay over and not be too far from the location of the event tomorrow.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Miami Valley York Rite College

Tonight was our stated meeting and initiation for the Miami Valley York Rite College and we brought in four new members. The Grand Governor Dennis Wilhelm was in attendance and the cast for the evening in the ceremonial second section did a really good job with the officer doing the first and third section. Our next meeting isn't until April but it will be the annual meeting and elections so if I get advanced I'll have a big part and doesn't really flow that well, so I'm starting on it now.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Khana Shahar and Ormus Grotto

Tonight our two Grotto's got together at their stated meeting in Springfield to fulfill both of our requirements to go through the ritual work since neither have a candidate at this time. They had a really good turnout and covered several pieces of business. As always, they had a dinner prior to the meeting. Since both of our Grotto's are small we usually get together to do the degree work but it is really difficult to find a Saturday where the whole cast can get together and doing so between now and the end of the year is basically impossible. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Well not sure what happened tonight

I was getting ready to go to a couple of Masonic activities tonight and all of a sudden I figured out I have made a mistake on time and missed them both. Guess Ill work on some other things I need to get done...

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Grand Family Meeting and American Union #1 Reconsecration

Today was the Grand Family meeting where we discuss what is going on this year and afterwards was the reconsecration of American Union Chapter #1. With almost every Grand Officer and DDGHP present, we had a good meeting and went back to the process of discussing what is going on in each District with the Regional Officers and the DDGHPs. Unfortunately, we learned the October 29th Grand High Priest one day class was being postponed. Marietta also put on a very nice luncheon for us along with a steak dinner for those who stayed for the reconsecration program.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

20th District Deputy Grand High Priest Installation

Tonight was the DDGHP installation in Burton Ohio and REC George Tenger was installed as the new DDGHP.  MEC Jeff Addis did the installation and MEC Robert Thomas was the installing Marshall. The also installed their new DEO. Their outgoing DDGHP Doug Dolan was thanked for all his service. After a nice and efficient installation, I was back on the road fairly early for the four hour plus ride back home.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ormus Grotto

Tonight we were short on attendance as several regulars could not make it but we did take advantage of working on some plans for the future. We also detailed out or plans for the Installation and announced plans to attend Khana Sharar next week to do a joint Ceremonial practice at their meeting to make sure both are in alignment with the code despite not having any candidates at this time (Though it was announced we may some have a petition but at this point a full Ceremonial before year end is almost impossible.) It was a productive meeting and since we kept on schedule we were able to complete in around an hour.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Ray Jones Funeral

Tonight I headed over to the funeral home for the viewing of Ray Jones. He was a long time Advisor for Eaton DeMolay and I've known him since around 1978 when I first visited Eaton Chapter. Since Ray was 92 at his passing it was obvious the affect he had on may peoples life as often when I attend a funeral for someone in their 90's the crowd is smaller as the have outlived most of the friend and relatives. The crowd was huge. Ray was the kind of guy most everyone liked and he was always doing what he could to help out in the background to make others successful. I had planned to then head over the the 2nd Masonic District Officers meeting but I got out of the viewing a little later than expected and I started feeling poorly on the way back so I decided to go home instead since I don't like to be late or uncomfortable at a meeting when I'm not feeling well. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Valley Commandery

Tonight was the covered dish and stated meeting for Valley Commandery in Miamisburg. We practiced the full form opening for the portion we will be performing at the CTA in November. We had a very good turnover with 18 in attendance. I filled in for the Recorder as he is out west right now. While the practice was a little rough, we have more planned and everyone should be ready when it is time to perform for real.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Grand Lodge Ohio

Since Thursday, I have been in Sandusky attending Grand Lodge at the Kalahari. While it officially started on Friday and ended Saturday, I went up a day early and stayed a day late as we got a chance to use our new trailer for only the second time this year. I expect to use it much more next year. MWB Doug Kaylor was installed as Grand Master. MWB Kaylor and I have shared many things over the years. His Inspection as Worshipful Master was the day my daughter was born, he severed as Thrice Potent Master of Scottish Rite right after me and we were joint reps for Scottish Rite and travelled together to Allen County for 4 years doing visits and programs together on the Scottish Rite. RWB Paul Weglage was appointed the new Grand Junior Deacon and RWB Walt Barner was appointed Grand Sentinel.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

3rd District DDGHP Inst

Tonight, we installed REC Richard Bielicki as the new DDGHP and EC Dave Trainer as the new DEO in the 3rd District at the Middletown Temple. Prior to the Installation we were treat to a dinner by the Middletown Eastern Star. MEC George Shell and MEC Steve Duncan were both present and outgoing DDGHP REC Greg Clatterbuck was introduced as the new District Advisor. REC Claude Siebel was also present who is the other DDGHP from the 3rd District.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Valley Commandery

Tonight was our regular meeting for Valley Commandery and I wanted to make sure I made it since I knew several of our members would not be able to attend though we did end up having enough to meet. Since our Commander and Generalissimo were both unable to attend MEC Steve Duncan sat in for the Commander. After the meeting they practiced full form opening but I needed to head back home since Pam had the second part of her jaw reconstruction surgery today and I didn't want to leave her at home by herself for too long today.

Robert Corey Funeral

Today, I attended the Masonic Services for Robert Corey. He was my Dad Advisor when I was in DeMolay and I was really surprised today how much his passing affected me. I always looked up to him and his wife Florence as they appeared to be the model couple you can only hope to be. Since I spent lots of time with him as a DeMolay from 14-21 and then for several years as an Advisor myself, that feeling of deep friendship has always continued with me. I realized at the service today that he reminded me of my own dad and his passing brought back up to me my dad who passed away almost 20 years ago. While I would have loved to have done a part in the service, I'm glad I didn't volunteer as I am sure I would not been able to get through it without breaking down during the service. Thanks Dad Corey for letting me always know that if I needed something you would always be there for me. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Officially Closing the Door on 2015-16

Travel totals for 2015-2016 were around 35,000 miles and 245 masonic related activities. While I planned on going to Grand Commandery today, when I got up to go my vision was so blurred I couldn't drive (no not from a hang-over but rather sinus issues) Unfortunately, this year I had two major tragedies I had to work through with the death of my mother and our dog of 4 years. Our need to get my mother’s house ready for sale took many days and weekends to accomplish the task. In addition, a change in my work situation and my daughter moving to Knoxville Tennessee cut down on my total visits but the mileage stayed consistent. And since Grand Chapter is over as promised each year I am allowed to progress in the Grand Chapter line I plan to have a pin designed to provide to the travellers in my district and those traveling within the region I am assigned. My region for this next year will be District 2, 7 & 10. I'm looking forward to hitting the road again as soon as possible.  As I mentioned each year the pin will alternate between a piece of architecture and a mode of transportation through time. This next year will be the Statue of Liberty.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Grand Chapter

Well Grand Chapter is over for another year and I was honored to be advanced to the position of Grand Captain of the Host. MEC Robert Blankenhorn Jr, turned the Grand High Priest position over to MEC Jeff Addis. The Gnome were everywhere and even multiplied. It was definitely a very busy 3 days and I am glad to get a day to rest prior to Grand Commandery. Lady Toni Duncan from our district received the Ladies Award for her outstanding service to Royal Arch Masonry over the years helping out the Grand Secretary and our district with the Inspection schedules for many years. And with each new station comes a new pin on the journey to the east. (I'll try to a dd a few more Grand Week pictures soon).

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Grand Council

The past three days were dedicated to Grand Council and MIC Richard Amlung went out as Grand Illustrious Master and MIC Ed Herrick was installed. Since Grand Council and Grand Chapter were both back to back in the Kalahri, I had to swap room to head to the Hospitality suite on Tuesday in preparation for the Grand Chapter session. My good friend Joe Diamond received the distinguished service award from the Grand Illustrious Master. The session was very nice despite getting a good dealing of exercising in just walking to the meetings.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Chapter Planning Day

Today I went out and did the majority of the shopping for the Grand Chapter Hospitality room. It took quite a long time as we had several parts which needed major restocking. We should, however, not have to worry about folks going away hungry or thirsty as we have both covered.

Ohio Red Cross Constantine Meeting

Today was the statewide meeting for the Red Cross of Constantine and several new candidates received their work today. I helped out as part of the team for Charlemagne as we did the final degree of the day. There were over 100 in attendance and all Conclaves in the State appeared to be represented with dignitaries to many to mention. We also had a few dignitaries from the national present with us today.