Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Scottish Rite 12th Degree Rehearsal

Burning Bush Fire
I'm always glad to see when someone is thinking outside the box to add to a degree without changing the ritual. That is exactly what is being done in the 12th degree for our next portrayal in Dayton. As one of the co-directors, we talked about how can we make the degree a little different for those who have seen it before while not changing the ritual and we came up with an idea to give one of the scenes a little more realistic option of what we had symbolically done in the past. It kind of reminds me of what we did in Miaminsiburg to add to the burning bush scene in Chapter. Often I see a slide to portray it or maybe nothing but in Miamisburg we have a small wind machine with some red cloth "streamers" on top which when running looks like a fire.

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