Sunday, March 31, 2013

My Travels Week of 4/1

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running two week schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events which I plan to post every Sunday or Monday. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.
Week of 4/1
· Friday 5         13th District Grand High Priest Reception Athens
· Saturday 6       3rd District Hamilton #21 Inspection Chapter
 Week of 4/8
·  Tuesday 9         3rd District Piqua #31 Chapter Inspection
·  Wednesday 10  9th District Golden Rule #167 Chapter Stated Meeting
·  Thursday 11     3rd District Palmyra #235 Chapter Inspection Brookville
·  Saturday 13     20th District Western Reserve #8 Chapter Inspection Ashtabula
·  Saturday 13     20th District Conneaut #76 Chapter Inspection Ashtabula
·  Saturday 13     20th District Geneva #8 Chapter Inspection Ashtabula
·  Saturday 13     18th District Grand High Priest Reception Massillon

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Glad This Was a Slow Week

While I'm headed off to training this evening to work a Masonic fund raiser, I originally thought this might be a good week to catch up on some Masonic administrative items. WRONG! That four letter word WORK has really been busy this week. Not complaining since this is the way I get to do all the Masonic things I want to do just saying they will definitely be getting their money's worth this week as I probably will pass the 80 hr mark.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good News

Tonight, I went to the Greeters Club meeting at the Shine but while I was there learned that we have been selected to continue with the parking lot entry fee collection at the Shrine Circus again in 2014. This is really good news since it offers an opportunity to make the money we need for the GHP Fund and I'm thinking very soon it will also be able to be used to help fund other new events in the 3rd District. I've indicated I would like to start having at least two new events each year in the District which are purely fun activities. Work hard, play hard ....I think a good motto for the 3rd District "Fun Events".

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Travels Week of 3/25

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running two week schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events which I plan to post every Sunday or Monday. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.
Week of 3/25 No Planned Chapter Travels
Week of 4/1
·        Friday 5         13th District Grand High Priest Reception Athens
·       Saturday 6       3rd District Hamilton Inspection Chapter

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tyrian Chapter #91 Inspection

Today I went north to Ravenna in the 17th District for Tyrian Chapter Inspection in the Mark Master Degree. REC Robert Thomas, Grand King and REC Ross Black, Grand Master 3rd Veil were also present. It was great to see several members of the various chapters in the district present to help them with the work. While I had to leave very early to make it to the 9 AM inspection, I definitely took my time returning home (even stopping once for a short nap) but with the weather being nice it was a great back roads relaxing drive.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rabboni Chapter #232 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Rabboni Chapter in Fairborn Ohio in the 3rd District. As this was one of the Chapters in my District, I was especially glad to see several new faces in the Royal Arch Degree from the Chapter. Over the years Rabboni Chapter consistently won the travelling awards but over the past few years their travelers have passed away along with the persons doing ritual and those helping out the Chapter. It was a good sign to see that maybe the Chapter is finally starting to make a come back. As it was also Pam's Birthday today, we went out for dinner earlier in the evening before the Inspection.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Norwood #193 Chapter Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Norwood Chapter in the Past Master Degree in the Fourth District. They had several present this evening with various titles but most importantly was that the Grand High Priest. MEC Don Owens was in attendance. He presented a number of pins for the excellent ritual work which was presented this evening. And if you missed it, come by Norwood this Saturday as they will have 25+ candidates which they will be conferring the various degrees upon during the day.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Shrine Cabiri Meeting and DeMolay Organization Meeting

While neither of my meetings tonight directly involved Royal Arch Chapter, the topics in both meetings are of interest to the Grand Chapter.
Tonight the President of the Cabiri was out of town so I presided over the meeting. The Cabiri is a the Past Potentates association. We discussed several topics including the Great Lakes Shrine Association Meeting and Parade being held September 14th of this year. The Grand Chapter and members of Chapter are being asked to participate in the parade along with all the other Masonic groups including the Masonic Youth groups.
Afterwards, I headed north to Vandalia where I met with them on the possible formation of a new DeMolay Chapter. I am glad to report that we made some significant progress. (This is of particular interest to me not only as a former Executive Officer for Ohio DeMolay but as the Grand Chapter Youth Committee Chairman as well.) I'm hoping within a couple more months that we are able to train the Advisors (they decided on positions on the Council tonight), start meeting as a Chapter (they determined a meeting night) and holding prospect parties (they have 3 DeMolays from another Chapter who are trying to help them get started).

Sunday, March 17, 2013

DeMolay Legion of Honor Dinner

Tonight was the Miami Valley LOH dinner at the Ohio Masonic Home. There were around 60 in attendance including around 20 active DeMolay's. The RD ceremony was performed on four DeMolay's and the Tribute to Motherhood for the mothers in the room. It was also announced that a potential new Chapter is being worked on in.Vandalia. I sat with Past State Master Councilor Randy Clark and 6th District Deputy Grand High Priest Dave Vasser.

My Travels Week of 3/18

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running two week schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events which I plan to post every Sunday or Monday. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.

Week of 3/18
· Monday 18      3rd District Piqua Inspection Chapter (changed to April 9)
· Tuesday 19      4th District Norwood Inspection Chapter
· Wednesday 20 3rd District Rabboni Inspection Chapter Fairborn
· Saturday 23      17th District Tyrian Inspection Chapter Ravenna
Week of 3/25
· Monday 25      9th District P.B. Morgan Chapter Stated Meeting Vermillion

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Grand Masters Reception

Tonight I had the task of performing the Scottish Rite ring service for my long time friend and lodge brother WB Earl Johns from Minerva Lodge. I was humbled to present it a last token I could do for my friend ... Farewell Earl. Afterwards I came down to the Grand Masters Reception for MWB James Easterling. While I was a little late, it was a nice evening enjoyed by several hundred from the Dayton area.

Findlay Chapter 58 Inspection

This morning I went to the Chapter Inspection for Findlay Chapter in the Mark Master Degree in the Seventh District. REC Jack Hollman came over as the guest Inspector from the Second District since this is the home Chapter of the Seventh District Inspector REC Lynn Bassinger. MEC Jim McDonald Past Grand High Priest and MIC Jim Buckingham Past Grand Illustrious Master were also present.  In honor of St. Patrick's Day (tomorrow) one of the overseers snuck in a special hat to wear. The event of the morning moved right along so I could head back to Dayton for the activities of the evening.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Excited About a Renewed Interest In Masonry

Tonight was our SEM degree at Adoniram Council in Miamisburg. As I have for the past 28 years, I played the part of Nebuchadnezzar. While it is always fun to get to work with this group of exceptional ritualists and extremely talented Masons, again this evening there was the same renewed interest in Masonry that I'm seeing in my travels all over the state of Ohio. I've started hearing more in all the bodies about working together to get things accomplish. I'm hearing a more positive spirit among the members and it seems to be resonating among all groups, not just the Royal Arch Chapters. When inquiring further on most of the Inspections I've been to when the attendance seems down (in any of the bodies) I'm hearing from multiple persons throughout the District, we couldn't make it as we were busy doing our own work. And I'm starting to see many more younger members joining. My biggest hope is that with the renewed interest and enthusiasm that seems to be building, those in the leadership roles realize the new members probably have a little different ideas than the older generation Masons. I also hope that they are willing to work with them to incorporate their desires so we can transform Masonry, using our core values, to something which attracts new members and persons living in today's society.

When people resist change in Masonry it reminds me of the Swiss and making of watches. The Swiss were well known as the elite makers of watches in the world and up until WWII for hundreds of years had held 90% or more of the market. Then came the invent of electronic based watches and they said it is junk and no one will buy them and ignored their customer base and their market share dropped. Then came the invent of analog, digital and lighted displays and they continue to say the same and their market share dropped. It wasn't until they finally realized the real value of the watch, the core of it, to tell time accurately, and finally started to adapt to the changes society demanded while still keeping the core of a watch (telling time accurately) that they were able to stabilize the market share. Once they stabilized the industry and started to attract customers back they were able to again prove to them why they had the best product on the market.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lima Chapter 49 Inspection


Tonight was the Royal Arch Inspection for Lima Chapter in the 2nd District. It ended up being a somewhat unique event as tonight finished up the degree work for 7 candidates who started out last Saturday as the Inspection candidates for two other Chapters in the 2nd District and also received the Most Excellent Master degree this week. So in just less than a week, the Second District made 7 new Royal Arch Masons. They also had a nice turnout tonight as the Grand High Priest, MEC Don Owens, Grand Chaplain REC Chester Burton, Grand Aide REC Renee Blackenship, and Grand Master of the First Veil REC John Donohoo were present from the Grand Chapter. Past Grand High Priest MEC Gerorge Shell travelled along with myself this evening and the Eminent Prior Dennis Wilhelm was also in attendance. The Grand High Priest passed out three pins for excellence in ritual awards this evening

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More Sad News

Yesterday, I went down to the Shrine and had lunch with several Masonic friends. I planned to head north to Tiffin for Seneca Chapter's Inspection but the unexpected wind storm left me scrambling in the back yard to get things cleaned up. Then this morning I received the news that a long time friend and KYCH from our temple, Earl Johns, had passed away. As I mentioned in my last BLOG, I went  this evening to a viewing for another long time friend George Goad who received the Earl C. Gifford Award this past year at Grand Chapter. The crowd was so large there was just barely enough room for all the Brothers who came for the Masonic Services. Both of these Companions will be missed locally and in the 3rd District..

Sunday, March 10, 2013

SEM Practice

Today was an easier day as we had a practice for the SEM degree (even though it is a larger part, I've been doing my part now for 27 years so if I don't know it by now I'll never know it!) which is our Inspection degree this coming Friday. We did, however, hear the sad news that George Goad, Steve Goad's father, who for many years assisted in this degree, passed away yesterday afternoon. The services are being held this coming Tuesday. I've known George for nearly 30 years and I know when he was younger he was an Advisor for the Farmersville DeMolay Chapter. George was well liked and just this past Grand Chapter session received the Earl C. Gifford Award for the outstanding service he had given over his lifetime to Masonry and the Community.

My Travels Week of 3/11

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running two week schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events which I plan to post every Sunday or Monday. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.
Week of 3/11
· Monday 11      7th District Seneca Inspection Chapter Tiffin
· Thursday 14    2nd District Lima Inspection Chapter
· Saturday 16     7th District Findlay Inspection Chapter
Week of 3/18
· Monday 18      3rd District Piqua Inspection Chapter (may need to be changed)
· Tuesday 19      4th District Norwood Inspection Chapter
· Wednesday 20 3rd District Rabboni Inspection Chapter Fairborn
· Saturday 23    17th District Tyrian Inspection Chapter Ravenna

Saturday, March 9, 2013

DeMolay & Grand High Priest Reception

Today started out in Xenia with the DeMolay Tournament of Champions and the Statewide Initiation of nine new DeMolays including the sons of Two Past Start Masters Councilors. We also had around 50 adults and 50 DeMolay's present at the event. What a great way to start the day with some great ritual work. Afterwards they held several games in addition to a ritual competition. One of the best things was the Master Inquisitor was 12 years old and handled the position like a pro.
Later in the day I headed to Farmersville for the 3rd District Grand High Priest Reception. In addition to the Companions, three Past Grand High Priests from the 3rd District we also had Grand High Priest MEC Don Owens and several other Grand Officers present. Travelling with him were REC Chester Burton Grand Chaplain, REC Robert May Grand Aide, REC Ron Hart Grand Guard, REC Ed Howard Grand Musician. Also present was REC Norman Lincoln Grand Historian. We presented MEC Owens with the traditional 3rd District Grand High Priest shirt and custom lamp.

Friday, March 8, 2013

3rd Arch Deputy Masters Dinner

Tonight was the stated meeting for Adoniram Council and the 3rd Arch Deputy Masters Meeting. RIC Robert Rinehart presented his program for next year Bee the Example which is a great program (of course since I have a bee on my pin I would say that!) I think there are parts which complement what we are trying to accomplish in Grand Chapter.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ohio Chapter 12 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Ohio Chapter 12 in Columbus Ohio in the 11th District in the Past Master's degree. There were plenty of gold collars in attendance tonight. MEC Jean Justice, MEC Don Lossaso, and MEC George Shell, all Past Grand High Priests, were in attendance. In addition, REC Robert Thomas Grand King, REC Jeff Addis Principal Sojourner, REC Dan Smith Grand Marshall and also traveling with them was REC Joe Orrzo Past Grand Marshall. The High Priest should really be congratulated as he did a major part and was just Installed in the position 29 days ago!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Borrowing Good Ideas

Last night was Laura's 17th Birthday so we took her and a couple of her friends out to dinner to celebrate and afterwards she got the present any 17 year old girl would love to have...we let her shop! Luckily we got home before the "Big Storm" hit.

Tonight I went to an event in Toledo which sounded as if it was going to be lots of fun and turned out to be all it was billed to be. While it was not a Chapter function but rather a Grotto function, borrowing good ideas, no matter where they come from is a good idea. Tonight I received the Leprechaun degree. The Grotto in Toledo decided since it was close to St. Patrick's Day the Leprechaun degree (not an official degree...just a fun degree they created) put on at an Irish Pub after their meeting would be a good idea. Let's start by saying they normally have just enough to open (around 10). Tonight 32 were in attendance from nine Grottto's from everywhere around the state of Ohio. Everywhere from Lima to Sandusky to Cleveland to Youngstown/Warren to Columbus to Dayton/Springfield (in addition to Toledo) were in attendance. We started out with a great inexpensive meal followed by the business meeting (they got a dispensation to meet at the Pub for their meeting). After the meeting closed they put on a fun degree in which everyone participated and while it was short, it was fun and made everyone laugh and feel good. In addition, they handed out pins (shamrocks) and a nice certificate. So as you can see with just a little extra effort and a fun unique event planned in conjunction with their meeting, they were able to triple their attendance at a stated meeting. It can be done, you just need to follow the code and proper procedures and think outside the box!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Not Exactly According to Plans

Well normally when I have activities planned I'm able to make at least half of them.... Over the past couple of days, I had two activities planned for Sunday and three planned for today. I found out of Saturday that Laura and their competitive Cheer Team had made the High School State Finals in Columbus yesterday. Since these type things don't come around every day, I felt I should be there. They did well and placed 2nd overall. So 0-2 on Sunday. Today, I was headed down to the Hi-12 meeting for lunch to start as one of the DDGHPs, REC Joe Fair is the President this year. But despite plans, my extended surgery time at the dentist this morning was strike 1 for activities today. Next, I was heading over to the viewing for Betty Klugh (her husband Frank is a Past Potentate) in Trotwood and then to Brookville for their Inspection. Well, I almost made it to Trotwood when smoke started coming from the front tire of my car. I got out and checked it out and it appeared the brakes were sticking on or had broken. I looked to find out I was less than a mile from the funeral home so I decided to "limp" over to the funeral home with the car. I then decided I needed to try to address the problem with the car right away as I didn't want to be stranded in Trotwood after dark as the neighborhood I was in was not the best. Luckily, I was able to pump the brakes a few times and it seemed to "unstick" the brakes and I got back home by avoiding the usage of the brakes as much as possible and also by keeping my speed down as far as possible while still obeying all laws. So much for plans over the past couple of days ....1 for 5 not too good an average and I'm not sure how much affect the weather will have over the next couple of days. Guess we'll see!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Travels Week of 3/4

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running two week schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events which I plan to post every Sunday or Monday. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.
Week of 3/4
·       Thursday 7     11th District Ohio Inspection Chapter Columbus
·       Saturday 9      3rd District Grand High Priest Reception Farmersville
Week of 3/11
·       Monday 11      7th District Seneca Inspection Chapter Tiffin
·       Thursday 14    2nd District Lima Inspection Chapter
·       Saturday 16     7th District Findlay Inspection Chapter

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Big Day For Council In Dayton

Today was the Council Inspections for Reese and Silver Trowel Councils and in addition they held the SEM Degree for both Councils. This is where several of the current Chapter officers came in today to help them out with the degree including myself. Also Adoniram Council was heavily involved and as I put it, Adoniram Council really doesn't need to practice for our Inspection as we had most of the main characters performing today!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Cumminsville Chapter 158 Inspection

Tonight MEC George Shell and I travelled south to the Cincinnati area in the 4th District to Cumminsvilles  Chapter Inspection in the Mask Master Degree. It was like a who's who of Masonic Leaders who performed the degree work this evening. There were seven Grand Officers present in addition to the Grand High Priest who passed out four pins for Excellence in ritual work. Oh and the brought in a new member for the chapter tonight which brings them to a total of nine for the year... and over half returned this evening for the Inspection including two who were officers.