Saturday, April 25, 2015

3rd District All Degree Day

At the beginning of the year I decided to have a new District Officer...a Membership Chairman. During the Grand Master's Class it became apparent to me that if Grand Chapter or Grand Lodge ever had a program in the future in which needed to be administered, such a position would make it much easier as the DEO and DDGHP already have lots on their plates to do. One of the tasks that I charged the Membership Chairman with was to hold and promote an All Degree Day close to the end of the year to bring in new members "cleanup" all outstanding candidates in the District. Well this worked great. We ended up with 12 out of the 16 Chapter participating and 13 persons Exalted to the degree of Royal Arch Mason (11 who received all 4 degrees). What is even better is that 6 more had planned to come to get the Royal Arch only and had to work so the group in attendance today got together and planned a separate day portray the Royal Arch Degree prior to the end of the year Capitular year to get them done. In addition, at least 6 other persons signed up to join the Chapter but doing the traditional way as a result of the promotion. So as a result right at 25 persons will probably become Royal Arch Masons mainly due to this promotion. We also had around 60 members from the Distinct show up to help out with the degree work and be part of the sidelines. If you couldn't tell I'm one very happy person ...and I want to congratulate EC Jim Potts our District Membership Chairman on a great day along with all who made this activity such a success.

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