Thursday, March 30, 2017

Herman Lawrence #82 Council AMD

Tonight was our stated meeting and since we only meet on the 5th Thursday except for December where we meet on the second Thursday for Installation, makes it fairly important to attend whenever possible. In addition since we are limited to 27 members, it also is important that all members attend. We discussed the possibility of a picnic at the Ohio Masonic Home at the end of August, potentially with some other AMD Councils. We had no papers for the evening and were able to move right along through the business portion so we could go downstairs and socialize.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Senior DeMolay ML #2 Chapter Inspection

Tonight at the Cleveland Temple was the Mark Master Inspection for the Lodge. The membership of this Chapter is all SR. DeMolay's and they did a good job portraying the work. MWB Mike Himes (also a member) was in attendance along with Grand High Priest, Jeff Addis, and some of his travelling Companions. Overall it was a good attendance for the last Inspection this year in the 16th District.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Greeters Meeting

Tonight was the Greeters Meeting at the Shrine and about 50% of the membership who were physically about to attend were in attendance. We discussed many of the upcoming events and starting planning what we would be doing at each of the events. Our President is still in Florida so the former President Bob Kilroy filled in this month. Our Divan rep was also in attendance and treated us to a round tonight.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

GM One Day Class Dayton - 2nd District

Today we had nearly 200 men become Master Masons in Dayton and the York Rite (including myself) were chosen to participate in the day by performing the Fellow Craft Degree. I was the Junior Deacon as the entire York Rite was represented in this degree. I've seen reports from successful degrees in almost every part of the state. Sadly in Dayton, the 22 year old nephew of one of our DDGM's who was a candidate today, died this evening in a motorcycle accident. This occurrence helps to bring home the degrees of the day and how important it is to live every day to the fullest.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

North Bend Mark Lodge #1 Inspection

And for the 11th Capitular District...
who owns this head???
Tonight was the Inspection for the Mark Lodge in Cleves Ohio. They had two real candidates and REC Ron Hart and REC Dan Smith were also both present. They had a good attendance. Since I am also a member of this Mark Lodge I was especially glad that I was able to attend.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Pictures of the New Puppy

Well I got some pictures with all four dogs (including Laura's two dogs), some with Grayson and his sister Scarlett (needless to say they WILL be OHIO STATE fans like it or not!)  and some with just Grayson (and he is not a Clemson fan ... Laura's boyfriend thought it would be funny to have him pictured in a Clemson puppy jersey)

Saturday, March 18, 2017

2nd District Grand Master Reception

Well tonight was the Grand Master's Reception for my District for MWB Doug Kaylor. I had planned to go to a couple of inspections before the reception but we got our new puppy Grayson and I stayed home to meet him when the breeder brought him to the house. They had a nice attendance and since they now do the afterflow at the temple, allowed us to get on the road to Laura's apartment in Knoxville before midnight where we will be until Tuesday.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Adoniram SEM

Tonight was my council's SEM degree and we again had a full cast from our council.We also had DGM Dave Maurer present. I played Nebuchadnezzar opposite MIC Bobbie Campbell as Zedakia and MEC Steve Duncan and RIC Mike Smith both in my court and MEC George Shell as Degree Director. It my seem like we have lots of Grand officers in our council but in addition to those mentioned we also had a current DDGHP and at least 8 PDDGHPs who are PIMs of our council as well.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ormus Grotto Stated Meeting

Well tonight was definitely a unique experience. I got everything ready to attend the Grotto Meeting and went so far as to actually go over to the Beavercreek Temple where meet. Unfortunately, when we got there no one with a key to the building had shown up yet. I talked with the Monarch and a Past Monarch, who almost always is in attendance, and unfortunately none of us had a key so we waited. Shortly before time for us to meet I started really felling bad and decided I had better go up to the corner and get something at the corner drug store to try to calm my stomach. Before I could get there I took ill and was in no shape to return back for the meeting (even if someone showed up at the temple to open it). I sent a quick memo to the Monarch and started back home were I again became ill on the way home and even had to pull over. When I got home I had a third incident but after this one, almost immediately, started feeling better. I believe that it must have been something which I had eaten earlier in the day which did not react well as several hours later I still felt fine.

Monday, March 13, 2017

ROJ Lunch Meeting

Today we had a lunch meeting at the Shrine which was mainly to discuss upcoming events and to have some fun and fellowship. The group was small in number but several who normally come were under the weather. We discussed our new member orientation and an upcoming meeting to bring in new members. Afterwards, I started the long track to Cleveland for an Inspection but quickly turned around and headed back home when I heard they were going to have a large snow accumulation tonight. I decided I would head down to Hamilton in my District for their Inspection. This, however, did not happen as a sat down to rest late in the afternoon and when I woke up it was already past time to leave.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Logan and Lancaster Chapter Inspections

Today was the Inspections in the Past Master and Most Excellent Master for Logan and Lancaster held at Lancaster Ohio. They had several candidates and REC Rod Carr was also present as he belongs to Logan Chapter. The keep the day moving and had lunch in between the degrees. I was glad they decided to start at 10AM since it made the drive over a little nicer (being a little later). As we were finishing the second degree I had to leave so I could get back in time for our GHP reception

3rd District Grand High Priest Reception

This year our District decided to step up the Grand High Priest Reception and they put in lots of extra effort to make it look and feel first class which I think they accomplished. We have a florist in our Chapter who provided some very nice flowers and a very nice dinner. We also promoted it better and had one of the best turnouts in several years. We also had some professional entertainment, which was covered by the District, as a Mark Twain performer did a presentation for us. MEC Steve Duncan and MEC George Shell, both from our District, were also present. I think our Grand High Priest Jeff Addis was impressed with the events of the evening.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Fish Fry and Hollywood Squares

We had a Fish Fry at Antioch to defray costs for the fuel for the units to attend Imperial session in Daytona Beach this summer. There was a good crowd present and all enjoyed a good meal. Afterwards, we headed upstairs for some fun playing our version of Hollywood Squares. The Past Potentates and their wives were the panel in the squares (wonder if they were trying to tell us something). We had a fun time as did the contestants.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Chagrin Falls Chapter #152 Inspection

My attempt at a selfie ...
guess I should stick to taking
pictures of others ... wait a
minute the lower bottom
right side part of the red
coat sleeve is mine!
Well I thought tonight almost wasn't going to happen. Let me I got around 10 minutes from the temple after nearly 4 hours on the road, the power went out at the location I was at and as I progressed towards the temple all power seemed to be out, until I got to the temple and the power was on, dodged a bullet there. I got upstairs for the Royal Arch degree and we went in and sat down for introductions and the power went off. As we proceeded through the introductions around 6 more times we lost power and it then came back on. The good part was we never lost power again as the Chapter proceeded right along with a very good Royal Arch degree on 5 candidates in a class named for MEC Jeff Addis. Our Grand High Priest Jeff Addis was present as were almost all of his appointed officers from the Cleveland area. As I started to head back the wind was still very bad and I knew I was in for a long ride home fighting to keep the car on the road.

Sunday, March 5, 2017


While not Masonic related, today was my daughter's 21st birthday. We arrived from our drive into Knoxville around 3:30 AM and caught a little sleep at her apartment before getting up at 6:30 AM to drive over to Nashville to pick up her boyfriend at the airport. Laura had requested to enjoy her 21st birthday in Nashville, so after picking him up, we headed down to Music Row in Nashville to spend the day and then leave in the morning to go back to Knoxville and then back home to Ohio. We started out the day at Merchant's Restaurant for lunch. This was a fantastic place and her boyfriend surprised her with an engagement ring (though the wedding will probably not happen until she finishes school). We then spent the afternoon going from bar to bar as she wanted to show off her license (along with her new ring) to prove she was 21. We then headed back to the hotel late in the afternoon to rest up a little and then went back to Music Row for dinner and some more proving she was 21. In all, it was a fun but exhausting day and I'm glad to be ready for some sleep.  

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Reese #9 and Silver Trowel #141 Council Insp & SEM

Today was the all day degrees in the Royal Master, Select Master and Super Excellent Master degrees with the first two being their respective Inspections. Grand Conductor of Council RIC Mike Smith, Grand Fraternal Corespondent John Johnson and Ill Comp Ed Cole Grand Aide were present as was Grand Illustrious Master MIC Ed Herrick. MEC Steve Duncan did their make-up for them as he has been doing all week. They kept things moving fairly well as some were going to head up to the KYCH meeting today (I decided it was going to run it too close for me to go since I have a Red Cross of Constantine meeting this evening in Sidney).

Charlemagne Red Cross of Constantine

Sketch of castle
Tonight we had an enjoyable evening with the ladies as we met at the Great Castle in Sidney Ohio. It was a very nice catered meal in a great atmosphere and the evening ended with some music by a very talented piano player. Prior to our entertainment, we had a very short business meeting and introduced Past Grand Sovereign Burch Zehner who gave us some words of wisdom. We then started the travel done the road to Knoxville for our daughter's 21st birthday.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Mt. Moriah #230 Chapter Inspection

Today was the end of the chapter degrees in Dayton with the Royal Arch degree being done by Mt. Moriah Chapter.  They will get the Commandery Orders tomorrow and the Council degrees on Saturday. MEC George Shell and MEC Steve Duncan were both present along with PGC Burch Zehner who is also member of this Chapter. The class honoree MWB Kaylor was also present.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Victory Chapter #210 Inspection

Tonight was a little closer to home as I went to York Rite Week at the Dayton Temple. You can join all of the York Rite this week in Dayton. The honoree this week is MWB Doug Kaylor and he is also a member of Victory Chapter. (A little known fact is that in the 1990's MWB Kaylor was Adoniram in the Royal Master Degree at Adoniram Council). I normally don't comment on ritual work any more than what the DDGHP says, but tonight was an outstanding Most Excellent Master degree. There is actually a part to be sung in the MEM degree which most have never heard but as the HP EC Dan Frye sings in the Scottish Rite choir as a soloist, he sang the song and it was a magnificent addition to the degree. They also had PGM Neil Smalley and PGC Burch Zehner in attendance along with MEC Steve Duncan who is doing the make-up for this week.