Tonight our Grand Guard in conjunction with his team of members of several Chapters counted the ballots for both legislation and new officers for the upcoming year. Since our normal in person system was not feasible this year we mailed ballots to those who, by the code, were identified as eligible to vote. Let me say this was a monumental task to make this happen and our Grand Secretary and his wife Donna along with several others who helped him achieved this tasked deserve everyone’s thank. Surprisingly most of those returning ballots appeared to have read the instructions and voted per the instructions while being given the opportunity to vote for or against Legislation per their on conscience and for the officers they wanted to serve this Grand Chapter in the upcoming year. All results will be announced at an invitation only gathering October 7th with each Chapter receiving the results along with all reports for 2019-20. While I would have personally liked to have proceeded in the normal matters associated with our Grand Session this year as in prior years, my paramount concerned had to be for the welfare and health of our members and Chapters. I hope next year by the time of our Grand Session we can once again meet together as in the past. I urge all members to do their best to stay safe and healthy and comply with the temporary changes needed to ensure everyone’s health. We may not all agree on how things can be done to get us back to “normal” in our Royal Arch Chapters but hopefully we all do agree that working together to ensure we grow and prosper must be our common goal.
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