This morning I attended the Grand Council Session. A member of my Council, Mike Smith, was installed as Grand Illustrious Master. The session moved right along and just hoping our session this afternoon also runs as smoothly.
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Grand Chapter Session
Well the final hour has struck and my time as
Grand High Priest is done. The first few months went right according to plan
then COVID-19 hit. At that time all plans went out the window, I did how
ever need to make lots of decisions that would possibly shape the path we would
take. Hopefully those decisions were right as there was no playbook to follow
for any of those decisions. I often had to make decisions I really
did not want to make but I did make all decisions with the best interests of
Grand Chapter, the
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Trinity Chapter #44 Stated Meeting
My first Chapter visit after I was Installed Grand Master 1st Veil was to my home Chapter. My first Chapter visit after I was installed as Grand High Priest was to my home Chapter and tonight my last Chapter visit was to my home Chapter where I got to declare the meeting closed for my final act as Grand High Priest. They had ice cream afterwards to congratulate me on the years I served in the Grand Line.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Hi-12 Club Meeting
Well today I headed to the Dayton Masonic Center to attend Hi-12. When I got there the first thing I did was to stop at the Elite catering office to pay the bill so those attending the dinner after installation Wednesday will get food. Next I headed to Hi-12 we’re after eating we heard a speaker talk on some very interesting, thought provoking topics. Instead of heading right back home, I spend the next couple hours finalizing the details for the invite only session and obtaining the Mt. Moriah paraphernalia to finalize their merger with Unity Chapter. I like days like today where you can get lots accomplished with one stop.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Grand Chapter Planning
Today we held a meeting for the 3rd District Leadership team to do a final run through of how things will be held on Wednesday and where we need people to assist. We also discussed our DDGHP Installation and District Reaffirmation Day activity’s. In addition, we discussed installations and who would be doing what for those installations. To finished, we discussed the special events for the District and a future money making opportunity.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Loveland Chapter Reconsecration
Today we held a reconsecration at Loveland where they had lots of nice touches set up for the day. They created a great program and history of the Chapter along with a lapel pin to represent the event. They mayor came in and made a proclamation along with a person representing the state of Ohio. Afterwards they had prepackaged meals for everyone. Oh and the also made a generous donation to the Royal Arch Foundation to honor the event. Great event today.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Valley Vineyards Grotto Outing
Tonight 18 of us went to the winery in Morrow Ohio for a social outing. You cook your own steak here and get salad, all the sides and dessert. Oh... and it also includes a couple glasses on wine. They had us spread over 3 tables and everyone seemed to have a good time. We all had plenty of stories to share (and probably and a few half truths).
Thursday, October 1, 2020
PM Club Shrine Meeting
This afternoon Pam and I went to our Grand Marshall’s house where we packed up year end gifts for those serving over the past year along with PGHPs. Next Greg and I headed to our Shrine PM Club meeting where we passed some rules changes which will hopefully yield some new members and work on reducing the number of meetings we have each year. We also discussed at length the upcoming ceremonial.
Meeting w
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Robert L Williams #467 AMD
Tonight I headed to Waynesville Ohio for the regular meeting of Robert L Williams AMD. They had a nice dinner prior to the meeting. Considering the current health conditions they had a good turnout. The seats were all marked so folks were 6ft apart. They also held their annual elections and installation of officers for 2021.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Shrine Leadership Meeting
I originally had planned to attend the 4th District Chapter Meeting tonight but
something came up and I was not going to be able to leave in time to make it. I
did, however, Zoom into the Leadership Meeting for Antioch Shrine and represent
the Greeters since the meeting started at 7 and I finished up what I needed to
get done at 6:55 (and caused me to miss the other meeting as I mentioned
above). This was a hybrid Zoom/in person meeting but as I mentioned I was just
barely able to attend as part of the Zoom meeting. We covered upcoming events
and discussed the Shrine Hospital move from Cincinnati to Dayton.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Ballot Counting
Tonight our Grand Guard in conjunction with his team of members of several Chapters counted the ballots for both legislation and new officers for the upcoming year. Since our normal in person system was not feasible this year we mailed ballots to those who, by the code, were identified as eligible to vote. Let me say this was a monumental task to make this happen and our Grand Secretary and his wife Donna along with several others who helped him achieved this tasked deserve everyone’s thank. Surprisingly most of those returning ballots appeared to have read the instructions and voted per the instructions while being given the opportunity to vote for or against Legislation per their on conscience and for the officers they wanted to serve this Grand Chapter in the upcoming year. All results will be announced at an invitation only gathering October 7th with each Chapter receiving the results along with all reports for 2019-20. While I would have personally liked to have proceeded in the normal matters associated with our Grand Session this year as in prior years, my paramount concerned had to be for the welfare and health of our members and Chapters. I hope next year by the time of our Grand Session we can once again meet together as in the past. I urge all members to do their best to stay safe and healthy and comply with the temporary changes needed to ensure everyone’s health. We may not all agree on how things can be done to get us back to “normal” in our Royal Arch Chapters but hopefully we all do agree that working together to ensure we grow and prosper must be our common goal.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Grand Chapter OES
Friday, September 25, 2020
Another Busy Day
Today wasn’t busy going to meeting but rather following up on administration items for Grand Chapter. October 7th is fast approaching when I will turn over control to the next Grand High Priest. I guarantee a peaceful turnover which our Grand King and I have already started working on about a month ago. This weekend we will have a team counting ballots (which were due back yesterday).
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Miami Valley York Rite College
While I officially went out here in April (though we couldn’t hold an in person meeting and used ZOOM to install new officers) I returned tonight to help fill in as needed in the officer line as I knew some couldn’t make it. While it was basically an officer only driven meeting, a couple joking said, I was staring back through from the bottom again. I enjoy going to the meetings but next time I will be on the sidelines.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Khana Shahar Grotto
Tonight I had to travel to Springfield and stayed for the Grotto meeting in Springfield. Several from Achbar in Columbus travelled over as their meeting got cancelled this evening. With everyone wearing a mask (and many wearing their Grotto mask) we were spread out through the room to socially distance while they covered several different topics. Many of their new Prophets from July were in attendance. The Monarch from Achbar forgot his fez and got to wear the special one Khana Shahar has folks to wear if they forget their fez. It is all in fun.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Change of Plans
I had intended to head to Kentucky for their in
person Grand Session tomorrow but after some further discussions with some
folks from the medical field decided against attending. While it isn't that I'm
extremely concerned about getting the virus infection, I was reminded if anyone
in attendance had it I would need to quarantine for two weeks and thus would have to miss
the installation of the new Grand Chapter officers. I
decided since there will be a sizeable crowd in a smaller enclosed area, social
distancing might be difficult and even with a mask might be a challenge. This
is the same location I’ve attended in the past for their Grand Session and the
room it is held in is not that large. On a normal year it is sufficient in size
but not sure about under the current conditions. Better safe than sorry.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Hi-12 Dayton Stated Meeting
Today was our first opportunity to meet since March at the Dayton Masonic Center and it was good to see several I haven’t seen since March. There was plenty of room to social distance and the meeting, after we ate, was fairly short as the outside speaker had to cancel out last evening as they had been quarantined. A little later I met REC Dan Smith where we exchanged the GHP jewel I had lent to him for his official picture. He was in Dayton to review the Dayton Masonic Center site for our annual installation for Grand Chapter on October 7th.
Ohio Grotto Association Meeting
I attended a Zoom meeting where a few from the Ohio Grotto Association got
together to discuss the possibility of some suggestions to bring o the Ohio
Board of Trustees for the Association. We discussed a couple of items
and it was a good meeting where we found out some things that we were unaware
of but will probably still bring up the items for the Boards consideration in
February. Since the Association only gets together 3 times a year (and this
year two meeting had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns), the February
meeting will probably be filled with items to discuss for the future. I’m glad to see folks are thinking about
things despite some of the challenges we are all facing with the virus and its
overall effect on the organization.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Irish Council Knight Masons Annual Meeting
Today in West Carrollton we held our annual meeting, elections and installation. Grand Superintendent Dan Conley was in attendance. The meeting was compacted and items which could be delayed were referred to our next meeting. Greg Clatterbuck was elected and installed as the new Excellent Chief.
Ohio DeMolay Conclave
Today I attended a reduced Conclave held online in addition to a minimal number in person. (While I could have attended in person, I decided to leave more room for DeMolay’s and parents of those being installed) by attending online. While I would have preferred to attend in person, especially as Grand High Priest, I’m hoping next year we can be back more to normal so I can attend in person.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Grand Chapter Required Review
Every year the Grand High Priest is required to reveiw the contents of our safety deposit box. I picked today for that review (I originally had planned it in around April before COVID-19 hit). We have in it a couple of the old style PGHP jewels along with the original hand written ritual. Also contained in the box are a few other miscellaneous Grand Chapter items that might prove helpful to recreate our records in the case of a disaster at the office.
Ali Baba Grotto Stated Meeting
Tonight I went to Warren Ohio to attend the stated meeting for Ali Baba Grotto. They had a reasonable turnout especially since many of their members will be at the building most of the weekend for a car show they are hosting. They ran a very efficient meeting and reviewed the plans for the weekend to ensure all areas were covered. I was glad to be headed back home at a decent hour since I headed to Cleveland around 7 this morning.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Sad Day
It is with great sorrow to announce that Companion Carl Boggs passed to eternal rest September 15th, 2020. Brother Boggs was just three weeks short of his 103rd birthday.Companion Boggs of Walnut Chapter 172 laffiliated from Temple No. 155 in June 1995 and was a member of Groveport Lockbourne Lodge # 801. His Chapter experiences are remarkable as his journey from Mark Master to Royal Arch was accomplished in one month in 1940. Companion Boggs recieved an 80 year service award from Most Excellent Grand High Priest Jeff Shaw on March 6, 2020.
Ormus Grotto Stated Meeting
Tonight was our monthly stated meeting and we had 11 members present. For a Grotto of only 42 and several members out of state or unable to physically attend, I think this is pretty good. We had several items to cover but kept things moving so we were done within an hour. We then had refreshments and a quick game before heading home.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Unity Chapter #16 Stated
This afternoon I headed to Dayton where Unity Chapter held their stated meeting. They also read a letter from Mt. Moriah, who also meets in the building, asking to merge with them after voting to do so at their meeting last week. Mt. Moriah has been working to turn things around for a while but just can’t get much help from their own members. Another factor is there are 3 Chapters in the Dayton Temple and they have gone from 13 Lodges down to 5. Both Chapters have been working closely over the past few years and currently both have the same Secretary. While I hate to see any mergers, this might be one that will benefit Unity and possibly Victory who also meets in the temple as some who can’t attend during the day will probably move over to Victory Chapter.
Norwood Chapter #193 Stated Meeting
Well tonight I headed to Norwoods stated Chapter meeting But the must have decided to forego the meeting or have it remotely. I’m glad this wasn’t really that far and I really probably should have confirmed prior to heading there this evening. The best part is it was a nice easy drive and I got home really early. P.S. I looked at another source when I got home at it didn’t mention a meeting tonight... guess I should have used that source.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Seneca Chapter #42 Stated Meeting
Tonight I travelled to Tiffin Ohio for the stated Chapter meeting of Grand Royal Arch Captain Ken Foy. They had a very good turnout especially since they haven't been able to meet in person for six months. The Temple Board did some massive renovations while the Temple was not in use and it looks great. It turned out to be a nice drive up and back.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Chapter Planning
Today's meeting was somewhat unplanned but needed to be held to finalize some events in our district along with a couple of Grand Chapter activities. With the way everything has gone this year, often future planning has had to take a back burner as everything has been changing so fast it might need to be replanned tomorrow. That being said, planning is a necessary part of getting things back a little more towards being normal and I think that is what everyone is hoping happens soon.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
13th District Grand High Priest Reception
Tonight Pam and I traveled over to Athens Ohio with Grand Marshal Greg Clatterbuck and his wife Kathy for the Grand High Priest Reception. This is also the home district of Grand Scribe Rod Carr. We were supposed to have this back in May but for obvious reasons it had to be delayed. This is one reception that I've made for many years and they have a great facility to hold the event.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Day Two Grotto Supreme
Well today we have are final business session and after that I’m headed home. We will vote on some straightforward legislation and elect the new person to the line. With 4 running it might take a while. When I getting home I’m headed to my Councils stated meeting.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Day One Grotto Supreme
Last night was the opening session and today we had the first business session here is Louisville. Originally there were 5 running for the entry position in the Supreme line, but only 4 were nominated. We will be voting tomorrow on this and a few by-laws type changes. I’m hoping to be headed back by noon tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Off and Running
Well yesterday we were supposed to have a Shrine Greeters Meeting but since I didn’t get a notice we were having it and when I spoke to the Club President he was hesitant about having a meeting, I decided not to go. I did, however, get my sisters old car changed to my name and get plates after she decided to get rid of it. Today I’m headed to Louisville through Friday for the Grotto National Convention.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Busy weekend
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Ben Bey Grotto Meeting
Tonight I headed to Parkersburg West Virginia to their monthly Grotto meeting. I met a young man from an Ohio Lodge and took the opportunity to talk a little bit to him about the York Rite in Marietta. They had a good turnout (about 30) but that’s partially because tonight was a steak night for dinner. They had prime rib, salad, a huge potato and corn along with dessert. They kept their meeting moving at a good pace and I was able to start back home at a decent hour.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Shawnee Chapter #237 Stated
Tonight I headed to Springfield for two purposes. First, I handed off the GHP to Dan Smith for him to use in official picture and second to attend the Stated meeting at Springfield which I also did. Attendance was somewhat lite but I was able to present them with a pin they earned for donations to the Royal Arch Foundation. It felt good to be back traveling after spending the past couple days dealing with the aftermath of our fire (which I’m hoping to get the majority resolved this weekend.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Well Excitement Today ... But Not in a Good Way
This morning at about 5:30 we awoke to the police banging on the window of our bedroom telling us to get out of the house it was on fire in the back. We jumped up and got our dogs and went out the front to safety. Luckily the fire department was here very quickly and got the fire put out quickly before it could get to the house. It was completely contained to the back deck where the hot tub was located. Unfortunately, the deck and hot tub were totally destroyed. Now just waiting on the insurance company and making sure no new flare ups.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Northeast Ohio Wine Outing
Today at Michelangelo’s Winery we held our final Grand Chapter wine outing. Bob Nilsen did a great job of coordinating this event. We had right about 20 present and luckily the weather held off as we were outside. Great food, great wine and great fellowship were definitely the theme for the day. PGHPs Addis and Thomas were also present.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Khana Shahar Grotto Meeting
Tonight I had to go to Springfield for a non Masonic event and stayed to attend the stated meeting for Khana Shahar Grotto. Many of their members are very active in the York Rite and the Chapter in particular. In fact one is going in as a District officer in the 6th District. It isn't always attending a Chapter meeting where you find out about a Chapter District. They had 16 in attendance and moved through all business at a good pace so we were done in just over an hour.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
UGIC RCC Meeting
Today I attended the virtual National session for Red Cross Of Constantine as the Sovereign of Charlemagne Conclave. It was an interesting meeting as basically as a voting delegate I got to vote on officers and a couple of non-controversial subjects. The whole thing, while planned for 3 hours was done in just over an hour. While I did attend one before, I just served as a driver for some of the out of state officers during Burch Zehner’s year as Grand Sovereign.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Franz K. Hall Association (10th District) Meeting
Tonight I travelled to Galion Ohio for the 10th District Meeting. MEC Robert Crabbs was also there and this is his new Chapter where the meeting was held. They covered old business which much surrounded changes they had to make due to the death of MEC Blankehorn last fall.They also elected new officers and selected Inspection dates for all but one Chapter. It was a nice meeting and they covered a lot of business but we were still done at a good hour.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Ormus Grotto Young's Dairy Social Outing
Tonight around 20 of our members/spouses and kids attended a social outing for ice cream at Young's Dairy. It ended up being a very nice day (since they were saying it might rain while we were there but it didn't). We also had a potential candidate attend the event with his spouse. I'm excited that things continue to be looking up for the future of our Grotto. Three of those in attendance today were new members who joined last month with their spouse also with them. Afterwards the Clatterbucks and us stopped for dinner and they had an item on the menu (I kid you not) called the Most Excellent Grilled Cheese so Pam had to try it.
- The Most Excellent Grilled Cheese.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................$7.99Mozzarella, cheddar and American cheese with lettuce and tomato on toasted sourdough, served with a dill pickle and a side of your choice
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Ormus Grotto Stated Meeting
Tonight was a great evening where we had 11 of our members present at our stated meeting. I can’t remember how long it has been since we had that many of our own members at a meeting but it was probably at least 10 years ago. Our DD Tom Schliep was also present tonight. We got several Fezzes passed out to new members and discuss two upcoming social events we have planned (one being this Sunday).
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
More administration
The past couple days have again been spent on getting prepared for the details on the Grand Chapter Installation and things also supposed to be going on that day along with trying to get the Statewide calendar together for next year. When MEC Blankenhorn passed away, I asked REC Ron Hart to put it together for this year and I would take it over for next year (2020-21). REC Tom Ziegler helps to put together the website calendar but we also put together an Excel version for the Grand Officers which is what I’m doing. So far I’ve received about 15% of the information I need but given the year we have been through I expected preparing for next year was not on the top of everyone’s priority list.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Plum Run Winery - Columbus & 11th District GHP Reception
Today we held a joint Central Ohio Wine Outing and Grand GHP Priest Reception for the 11th District in Columbus. As Pam and I headed to Columbus with Grand Marshall Greg Clatterbuck and his wife Kathy, it started pouring down rain. Since we were slated to be outside this didn't look good. However shortly before we arrived the sun came out and it appeared as if there was no rain in sight. Everyone was happy and excited ... but not so fast as a few minutes later it started to pour down rain. They brought out a large canopy and large table umbrellas and it looked like a flood was happening on the patio. But after they got them all set up another stroke of luck hit and the sun came back out and dried things up quickly. While everyone got a little wet (some more than others) everyone laughed about it as they now had a memory/story for the future. MEC Don Lossaso and REC Dan Smith were also present along with several from the 11th District. It was a nice event and they passed out awards and presented us with a few gifts. It was still sunny and nice as we headed back home.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Winery Sycamore Lake -NW
Today we had a nice time with the small number present. While we were there they had lots of parties come in including a wedding party on a party bus. The food was great, the wine tasted good and the company fantastic.... what more can you ask for .... P.S. thanks to Tom Ziegler for taking a couple photos for us.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Even More Administration
The last couple of days have been busy ones preparing information for the Grand Chapter proceedings. Since there were lots of things decided that have never been done before due to the Coronavirus, I felt it was important to make sure it was documented so it could be used again as a starting point if anything similar would happen to cause a major disruption to our normal procedures.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Plans Changed
Today I had planned to meet with the Grand Secretary so we could do the annual Safe Deposit Box review and then over to the 9th District Meeting in Wakeman. Unfortunately last night I was up most of the night with back spasms and terrible pain in the hips. Luckily later in the day today after doing some walking the two things keeping me up last night night have seemed to have gone away. Well guess I’ll have to reschedule this some time that I’m headed up around Cleveland.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Administrative Work
The past couple of days were filled with some administrative Masonic work which I needed to get caught up. Surprisingly every week there is lots of administrative work which needs done and especially right now trying to get everything set up for balloting and installing of officers for next year.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Vinoklet Winery -SW Ohio
Today was our second wine outing and all who were able to attend had a nice time. While I thought originally it might be very hot outside, it turned out to not be too bad. REC Ron Hart help set this one up and we had a nice size group that could easily sit around and talk to solve all the world’s problems. Hoping for nice weather next weekend with two more outings one near Lima on Saturday and one in the Columbus area Sunday.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Ohio Grotto Special
Well today ended up being quite different than when I had thought it was going to be about a week ago. I had two meeting today which I thought I could make both because unfortunately one changed their timing and the other one changed their location. Since Grand Family this time was Dan Smith’s, I gave him something to say and went to the Grotto Special Meeting I was requested to attend. I’m now the Ohio Grotto Association Pro-Tem Sentinel.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Royal Arch Foundation Meeting
Tonight I attended the Royal Arch Foundation Meeting. They had a well planned and well run meeting covering all agenda items in around an hour. It was good to hear that despite the pandemic the Foundation is still trying to move forward.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Always Check Before ....
guess the no harm no foul saying works.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Lima Shrine Club Picnic
Pam and I travelled to Lima for their Shrine Club Picnic. It was in a large
outdoor area which easily accommodated social distancing. This was not your
normal picnic food as they had Filet Mignon and lots of shrimp and shrimp
dishes. In addition they had several great desserts including pecan pie.
It rained almost all the way to Lima and back but the sun was out all the time
we were at the picnic.
Valley Commandery Meeting Online
Friday, July 31, 2020
10th Capitular District Grand High Priest Reception
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Herman Lawrence #82 AMD Meeting
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Earl Gorsuch Funeral
Millenium AMD #382 Stated Meeting
I was happy to return to this Council which I helped
institute 20 years ago. I installed the new Sovereign Master (delayed due to
the COVID-19 Situation), listened to a nice education program and saw a new
member brought in to membership. They called on me for a few comments and will
all departed for home at a reasonable hour.