Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Trinity Chapter 50 Year Award

Today I went with around a dozen of our Chapter members to present Don Stupp with a 50 year award. Most of us who went had some mixed emotions but we really all care about Don and wanted to be there for the event. To understand that comment I need to move back around 10 or so years back. Don was single and devoted his life to Masonry in Miamisburg attending every time the Temple was open since the day he first joined Lodge and helping out as he could as well as being a KYCH. To say Don was a little different would be an understatement as he was hard to get along with and always a little grumpy but again without his dedication, many of the groups would have had a much more difficult time. He was the news editor at the Lodge for 25+ years and Secretary of Council for around 15 years and Chapter for around 25+ years. He was also the Dad Advisor of the DeMolay for around 15 years. He also was State President for Hi-12. He was also one of only 4 people in my lifetime I could say were my best friend for any extended period of time. Unfortunately around 15 or so years back, he started to get Alzheimer's and although he was unable to do the jobs any longer refused to give them up. Finally it came time we had to remove him and/or vote him out of office along with changing the locks on the building as he refused to acknowledge being voted out of office. It was around that time where myself and several others became his enemies in his mind. I really hated to lose him as a friend but we had to do what we did for the good of the organizations. Luckily, today he didn't remember many of us but was still not happy at times that we were there to give him the pin. I'm hoping that just maybe I might be able to start visiting him (and he won't remember who I am) as I really would like to gain him back as a friend. I know all of us present and those who couldn't be there all wish him the best and realize his lifelong dedication to our Masonic bodies in Miamisburg. We also got a picture of him with 2 other PHP 50+ year members who attended the presentation.

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