Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Unity Chapter #16 Awards and Stated Meeting

Tonight was for the purpose of a stated meeting, awards night and discussion of some ideas for the continuance of Unity Chapter. Prior to the meeting we had some discussions about a new idea to keep Unity Chapter open after the past meeting where they voted to explore how to merge the Chapter. In Dayton, they have 3 Chapters and it is hard to support all with new candidates and officers. After many years of trying various ideas in Unity they are finally at the point where they must get some new officers to remain open as the current ones are becoming "worn out". A new idea to move the Chapter to a temple which has no Chapters (and many of the currently attending Chapter members belong) is now being investigated as several more members of the Lodge expressed interest to be an officer if the Chapter is moved to their building. In addition to the normal business, we also presented a 50 year award to Companion Robert Davis. Bob was very active for many years in Unity Chapter until he needed to attend to his business to ensure its' success. He is now a very respected and successful businessman in the Dayton area and is very generous to share some of his success in bushiness and leadership skills now with many Masonic groups in which he belongs. I have known Bob for many years and can verify that he is very dedicated to Masonry and its long term survival and we are lucky to have him as a member..

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