Today I went to the 4th Division for the Logan Commandery Inspection where Rod Carr is the Recorder. Since Rod and I both served together in the Grand Chapter line, I thought it might be nice to attend his Commandery Inspection. PGC Weaver and Ramsey were both present. They did a good job on the work and had a new member at the end of the day. After the Inspection, Rod, Robyn, Pam and I went out for a little bit and just had a nice time socializing. On the way home I decided to take a new way home. The unfortunate part was the GPS didn't work in this area so we kind of had to do the old time "make sure I'm going west and possibly south" until I came to a road I knew which I finally did and then made it safely home.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
KYCH Meeting
Tonight was the KYCH meeting for Montgomery County. We met for dinner with the ladies in Fairborn at TJ Chumpps. The food was good and since they have a separate room we can use it allowed us to have a short business meeting and speaker from Dayton Diabetes. Overall we had about 30 in attendance. Past Prior Lynn Chadbourne and current officer Norm Mick were both present and we heard a few words from each. Luckily we were done and home before the freezing rain started coming down.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
3rd District PDDGHP Meeting
Tonight the PDDGHPs got together for a dinner meeting with the wives to discuss things going on in the District and how they can support the Chapters. It was a smaller crowd as there were some last minute illness, other meetings and work which kept several from being able to attend. The purpose of this group is to help assist the current Deputies as needed, discuss what can be done to help assist the District to grow and improve communications. We covered several topics, had a nice dinner and then headed home at a reasonably early time-frame.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Wilmington Commandery #37 Full Form Opening
Well after some time off to attend to some things associated with my mother passing, I finally got back on the Masonic trail tonight. While Wilmington Comamndery is not in our Commandery Division, they are in our Chapter District and many of them consistently are major contributors to our Capitular District so I decided to support the Commander James Taylor by showing up at his Inspection. While a small group they are excellent ritualists and had planned ahead to get the extra help they needed for the drill portion. The Eminent Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Commandery, Paxton Mendelsohn was present as well as the Associate Division Commander Dale Olson and the President Ron Richardson. It was especially nice to sit on the sidelines and not have to do anything but just enjoy the evening.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Sad News
Well after a very busy Masonic Day yesterday, we were getting ready to head to a basketball game for Wright State in which Laura was performing. Unfortunately, I got a call from my sister saying they had rushed my mom to the hospital and I should go straight to the ER While we have made several trips to the ER over the past year, this one turned out to be the final one as she had heart failure and passed away. Needless to say, I wont be attending meetings or making entries for a few days. The only good part is that is was quick and not drawn out which is I'm sure what my mom would have wanted.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Several Masonic Events
Today was a busy day we starched out with our District Chapter School in West Carrollton and next I went to the Shrine Jesters annual meeting. We had a nice lunch and invited several new members into the organization. Next I headed over to the Dayton Temple to attend the Commandery Inspection for Reed, It was a very busy Masonic Day but one in which I was able to see several friends I haven/t seen in a while.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Unity Chapter #16 Awards and Stated Meeting
Tonight was for the purpose of a stated meeting, awards night and discussion of some ideas for the continuance of Unity Chapter. Prior to the meeting we had some discussions about a new idea to keep Unity Chapter open after the past meeting where they voted to explore how to merge the Chapter. In Dayton, they have 3 Chapters and it is hard to support all with new candidates and officers. After many years of trying various ideas in Unity they are finally at the point where they must get some new officers to remain open as the current ones are becoming "worn out". A new idea to move the Chapter to a temple which has no Chapters (and many of the currently attending Chapter members belong) is now being investigated as several more members of the Lodge expressed interest to be an officer if the Chapter is moved to their building. In addition to the normal business, we also presented a 50 year award to Companion Robert Davis. Bob was very active for many years in Unity Chapter until he needed to attend to his business to ensure its' success. He is now a very respected and successful businessman in the Dayton area and is very generous to share some of his success in bushiness and leadership skills now with many Masonic groups in which he belongs. I have known Bob for many years and can verify that he is very dedicated to Masonry and its long term survival and we are lucky to have him as a member..
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Trinity Chapter #44 Inspection
Tonight was my Chapter's Inspection in Miamisburg. Since I had no fever and actually think I'm coming close to full recovery (though I had a relapse yesterday on whatever it is I'm trying to shake and slept for most of the day while I wasn't working from home), I attended the meeting. MEC Shell and Duncan were both in attendance as well a good number from the District. I was proud to say I was from this Chapter as they did a good job on the Inspection degree of Mark Master.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Masonic Cooperation Meeting
Today was the Masonic Cooperation Meeting in Delaware Ohio and despite the first major snow of the year the turnout was very good. I personally wasn't sure at first if I would make it as I really wasn't feeling too well but after I determined I had no temperature and pushed myself to get out of the house I got feeling better as the day went on. We covered several topics and even made some decisions which will change the way some events are attended. Overall, it was a good day.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Antioch Shrine Stated Meeting and Installation
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Twin Valley Chapter #240 Inspection
Tonight was the second day in a row for an Inspection in my District and tonight the crowd was even bigger (around 50+) despite a Lodge Inspection and many other Masonic stated meeting conflicts. This is the home Chapter for MEC George Shell. They are a very active Chapter and did some great work in the Past Master degree. We also had 3 Chapters with official visits and over half the District was represented. Overall, it was another very encouraging night.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Greenville Chapter #77 Inspection
Glad I'm starting to feel a little better as the past week has been more down than up as far as feeling healthy goes. Tonight was the Inspection in the Mark Master Degree for Greenville in my District. It was exciting to see a large turnout (around 40+) as this Chapter is located on the furthest reaches of our District and as it is a smaller Chapter does not travel a whole lot to other Inspections. They had planned ahead for some parts they needed some assistance with and got fill in's from other Chapters to help them out. It was also great to see an actual candidate joining. MEC George Shell and MEC Steve Duncan were both in attendance. We also had 9 from Trinity (my Chapter) in attendance as they won the travelling award despite the fact that one of their members REC Greg Clatterbuck was in Springfield as a guest Inspector in the 6th District. I came away from the activities of the event with a renewed spirit as just a couple years back this Chapter was ready to give up their Charter and the Temple Board and the 3rd District worked with them to keep it open.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Hi 12 Meeting
Today I headed down for the first Hi 12 meeting of the year in Dayton at the Temple where I am a member. I don't get an opportunity to attend much due to work but try to make it in either December or January each year. We had a short presentation on finance's from Edward Jones and a nice lunch. Hi 12 has always been a big supporter of the youth and while I can't attend much always pay my dues to remain a member for that very reason.
Friday, January 1, 2016
Ormus Grotto Sauerkraut and Pork
Today was the annual dinner to bring in the New Year which our Grotto traditional has held on January 1st. We had a good turnout early (it might have been so they could go home to watch Ohio State take care of Notre Dame) and since we left for the game not sure about attendance later. I would like to thank Bruce Gardner for spearheading the effort and those who also helped out.
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