Today I helped my lodge with a fund raising activity parking cars at the Renaissance Festival. It started out really nice but just before the end of my shift started to rain so hard I couldn't even see what I was doing. As it was a very cold heavy rain and I was soaked to the skin. When I left 1 went home to dry off as I was freezing cold. I was really glad I could help my Lodge not only since I am a member and should help my Lodge if possible but also because this group working has been very faithfully helping me out with my fund raiser at the Shrine Circus in February and the weather there is usually miserably cold. I also saw some Grand Officers from Masonic bodies and members of other lodges who were attending the festival. The funny thing was just 5 minutes from the event it not only stopped raining but hadn't even rained at all today. So after warming up, Pam and I headed to Dayton for the Greek Festival being held right next to the Dayton Temple where the Scottish Rite members park cars to help raise funds for the Scottish Rite Masonic Learning Center. And while I knew all working to park the cars there, who did I see but one of my Lodge members helping out there. He said he was working the parking lot to help the Scottish Rite Masonic Learning Center today so he could go tomorrow to help our Lodge with the Renaissance parking tomorrow which I would have probably been back working there myself but was told they had plenty of help tomorrow.
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