Well PC issues at work have dominated much of my time over the past few days. Today, I was able to make it a couple of Masonic Invitational only meetings but again not without some issues. Last night when I was going to try to attend the CTA meeting for Commandery, in addition to the issues I talked about to start this post out, I noticed that I could see the steel belts on one of the front tires. Not a good thing I though to myself and probably should not drive it after all tonight but go get it changed in the morning. Well this morning when I went just down the street to get the tire in the front replaced I noticed the other front tire also needed replacing so I tried to have them both replaced. Unfortunately, this is when they found another issue but luckily they said I could avoid the fix but another year was probably the max I could get out of the car without the fix and it was going to be more than I am willing to put into the car. After all with 235K miles, I'm not willing to put much more money into it before I decide it is time to replace it. So with new tires and the clock running on the life expectancy of the car, I went to Springfield to the Ohio Masonic Home to attend two meetings being held there. The first was Temple Tabernacle Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests as I was visiting since I belong to one in Lima. To belong you must be a Past Commander and they are limited to 33 members maximum. In addition, Ohio only is allowed to have a total of 4 Tabernacles. It was nice to be able to sit on the sidelines and watch them work since I was a visitor. After dinner Irish Council Knight Masons USA also met. I am a Past Excellent Chief here and last year the Excellent Chief indicated that he was replacing all the Past Excellent Chiefs in the degree work to give some more members an opportunity to do degree work. I thought was great and came prepared sit and watch. Unfortunately when it came time for the degree work, I had to help out with 2 of the 3 degrees. It is definitely a good thing I was able to attend.
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