Monday, June 23, 2014

Two Meetings at Antioch

Tonight I attended two meetings at Antioch. The first was a combined Cabiri and Divan meeting. It was a nice exchange of ideas and thoughts while giving many of the Past Potentates a look into the way Antioch is now run. While much larger memberships and Circus profits in the past (around 5-10 years ago) have made it easier to maintain an ever increasing expense base, today we have to be lean and mean to make ends meet. We are going to try to do these quarterly to help share ideas and utilize the talents of the Past Potentates. After our meeting we held a special meeting which was critical to the future of Antioch Temple. An unsolicited offer to buy our building has been received and we discussed he pros and cons of either accepting or rejecting the offer. When finished, the membership overwhelmingly voted to reject the current offer. But as our Potentate said it doesn't stop here because  we need to start a save our temple campaign if we are going to increase our revenue stream while membership has luckily flattened out on the loss/gain side (we've now had two years of positive growth. ... My year followed by John Bull's year.... And maybe this year can be a three-peat). As a side note...we were really glad the roof doesn't leak since it poured buckets while we were in our meeting and we even lost electricity at least once.

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