Thursday, December 13, 2012

Official Announcement From Grand High Priest

It is with deep regret and sadness that I must announce that Right Excellent Companion Ralph M. Curtiss, Grand Royal Arch Captain, succumbed on December 6, 2012 to the serious health issues he has been battling. The Grand Chapter extends our deepest condolences to his wife Margaret and the entire family. We pray that they may find comfort in the assuring words of the Supreme Grand High Priest of the Universe that beyond this temporary, mortal world of tears, there exists an eternal New World of peace and happiness. We are indeed grateful for Ralph’s loyal and dedicated service to this Grand Chapter. Ralph will be greatly missed, but never forgotten. So mote it be.
Due to Ralph’s passing, a vacancy has occurred among the Grand Officers and pursuant to Article 4, Section 10 of the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio, the following actions have occurred: I have separately and independently received and accepted the resignations of: J. Keith Green, Grand Master of the Third Veil Ross R. Black II, Grand Master of the Second Veil H. Jeffery Shaw, Grand Master of the First Veil John H. Donohoo, Grand Marshal
Due to each resignation, I then appointed the following companions to fill the respective vacant office as they occurred: J. Keith Green, Grand Royal Arch Captain Ross R. Black II, Grand Master of the Third Veil H. Jeffery Shaw, Grand Master of the Second Veil John H. Donohoo, Grand Master of the First Veil Daniel A. Smith, Grand Marshal
I will install each of these officers as soon as practical during my travels. For Regional Officer assignments, I have deemed it most expedient for all officers to retain their assignments as they existed prior to these officer changes. John H. Donohoo will assume the duties of Region B (Districts 2, 7 and 10).
Rest assured I have given serious consideration in this matter and am making my decision on what is in the best interest in the future direction of this Grand Chapter. I have a long-range vision of where Capitular Masonry needs to be in the future and what action is required to get us there. In a plan of revitalization, a return to the basics and to our core values, I am committed to real goals and real achievements and all decisions and appointments are made with that thought in view. All team members, including the new appointments, are of that same mindset. They believe in a return to ritualistic excellence, a strong Masonic education program and a vigorous membership development program. The status quo is no longer sufficient to meet today’s challenges. I am selecting leaders with a proven track record who possess the skillset necessary to both plan and implement a program for success. In so doing, we are assembling a Grand Family Team that will indeed accomplish these goals for years to come and insure our future, which I trust is the bottom line objective of each member of this Grand Family.
Given under my hand and seal of the Grand High Priest on December 11, 2012.   

Donald W. Owens Grand High Priest

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