Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Journey Through Time

Thank you for your vote for confidence in electing me on the journey through the Grand Chapter of Ohio line.

I would first like to start off by congratulating MEC George Shell on his trip in the Grand Chapter line over the past few years representing the 3rd District. George travelled extensively and wherever he went the Companions present knew him. George you represented us well.

Now for some insight on a few changes I plan to make over the next few years in the 3rd District. First, I plan to continue the traveling throughout the state which George has done but plan to come up with some new ideas to encourage visitations in our District. I also have a new organization structure which was introduced at our Grand King/School of Instruction day. We will have a Fund Raising, Membership, Communications, and Education Committee in addition to those already in existence. Will also start having at least two social events per year and every job responsibility will have a job description. I will be talking more in detail about each of these areas in this BLOG over the upcoming weeks.
Another new item which I am introducing is a theme to follow me throughout the time I serve in Grand Chapter line...Journey Through Time. There will be a bee serving as our time traveler guide throughout the years and if elected Grand High Priest in the future there will be another theme for that year which ties directly into the one leading up to that point in time. Each year, I will also have a lapel pin to represent the year and plan to have an outing in conjunction with the item for which the pin is designed. The item on the pin will alternate between a mode of transportation and a piece of architecture progressing through time. For the first year it will be the High Wheel Bike as displayed in this BLOG. More information about the initial outing will be coming in the next couple of months.

I understand that over time we will be facing some tough and possibly controversial changes to ensure the continued success of the 3rd District. We all need to be prepared to address these changes head on as I want the 3rd District to be the one leading those changes. We have always been the largest District and quite honestly, I may be a little prejudice, but I think there is no better in many areas but we need to step things up a notch and be THE LEADER.

And what are leaders? They are innovators, they are always striving for more, they are risk takers, they are always reinventing themselves, they are doers, they are ….. LEADERS.

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