Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Grand Council Ohio Session

This morning I attended the Grand Council Session. A member of my Council, Mike Smith, was installed as Grand Illustrious Master. The session moved right along and just hoping our session this afternoon also runs as smoothly.

Grand Chapter Session

Well the final hour has struck and my time as Grand High Priest is done. The first few months went right according to plan then COVID-19 hit.  At that time all plans went out the window, I did how ever need to make lots of decisions that would possibly shape the path we would take. Hopefully those decisions were right as there was no playbook to follow for any of those decisions. I often had to make decisions I really did not want to make but I did make all decisions with the best interests of Grand Chapter, the local Chapters and our members as the driving force behind the decisions. Being a leader isn’t always easy which is why it is important to choose the one who will look out for the best interests of what they will be leading. This is not goodbye, though it will be my last BLOG entry, but rather just a change for me. I will still be traveling around the state (I already have inspections/visits in all districts planned for the upcoming year). I’m hoping to have many years left to continue to meet and greet new friends in this organization we call Freemasonry on my Pathway to the Future.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Trinity Chapter #44 Stated Meeting

My first Chapter visit after I was Installed Grand Master 1st Veil was to my home Chapter. My first Chapter visit after I was installed as Grand High Priest was to my home Chapter and tonight my last Chapter visit was to my home Chapter where I got to declare the meeting closed for my final act as Grand High Priest. They had ice cream afterwards to congratulate me on the years I served in the Grand Line.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Hi-12 Club Meeting

Well today I headed to the Dayton Masonic Center to attend Hi-12. When I got there the first thing I did was to stop at the Elite catering office to pay the bill so those attending the dinner after installation Wednesday will get food. Next I headed to Hi-12 we’re after eating we heard a speaker talk on some very interesting, thought provoking topics. Instead of heading right back home, I spend the next couple hours finalizing the details for the invite only session and obtaining the Mt. Moriah paraphernalia to finalize their merger with Unity Chapter. I like days like today where you can get lots accomplished with one stop. 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Grand Chapter Planning

Today we held a meeting for the 3rd District Leadership team to do a final run through of how things will be held on Wednesday and where we need people to assist. We also discussed our DDGHP Installation and District Reaffirmation Day activity’s. In addition, we discussed installations and who would be doing what for those installations. To finished, we discussed  the special events for the District and a future money making opportunity.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Loveland Chapter Reconsecration

Today we held a reconsecration at Loveland where they had lots of nice touches set up for the day. They created a great program and history of the Chapter along with a lapel pin to represent the event. They mayor came in and made a proclamation along with a person representing the state of Ohio. Afterwards they had prepackaged meals for everyone. Oh and the also made a generous donation to the Royal Arch Foundation to honor the event. Great event today.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Valley Vineyards Grotto Outing

Tonight 18 of us went to the winery in Morrow Ohio for a social outing. You cook your own steak here and get salad, all the sides and dessert. Oh... and it also includes a couple glasses on wine. They had us spread over 3 tables and everyone seemed to have a good time.   We all had plenty of stories to share (and probably and a few half truths). 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

PM Club Shrine Meeting

This afternoon Pam and I went to our Grand Marshall’s house where we packed up year end gifts for those serving over the past year along with PGHPs. Next Greg and I headed to our Shrine PM Club meeting where we passed some rules changes which will hopefully yield some new members and work on reducing the number of meetings we have each year. We also discussed at length the upcoming ceremonial.

Meeting w