Thursday, February 27, 2020

Great Wolf Lodge meeting

Today representatives from Grand Chapter, Grand Council and Grand Commandery met at the Great Wolf Lodge to once again discuss the Grand sessions planned for this October at this location. since we signed the contract about three years ago it was definitely time to get some more of the details worked out. We had a very good meeting and are looking forward to working with them as they seem very open to accommodating us.

Wilmington Lodge #52 Inspection

Tonight all the Grand Presiding attended our Grand Master’s Lodge Inspection. They did a very good job with many new younger officers doing most of the ritual work. We had a great dinner prior to the inspection and had a number of Grand Lodge officers present. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

James W Himmelright Chapter #243

Tonight in Wadsworth we presented a 70 year award to a Past Grand Marshal of Grand Chapter from 1970. There were a few present only to witness him receive the award as he had inspired many leaders from the area over the years. We also had MEC Ross Black and REC Bob Nilsen present for the evening. After we had some refreshments and I headed back at an earlier than originally expected timeframe to hopefully miss some of the worst weather. It wasn’t the worst I’ve ever driven through but definitely you had to pay full attention to the road and slow way down to stay safe.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ashlar Chapter Inspection

Tonight I Headed up by Youngstown to Poland Ohio for a Mark Master degree. This is REC Zel Bush’s chapter and he was the prompter for the evening. They had one candidate and did a very good job on the ritual work for the evening. After they got done with the inspection we all went downstairs and had refreshments before returning home.

Monday, February 24, 2020

AMD Meeting

Today Ted Korn and I met to discuss the possibility of putting together some information to make communication better between AMD Councils and work on the Ohio In-Gathering for 2020. Ted and I have worked together before on several projects and he asked if I might assist him on this project. I'm excited about the possibilities that could assist the local Councils.

Findlay Chapter Inspection

Tonight 5 new members were exalted in Findlay Chapter with the Royal Arch degree. MIC Jim Buckingham along with MEC Garis Pugh (who brought 3 of the candidates from the 6th District) and REC Dan Smith Grand King were in attendance. They did a nice job on the degree work and kept things moving to get done at a reasonable hour. REC Tom Ziegler took some picture which he will be putting on the website. After the Inspection, everyone went to the dining room for some good refreshments.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Grand Chapter Planning Meeting

Tonight we had a meeting with the 3rd District Leadership to discuss the activities left in the District for the year and those planned for Grand Chapter. We also finished making the assignments for leading those committees which still had not been finalized. It was a good meeting which we kept moving so we could finish in a rather short period of time.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

16th District GHP Reception

Tonight in Cleveland, Pam and I travelled up with Greg and Kathy Clatterbuck to the Grand High Priest Reception. The hotel has done  a very nice renovation. They had a good dinner after a few pictures and we received some nice gifts from the District. after the reception we headed up to the Hospitality room which I stayed at until closing time. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Antioch Shrine

Tonight I went to a great dinner and meeting with several friends and which I am an officer in the group. I was re person to give the instructions on the high expectations for members of the group. We had a decent number in attendance and finished in time to get home at a reasonable hour.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Middletown Chapter #87 Inspection

Tonight in Middletown we had 3 candidates to receive their Royal Arch Degree. MEC Steve Duncan along with Grand Marshal Greg Clatterbuck and REC Joe Fair Grand Aide were also present. RIC Ron Myers, Arch Inspector for Grand Council, is a member here and helped with the degree work. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Willis Chapter #131 Stated Meeting

Tonight I went to the stated meeting and was happy to see MEC Don Owens in attendance. He has had a number of serious health challenges over the past few years but looked fairly good this evening.  REC Ron Hart was also in attendance and we meet after the meeting to discuss the upcoming Mark Master degrees after the GM One Day Class which REC Hart is our statewide coordinator.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Dayton Hi 12

This afternoon I went to my Hi 12 club in Dayton where we heard A presentation on the Ohio masonic home. It seems like every time I hear a presentation I get one new tidbit of information about what the Ohio Masonic home does for our members. We of course had a good lunch prior to the presentation. I also made sure I reminded him the Grand Chapter of Ohio was who originally started the Ohio Masonic Home.

Al Sirat Grotto

Tonight I’m headed to Cleveland to finish my second round of all the grottoes in the Ohio grotto association. Many of the people who I see during my travels to the grottoes are members of the chapter and if they aren’t it gives me an opportunity to speak to them about possibly joining. This particular Grotto is also heavily involved with helping out the DeMolay organization along with the other youth groups in Ohio. They had a very nice dinner before their stated meeting and recognized the ladies as well.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Grand Chapter Administration

Today has been a significant amount of time working on our processes and procedures for the one day grand Masters class is where we will be performing the Mark Master degree. I also got the bulletin number two almost ready to be sent out along with the edits and petition for the one-day class. It might seem a little bit straight forward it to ensure that every situation that has been brought to my attention could be covered it’s not a simple process. Hopefully all this information can be out to the chapters by the first week of March.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Valley Dayton Mid-Winter Program

This morning I headed to Dayton for the 8th and 30th degree being performed. The Valley of Columbus came down to perform the 30th degree(several active RAM members from Columbus did part of this degree). We had a decent turnout. I also went up to the 3rd floor where the DeMolay State Ritual Competition was being held. Well after I leave here it is back to Miamisburg for a memorial service at the Temple.

Richard Armstrong Memorial Service

This afternoon we had a memorial service at the Miamisburg for a 66 year member who was also a KYCH at Miamisburg. Minerva Lodge performed the Masonic Service with about 20 members for the approximate 80+ in attendance. There was also a military service performed as well. Now to head home to get ready for this evening. 

DeMolay State Officer Reception

Tonight Pam and I attended the DeMolay State Office Reception at Antioch Shrine in Dayton with Ryan Cope as State Master Councilor. They had a few introductions and folks to speak a few words prior to a dance and immediately prior a dinner.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Adoniram Council #131 Inspection

My home Council held their Inspection this evening in the Royal Master degree in Miamisburg. When I looked around the room I realized every person in attendance was Illustrious Master after me. It was definitely lonely as the first Past Illustrious Masters in a line of about 15 from my Council, though I guess 1988 wasn't yesterday. We did have a good turnout of our members and visitors. MEC George Shell and MIC Bobbie Campbell were both present and were both officers for me when I was Illustrious Master (as also was MEC Steve Duncan who was out celebrating his 50th Wedding Anniversary this evening).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Palmyra Chapter #235 Inspection

Well last night I was heading to Cleveland for a Chapter Inspection but decided not to go due to the projected weather. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made this year. Tonight I’m in Brookville for Palmyra Inspection in the Past Master Degree in my District. MEC George Shell was also there and helped them out tonight. Palmyra is a small Chapter with a few dedicated members helping to keep them open. MEC Jerry Crawford was also a member of this Chapter.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Shrine Greeters Meeting

Today I attended my Greeters meeting and we had a good number in attendance. This group actually requires a member to have a certain attendance number throughout the year. We discussed upcoming events along with a discussion after about the move of the Shriners Hospital from Cincinnati to Dayton. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Carey Chapter #159 Inspection

My Grand Marshal Greg Clatterbuck and I travelled north tonight to the Past Master degree on 3 candidates in Carey. REC Ken Foy, Grand Royal Arch Captain, was also in attendance. REC Tom Zeigler was also there with camera in hand and he gave out his secret on pictures (though he pledged me to secrecy on it).

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Grand Family Meeting

Today at Miamisburg we held our Grand Chapter Grand Family meeting. For the ladies portion of the day we had Kentucky Joe (a winner on the show) from Survivor come in and speak to the ladies. On the men’s side we covered a number of topics directed at making it easier for Chapters to grow and prosper. The weather on the day didn’t start out the best but the donuts in the morning and lunch help everyone forget about their commute in today.

Victory #210 Rededication

This afternoon the Grand Officers headed to the Dayton Temple to Rededicate a Chapter for their 100th anniversary. We had a very good turnout despite the weather and several competing events. After the rededication they had a very nice reception with several toasts for the Chapter.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Trinity Chapter #44 Inspection

Tonight was my Chapter's Inspection in the Past Master degree for two candidates. Almost everyone doing a part was the first time doing that part. They had several practices and it showed. We had Deputy Grand Illustrious Master Mike Smith, Past Grand High Priest George Shell, GM1V Zel Bush, GM3V Bob Nilsen, and GCOH Ron Hart present. Prior to the Inspection we had a good meal and dessert after the meeting.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Shrine PM Club Meeting

Tonight I decided to stay closer to home as they were calling for an ice storm near here (and even worse in other areas). I can handle snow but ice is a different story. (It turns out I made a good choice as there were a number of weather related wrecks around our area) We had a small turnout at the meeting this evening but I think our discussions will be followed by some by-laws changes which might help out the future direction for the club. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Administrative Day

Every once in a while you have to take a day off traveling to try to get caught up on administrative issues associated with being Grand High Priest. Today was such a day in which I was able to get several things caught up and others started. I also got some last minute items taken care of for the Grand Family meeting this weekend. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

50 year Pin/ Trinity Chapter Stated

First this evening we headed out to Johnny Duff’s home to present him his 50 year award. Johnny was an officer in Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery for 25+ years and never a presiding officer but still did many large ritual parts. We then went back to the temple for Trinity Chapter’s stated meeting and practice for the Inspection on Friday evening.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Charles Espich viewing

I was in Springfield today for the viewing of a good Mason and friend along with about 60 other brothers. The room was packed for the Masonic Services. Charlie was well liked a KYCH and PDDGM. He and I served as Monarxhs of our Grottos together in 2010 and had a joint Installation. He was definitely one of those you could rely on to help out when asked.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

New Lisbon/Salem chapter inspections

This morning I headed over to Salem Ohio by Youngstown for inspections in the Past Master and Most Excellent Master degrees. This may be their last separate inspection for these two Chapters as they have indicated a desire to merge. They had a good turnout with every Chapter in the District represented. In addition, REC Zel Bush GM1V and REC Dan Smith Grand King we’re both present. This is Zel’s District , the 19th.Now we are heading up north by the lake to dedicate a new apartments for Geneva Chapter.

Geneva Dedication

This afternoon at Geneva the Grand Chapter Officers dedication the new apartments at Madison for their use. They had a very nice turnout with several visitors from outside the District. We also had a nice number of women present and held the ceremony as an open ceremony.

20th District GHP Reception

Well tonight was the first GHP Reception outside of my District. They had a nice crowd and all the progressing Grand Officers at the dedication this afternoon were present. The food at the Quail Hallow Resort were the reception was held near Painesville was great. We got some nice locally made gifts and they had a very nice hospitality room before we headed back to the Dayton area.