Friday, January 31, 2020

Garfield #528 Lodge Inspection

I went to Shreve Ohio tonight (just outside Wooster) for my first Blue Lodge function in the 20th District. They had a good turnout for the EA degree. Prior to the Inspection, they had a very nice dinner. The High Priest of King Cyrus was present along with several other active Chapter members.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Senior DeMolay Mark Lodge Inspection

I travelled north to the Cleveland area for the Mark Lodge Inspection tonight of which I am a member. I saw several of my friends from DeMolay here as you have to be a Senior DeMolay member to join this Mark Lodge. The candidate was PSMC Brady Woodworth. The Grand Commander, Robert Hager and REC Bob Nilsen, Grand Master 3rd Veil, both participated in the degree work.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Orient Lodge #321 Inspection

All of the Grand Presiding officers along with the Eminent Prior and Deputy for Ohio Scottish Rite attended the Lodge Inspection for our Eminent Prior this evening. They had a very good turnout and a nice dinner prior to the Inspection in the Fellowcraft Degree. Also present was PGHP Keith O'Dell and three other members of Orient Lodge from Grand Chapter. Those were as mentioned PGHP Don Lossasso, Junior Warden REC Ryan Adams (who is Grand Principal Sojourner) and Chaplain Joe Schilling (who is DDGHP of 5th Capitular District and also District Advisor for 7th Masonic District). Our Grand Master Keith Newton left us with some good words of wisdom before we all headed back home.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Haly Chapter #136 Inspection

While our Grand King, Dan Smith, this evening was helping me out with a service award presentation in Lancaster, I was in Napoleon (about 50 miles west of Toledo) at a Chapter Inspection in the Past Master degree. Also present was our Grand Master of the 1st Veil Zel Bush and Past Grand High Priest and Grand Treasurer Keith Green. I was very impressed with the turnout as this is the smallest Chapter in the state and they had over half their membership present and two candidates. In addition, I think this may be the first time I've been at Inspection where I saw the total number present to be more than the entire membership of the Chapter being Inspected. We also presented a 50 year award to a member who was helping out in the degree work this evening.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Robert Nilsen Father-in-law Viewing

Today I traveled north to attend the viewing for REC Bob Nilsen, Grand Master 3rd Veil, father-in-law in North Olmstead, Ohio. Everyone seemed to be handling it as well as can be expected. They had Masonic services for him this evening but I went over to the other side of Cleveland to visit Summit-Baker Chapter while I was up that way.

Summit-Baker #74 Stated/DEO Night

Tonight MEC Jeff Addis was filling in for REC Bob Nilsen as the Chapter Secretary and their DDGHP Ron Bokan and both DEOs were present. I got to help out in their opening this evening as some member were attending the viewing/Masonic services. After the meeting, which including the official business required to complete the Corwin-Webb merger. they had an education meeting. It was on the meaning of Freemasonry and was very interesting with some facts I hadn't heard before about its' origins.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Grand Chapter Planning

Tonight we held a 3rd District meeting with several leaders to discuss the upcoming Grand Family meeting. We also discussed Chapter by Chapter the current status health wise of each Chapter.  We have several we are going to work with on future improvement plans. Hopefully by being proactive we can keep as many as possible open and headed in the right direction.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Local KYCH Meeting

Tonight was our local KYCH meeting in Mason at Houston's Restaurant. I love to go there as they have frog legs on the menu which are very good. They also have an old time salad bar with tons of 'extras' on the bar. I got the Frog Legs with a Fillet Mignon tonight and it was great. We then had an interesting program from the local Police force detailing scams (mainly targeting older people) and how they are being instigated.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Grand Chapter Planning

Today I met with the Clatterbuck’s (and Pam joined us) to discuss the upcoming Grand Family meeting and recons. We also set up dates to do another follow up with the hotel for Grand Chapter. We went through a walk through on the Grand Family Day to make sure we knew who would be doing what and how we could make sure we had the room set ups determined along with lunch. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Trinity Chapter Stated/Awards Night

Tonight my Chapter held their awards night and we had a very special 50 year pin to had our to Fred Hoskins Jr. He has been an officer since before I was even a member. His health has unfortunately been deteriorating lately. His wife was able to luckily bring him tonight. After the presentation they were practicing for the Past Master degree for our inspection. We also had 3 other 50+ members present.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

ROJ Annual Meeting

Today was our annual meeting for the Jesters in Dayton where we elect new officers and new members. We started off with a nice social hour and then moved into a great breakfast. After that we held our meeting. The best part was that the weather held off and we were done by noon. 

Friday, January 17, 2020

First 100 Days

Well the first 100 days of my term has come to a close with about 100 Masonic activities/visits, 38 different Ohio Chapters, 4 different states, all but 3 Ohio Chapter districts visited and over 13,000 miles. Still having a great time and looking to continue at a even more aggressive travel schedule leading up to the summer months.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

JA Meacham #135 Chapter Inspection

Tonight I headed to Milan (by Sandusky) for the Mark Master Inspection. This is a small Chapter struggling to stay open.  The District is trying to help this Chapter get over their current issues and several came tonight to help them out. They also had to “borrow” a candidate for the evening. REC Rod Carr, Grand Scribe, was also in attendance.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Painesville Chapter Inspection

Tonight I headed north past Cleveland to the 20th District for Painesville’s Most Excellent Master Inspection on four candidates. They did a very nice job with almost all their own members including the walking parts. The High Priest has been working hard to make sure this Chapter is headed in the right direction and at 85 did a good job on his ritual work as well. MEC Bob Thomas and REC Bob Nilsen were also in attendance. They also made sure there was no downtime during the degree and finished before 9:30 (starting at 7:30) .

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Greeters Meeting

This morning our Greeters Unit at the Shrine had their monthly meeting after we joined the Seniors group for their great breakfast. I was installed as 1st VP for the Unit. The job of our Unit is to sign people in at the Stated Meetings and Greet people at events being held at the temple.  I've been a member almost 15 years of this Unit and have avoided being President but since almost everyone else has taken their turn at being President of the Unit, I guess it will be my turn next year.

Horeb-Wright #3 Chapter Inspection

Today in Columbus was the Chapter Inspection in the Most Excellent Master degree for a candidate from Grand King, Dan Smith's, home Chapter. They did a really nice job on the degree work (per the DDGHP which I would also agree). Their candidate is an officer of a Lodge meeting in the building. In addition, MEC Don Lossaso was also in attendance.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Grand Line Officer Meeting

Today all the progressing line got together in Chillicothe and discussed some long term plans and potential changes at the Grand Chapter level. Almost all were ideas to help make local Chapter to have a better opportunity to succeed with some also focusing on how issues in a local Chapter can more quickly identified and addressed.  Everyone gave input and it was to be an open brainstorming discussion on the topics. After the discussions we all had dinner with the wives who attended.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Valley Commandery #80 Inspection

Today was the Inspection of my Commandery by PGC Tom Gault. We had a decent turnout and many from Valley. We had several visitors outside of our Division. True entire Army was from our Commandery. 

Antioch Shrine Meet The Divan Night

Today was the installation and meeting of the new Divan night. After the installation, we had dinner and then headed upstairs to meet the Divan members and the music.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Adoniram Council Stated Meeting

Tonight I attended my Council who moved through their meeting as quick as possible so they could set up for Commandery Inspection tomorrow. While we “expedited” things, nothing necessary was missed. It was also nice to see several on the sidelines including 2 PGHPs and 2 Grand Council officers.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Minerva Lodge #98 Stated/Awards

Tonight I headed to my Lodge’s stated meeting and awards night. Our Senior Past Master got his 60 year pin and I received my 35 year pin. We also gave out a 50 year pin and had over 30 in attendance. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

West Gate Chapter #216 Inspection

Tonight was the Chapter Inspection for the home Chapter of MEC Don Lossaso and MIC Grover Manning. Grand Marshall, Greg Clatterbuck and I travelled up and were joined there in Columbus by Grand King, Dan Smith, They did a nice job on the Royal Arch degree and brought in three more new members. They also had a last minute Principal Sojourner replacement when the Chapter's Principal Sojourner wasn't able to attend who did an outstanding job.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Bellevue Chapter/ Council Stated Meetings

Tonight I travelled to Bellevue Ohio for the stated meetings of Chapter and Council. They both had abbreviated meetings so we could hear a presentation from a representative of the Ohio Masonic Home working out of the Browning facility. We also had some ladies present for the presentation and meal before the presentation. Everyone seemed very engaged in the presentation and while all business was concluded in the stated meetings, I thought this was an excellent program to give some much needed information to the general membership about the Ohio Masonic Home. At the end of the entire evening they presented me with a gift for attending including a bottle of wine made especially for myself and Pam by their Secretary to acknowledge our wine outings planned for next summer.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Circleville Chapter\Tyrian Council Meetings

I went to the stated meetings for Chapter and Council tonight in Circleville this evening. Unfortunately, they only had four present. We discussed how they might get new members and more showing up at meetings. They decided that they were going to focus on Chapter and discuss the possibility of closing the Council with their Arch Inspector. Their problems aren’t unique but since a local Lodge just closed it has reduced their options. 

Sunday, January 5, 2020

York Rite Cooperation Meeting

Today in Delaware Ohio many of the Grand York Rite officers got together to discuss schedules and things we could do to improve the entire York Rite. One item being worked on is a statewide York Rite online schedule to make attending local schools or Inspections of the bodies easier.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Reed Commandery #6 Inspection

This afternoon Reed Commandery held their Inspection. The Commanders son was the candidate which is always a unique experience. There were over 50 in attendance including several from outside the Division.  Past Grand High Priests Steve Duncan and George Shell were in attendance along with Past Grand Master Neil Smalley. We also had two Past Grand Commnaders and two Grand Commandery officers in attendance. 3rd Arch Inspector Ron Meyers was in attendance from Grand Council thus all Grand bodies were represented.

Morrow Chapter #143 Stated Meeting

Grand Marshall, Greg Clatterbuck and I travelled to Morrow tonight for their stated meeting and awards. Unfortunately, they had to present the service awards prior to tonight as the recipient couldn’t attend this evening. They did, however, have an Endowed Membership which I presented to the member along with DDGHP Couch. They had a nice turnout for a stated meeting. 

Friday, January 3, 2020

Masonic Rosecrutians

Tonight was our annual meeting for this group limited to 72 Masonic members throughout all of Ohio. We brought in three new members tonight. We had a great meal at the Holiday Inn where were meeting in Fairborn.