Saturday, November 30, 2019

On The Road

Well Thanksgiving Day through today we spent in Knoxville with my daughter and her husband. We also picked up our dogs who were vacationing in Knoxville while we went to Williamsburg last week. We watched lots of football and had a nice Thanksgiving dinner. But while it was a nice rest, tomorrow we have several non Masonic activities to do and back on the Masonic visits trail on Monday.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Busy Day

While I might not have made any Masonic Meetings today, it was a very busy day. It was a “catch up day”. I had administrative work for about seven different Masonic groups to get done. In addition, I also had errands to run all over the area and probably put a couple hundred miles on the car doing them. Once all this was done we packed the car to head to my daughters in Knoxville. Surprisingly the traffic on the way done was not as heavy as normal. I guess the high winds either had some traveling earlier or waiting until tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

New Carlisle Chapter #57 Inspection

Tonight was a Royal Arch degree in the 6th District. This is MEC Bill Berry’s home Chapter and he was there doing a part. REC Joe Fair, Grand Guard, also attended. Unfortunately, REC Seymour, their Secretary and DDGHP for the 6th District was in the hospital with chest pains.The candidate got a good degree and we got done at a reasonable time as they were well prepared to keep the work moving along.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Change of plans for today

We made it home from the Grand Commander’s Reception yesterday and I had planned to go to the 4th District Meeting tonight but Pam’s car had an issue on her way home from work and I had to go with her this evening to get it fixed. I guess the good part is that we were going to take her car to Virginia but decided on the van instead.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Grand Commander’s Reception

After leaving Maryland this morning we arrived in Beachwood near Cleveland for the Grand Commanders Reception. Grand officers REC Smith, Hart and Nilsen were also in attendance along with PGHPs Addis, Thomas and Losasso. We had a nice dinner and a few speeches before heading up to the hospitality room. We are also staying the night since Pam and I figured with all the driving over the past few days and many more over the next couple of weeks, I probably shouldn’t push it and rest a little.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Day 2 Grand Chapter Virginia

Well the morning was an open session with guests and ladies where they did all the introductions. In the afternoon was the tiled Grand Chapter session where they discussed all their business.  Their opening is quite different and since it was only approved for the Grand Council to be considered a separate organization instead of a part of Grand Chapter a few years ago, they still open in a joint session to conduct business. Unfortunately, I had to leave after this session so I can be back in Cleveland tomorrow for the Grand Commander's Reception.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Day 1 Grand Chapter Virginia

Today was a slow day and almost everything starts tomorrow so we decided to head to Old Colonial . Williamsburg. We had lunch at an old colonial style place which was very good. We also saw the old Masonic Temple where I got a picture of me seated out front. After lots of walking (and lots of breaks while doing it) we headed back to the hotel to rest. However, late tonight we had excitement as the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the building.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Heading to Grand Chapter Virginia

Well drove most of the day (about 600 miles) to end up in Williamsburg Virginia to attend the Virginia Grand Chapter. I’ve met their current Grand High Priest at several states over the past year. The only bad part is I have to leave Friday before the Grand Banquet so I can get back for the Grand Commander of Ohio Reception Saturday. Now time to get some rest so I can get up to attend activities starting tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wapakoneta Chapter #183 Inspection

Tonight my Grand Aide Joe Fair and I went to the Most Excellent Master Inspection in Wapakoneta. They had 6 candidates (one of the pictures I've added) with 3 being Active Military personnel. They did a nice job on the degree work and kept things moving so we could get home at a reasonable hour.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dayton Hi 12 Club Meeting

We had our bi-monthly meeting today and visitor with us who is a Past International President of Hi-12. His wife was our speaker, talking about guardianship. It was a very important and interesting subject. We also finalized plans for the Christmas party in December.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Northwest #45 Chapter Inspection

This morning I headed up to the most northwestern part of the state of Ohio to Bryan Ohio for a Chapter Inspection. My Grand Aide, Joe Fair travelled with me and Past Grand High Priest Keith Green was also present. It was a shame the candidate couldn't be there this morning for the Inspection as he would have been impressed with the work put on this morning in the Mark Master Degree.

Grand Illustrious Master/Prior Reception

Tonight at the Aladdin Shrine was the Grand Illustrious Master and Prior for Ohio KYCH Reception. It was actually the first time I've been in the new building they have in Grove City and the facility was very nice and a great venue for a reception. They had a nice turnout with lots of dignitaries. I was actually glad the reception was over early so I could get back home tonight at a reasonable hour since I got up around 6AM to head to the Chapter Inspection this morning by the Indiana/Michigan/Ohio Northwest corner.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Greenville High Priest

Sadly, I must report that Roy Kash, High Priest of Greenville Chapter in the 3rd District has passed away. He was ill and in the hospital a couple of weeks ago when they held their Inspection. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hillsboro Chapter #40 Inspection

My Grand Aide, Joe Fair and I travelled to the 5th District for the Most Excellent Master Inspection at Hillsboro. MEC Keith O’Odell and REC Ryan Adams, Grand Principal Sojourner, were also in attendance. The had one candidate for the evening. We had 20 some Companions in attendance. They have a beautiful room here at Hillsboro and great stage with amazing backdrops in which to do degree work.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nazir Grotto Stated Meeting

I headed north to Canton this evening to visit Nazir Grotto who held their election of officers and planned the term for next year. They may be a small group at this location but they are planning activities to try to increase their membership. They kept the meeting moving and discussed several topic but still were able to finish in just over an hour and I was able to get back home at a reasonable hour.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Greeters Meeting

After the Seniors breakfast this morning at the Shrine (Ok qualify as a Senior if you can show up for breakfast) our Greeters Unit held their monthly stated meeting. We had a fairly good turnout despite the poor weather conditions. Not to my surprise. I am now their 1st VP starting in 2020 since I told them if no one would take the position I would, guess what no one else took it. I had used the "I'm in Grand Chapter Line wait until I'm done" about as long as I could. Besides I think I'm one of the only members besides those who just joined who is not a Past President of the unit. (I used the "I'm a Divan member at the Shrine " excuse before my current one).

3 for 1 Chapter Inspections

Tonight Spencerville, Van Wert and Lima all held their Inspections at the Lima Masonic Temple (the DDGHP is returning to Spencerville to watch a degree for the ritual portion at a later date). We had 5 candidates who all received their Mark Master and Past Master Degrees. One of my Grand Aides, Joe Fair, also travelled with me tonight. After the Inspection they feed us before we headed back home. While it was a long night and we got back late, it was lucky that it started a 7PM. Oh and did I mention the heat in the Lodge room went out this afternoon.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Plans Cancelled For Tonight

Well tonight we were going to Franklin Chapter in Troy but due to the ice/snow projections for here decided to call the Chapter prior to leaving. That turned out to be a good plan as the High Priest said he didn’t expect to have enough for a meeting and on top they were expecting more ice north of I-70.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Good First Month

Well so far after the first 30 days I've had 45 Masonic events to attend and about 4.000 miles and haven't yet left the state. I know that number is about to ramp up as I head to the Grand Chapter of Virginia (at Williamsburg) and Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania (just outside to Philadelphia) before the 10th of December. So far I've been able to present two 70 year service plaques and one 75 year service plaque. Fourteen more 70 year service plaques to go (Four more are out of state).  Having a great time and have had travelling Companions on almost every trip. 

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Scottish Rite Reunion - Valley of Dayton

We had our reunion today and brought in about 270 new members in the Sovereign Grand Commander, Dave Glattley Class. We also had a veterans program and honored around 250 of our veterans. Also Ray Combs, Past Potentate of Antioch, receive the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction Veterans Awards.

Friday, November 8, 2019

DeMolay 3rd District Awards Night

Wow what a great turnout tonight. The 3rd District gave out a number of awards including the Chevalier which also is recognized annually on this date in honor of Dad Frank S Land, the founder of DeMolay and is the highest honor an Active DeMolay can receive. We also had an exceptional number of Supreme Council Members for DeMolay as well as all the living past Executive Officers of Ohio DeMolay. 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

York-Temple #155 Chapter Inspection

I returned with my Grand Marshal Greg Clatterbuck and Grand Aide Joe Fair to Westerville up by Columbus this evening. They did a Mark Master Degree on a new candidate using 100% of their own members and did an outstanding job (the DDGHPs words but I would agree with him). The also had almost 40 in attendance including the majority from their own Chapter. After the meeting we had outstanding refreshments by a Lodge Brother who owns a catering business including Beef Brisket and Pork which had probably been smoked for 15+ hours. The evening still moved right along so we were able to head back to Dayton so we could be home at a decent time.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Community #227 Chapter Stated Meeting

Tonight REC Clatterbuck and I went to Columbus for a stated meeting. It turns out they were performing the Most Excellent Master degree on one candidate. They  did a better job than I have seen at most Inspections. They had 20 of their own members in attendance and did all parts from their own Chapter. They especially paid close attention to the little details which put the quality of work done over the top. I like being surprised in a good way when I visit a chapter.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ormus Grotto

Tonight we had our November stated meeting on a day that is not their normal stated meeting since most were going to be out of town on the normal day of our stated meeting this month. We covered a number of items including the start of updating our by-laws, preparing to make some changes to bring in more members and planning quarterly outings. 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Dayton Hi12 Club

Today at lunch I went to our Hi12 Club and had lunch after which we had a very informative talk on a free government program for those who have trouble hearing. It is a system which can be used with existing phone to provide enhanced sound and closed captioning. One off the presenters was Roy Skidmore from my lodge who will be joining our Chapter in Miamisburg on February 7 at our Inspection in a class in my honor. 

Toledo-Port Lawrence #193 Inspection

REC Clatterbuck, EC Dennie Fitzgerald and I went to the Inspection scheduled this evening at Toledo-Port Lawrence. When we got there another group of folks were meeting at the Temple but said they were leaving soon as the Chapter had a scheduled Inspection at 7 PM. I looked at the time and it was 6:15 and it seemed strange no one was there yet from the Chapter so I called the DDGHP who informed me in the last week or so something had come up and they had to postpone the Inspection. It sure would have been nice if we had known. So we got our stuff and decided to have dinner at Tony Packos. I was the only one of the three of us who had been there before so they both got to experience it. Dinner was good and so was the company just a long drive for a new place to have dinner.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

70 Year Plaque

Today Pam and I travelled to Portsmouth to deliver a 70 year plaque for Frank Tiedge of Willis Chapter who unfortunately passed away prior to receiving it. We met with his wife and had a very nice conversation about Frank and I could tell he was a great Mason who was very active in his community. While it was sad he had passed before we could present it, I glad I was able to present it to his widow today.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

KYCH Canton

Today we held our annual KYCH meeting (we have one every quarter) and 9 new members were brought in to the organization. In addition to all Ohio KYCH members present, the Grand Master General of Covenant General and our state Grand Representative we’re both present.  As you will not in my pictures the room was definitely full on first and upper floors.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mt. Olive #189 Chapter Stated Meeting

Tonight I went to the stated meeting of Mt. Olive which is the home Chapter of our Grand Commnander who is also their Secretary. I travelled up to Euclid Ohio (just above Cleveland) with my Grand Aide Dennie Fitzgerald. They performed the Past Master degree on one candidate. MEC Jeff Addis was also present and assisted in the Past Master Degree.