Sunday, March 31, 2019

3rd District Planning

Tonight we held a meeting to discuss the upcoming circus this week and how we are going to handle the parking which is our yearly fundraiser .  There was a lot of discussion since this was the first time at a new location.  After our discussions, I think we have it planned out as well as we can until we actually do the parking where we my need to make a few adjustments .We also discussed the upcoming Kings programs and the annual meeting which I think we have pretty well planned. After covering what other items people had questions on we dispersed.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

4th District All Degree Day

Today in Cincinnati the 4th District performed all of the Chapter degrees. Those performing the degrees were: North Bend Mark Lodge, Price Hill Chapter, Batavia Chapter and Cumminsville Chapter. Our Grand High Priest Ross Black and Grand Principal Sojourner Ron Hart were also present. They had a good turnout on the sidelines and several candidates including one from Xenia in my District.

Friday, March 29, 2019

92nd Birthday Party

Tonight at Antioch Shrine they held a 92nd Birthday party for a very prominent Mason in our area, Ben Hardin. Ben is a Past Master of his Lodge, a 33rd Scottish Rite Valley of Dayton, Past Potentate and Past Imperial Chaplain. We had around 275-300 in attendance at a fish fry in his honor. It is easy to see that he is well liked in the area.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Rufus Putnam #108

Tonight I went to Beverly Ohio for the stated meeting of Rufus Putnam Chapter. They only had enough present to hols an extraordinary meeting but the ran the meeting in a very effective and efficient, organized manner. They covered everything they should including discussion on an Earl C. Gifford possible nomination. After the meeting instead of quickly leaving they had refreshments and sat around fellowshipping and swapping Masonic stories. I really enjoyed this part as it was more like a bunch of friends sitting around talking than Masonic guys having to communicate. It reminded me of what I have seen in most successful Masonic organizations.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Lancaster Chapter #11 Inspection

Tonight at Lancaster they held their Inspection in the Mark Master Degree. There were five Grand officers present including GHP Ross Black, Grand Scribe Dan Smith, Grand Chaplain and Grand Marshal. Our Grand High Priest helped out as the presiding officer for the evening.The other Grand officers also assisted. Unfortunately the actual candidate for the evening could not make it so they had a pro-tem. Afterwards we went down for some refreshments after the meeting and then journeyed home.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Minerva Chapter #123 Inspection

Tonight in Carrollton Ohio was the Past Master degree for one pro-tem candidate as their actual candidate was caught up at work and couldn't make it. REC Dan Smith, Grand Scribe, was in attendance and I got a picture of him from his favorite angle. PGIM Fred Boggs was also in attendance and is a member of this Chapter. The Grand Aide and Grand Guard were also in attendance. The few members they have attending are working hard to keep the Chapter going.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Grand Chapter Tennessee

After the GIM Reception Saturday in Springfield, I headed south to my daughters house in Knoxville. I stayed there until this morning when I got up at 4:30 to head over Nashville for their Grand Chapter session. MEC Wayne Dill was also there as he is the Ohio rep to Tennessee and now lives around an hour away. They had several Chapters who brought in 10 new members this past year. Something interesting and not necessarily in a good way is that many Chapters never do any of their own ritual work though the GHP this past year was trying to correct this situation. After the session I got back on the road to head back to Lebanon Ohio for their Chapter Inspection.

Lebanon Chapter # 5 Inspection

Tonight was the Chapter Inspection in the Past Masters degree for Lebanon and 2 candidates. PGIM Lynn Alexander and PGHP George Shell. It was the final Inspection for REC Rick Bielicki. i was glad it was a short degree since I had to get up so early today.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

GIM 3rd Arch Reception

Today at the Ohio Masonic Home we had a reception in the 3rd Arch for the Grand Illustrious Master.  Schmidt's in Columbus catered the event and we had a very good dinner. GIM Steve Hill gave a few remarks and the Arch presented him with a gift after which we headed home.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Dave Flint's Wifes Funeral

Today was the viewing and funeral for a member of our Chapter's wife and a good friend of mine mother-in-law. She had not being doing well for some time and this was not much of a surprise but is still a difficult time for anyone.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Busy Day

Today started out with lots of Grotto Secretary work to make sure I was ready for the meeting tonight. After I got that completed I met with Greg Clatterbuck to discuss many items connected with next year in Grand Chapter. I finished up the day with our monthly stated Grotto meeting. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Greenville Chapter #77 Insp

Tonight was a little unique as we got dispensation to hold our Stated Meeting for Trinity in prior to the Greenville Inspection as several of our folks were helping Greenville with the Inspection in the Mark Master Degree. We had two official visits with Trinity again winning the travel award. MEC George Shell was also present. The had two candidates for the evening. After the Inspection, they fed us well and everyone returned back home.

Monday, March 18, 2019

DeMolay LOH Dinner

Tonight was the DeMolay Miami Valley Legion of Honor dinner celebrating the 100th Anniversary of DeMolay. Since it was a special evening we did a few things a little different than normal and held the event in Dayton as they are the newest Chapter in the District. There was a fairly good showing and we got to see the Active DeMolays in action as they did a few of the ceremonies for us.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Second District Grand Masters Reception

Well I made it back today from Washington DC for our Grand Master’s Reception. We had a good dinner and afterwards went to the auditorium for the program. Two Grand Master’s Excellence in Youth Awards along with a Community Service Award were presented and then The Grand Master spoke and they presented him with a couple gifts. After that they held an afterglow for all.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Washington DC Grand Chapter pictures



Grand Chapter Washington DC

Well today was the Grand Session in Washington DC. They had several dignitaries including several other Grand High Priests along with the General Grand High Priest. The current GHP is Peter Brusoe who is a past IMC for DeMolay and we have been friends for about 15 years. They have only 7 Chapters and around 550 members. This year for the first time in many years they created dues cards to provide for their members. They also gave out two new Chapter charters. I got to serve as the head teller for their elections and also make remarks for out of state guests. Luckily it was on the outskirts of DC on the west side so I only had to be in stopped traffic for a couple hours when I left. I also got several pictures to share but I’ll have to wait to post them separately.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

American Union Chapter # 1 Stated

Tonight I attended thee stated meeting for American Union Chapter in Marietta. They had all stations filled and moved right along with the meeting, finishing in time for Council which they held immediately afterwards. They also set up the room separately for each body as they met. Overall I think it was a nice meeting

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Unity Chapter #16 Stated

The Stated Meeting for my second Chapter, Unity, was today and our DDGHP came to view the Royal Arch opening to complete the Inspection. Prior to the meeting we met for a meal and then went upstairs for the meeting. They did a good job and the DDGHP passed them for their Inspection. This Chapter meets during the day which has allowed many Masons who have difficulty seeing at night to drive to come out for a meeting. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Greeters Meeting

Today I headed down to the Shrine temple were I ate with the Seniors group and then we held our monthly Greeters meeting. With everything else going on, when I can I try to squeeze in a visit at the stated meeting of the Greeters Club of which I am a member. I expect as it gets closer to October I'll be even have less time to attend. We discussed several topics but it seemed to center around stabilizing the Club which has long been one of the stronger Clubs at Antioch but health and age is catching up with many of the members. 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Hamilton Chapter #21 Inspection

Tonight with help from a few other Chapters was the Inspection for Hamilton Chapter. We were also honored by the presence of PGHP George Shell and Grand Scribe Dan Smith. This chapter has been struggling for a while but tonight the District came together to help them through inspection with three Chapters having officials visits. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

3rd District GHP Reception

Tonight was the 3rd District Grand High Priest Reception with MEC Ross Black. REC Rod Carrr also joined us along with MWB Terry Posey, MIGM Bobbie Campbell, MEC Steve Duncan and MEC George Shell. We had a nice dinner and then our entertainment was REC Harless Maynard with some music There were 60 plus in attendance for the Reception. MEC Black gave us a few inspirational words and after a few announcements and dessert we headed home.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

York Chapter #155 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for York Chapter in the Royal Arch degree in Westerville.  It was nice to see an old friend from DeMolay, Dave Kern, in attendance who is a Past High Priest of this Chapter. REC Dan Smith Grand Scribe was not only in attendance but did the lead part of Jeshua for them in the degree work. As the DDGHP indicated, it was a very good degree and the 3 candidates all seemed to enjoy it. They actually gave me an opportunity to participate in the degree as well. The also had around 25+ of their own members in attendance. Since everything was planned out in advance we were able to move right along in the degree so I could return home at a decent time.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Preparations For Circus Parking

Since we have a new venue for this year for the Shrine Circus, we went over to look at the site and discuss how parking will be done. Our Chapter District does this parking as their fund raiser. It took a while but we were able to determine how to best handle the situation. We also have a couple of backup plans which can quickly be put in place if we see new issues which we had not foreseen.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Judy Coy Viewing

Today I went to the viewing for Judy Coy who is the wife of a very active and generous Mason in the Dayton area. Her husband, Richard, has been a Trustee for the Scottish Rite, Past District Deputy Grand Master and active with the Shrine. He is also a very likeable guy who tries to do nice things for others. 

Trinity Chapter Stated Meeting

I went to the stated meeting of my Chapter in Miamisburg who tried something new tonight. They had an "invite a member who hasn't been back in a while" night. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate but we heard about a couple of members we hadn't seen in a while who were contacted and actually had a few younger, newer members who we hadn't seen on a while. They fixed food after a short meeting and everyone socialized for a while. Despite the weather not being in our favor, I thought it was a success. 

Monday, March 4, 2019

Acacia TCL/ Valley Commandery Stated

Tonight was the stated meeting for our Tall Cedars of Lebanon in Miamisburg prior to the Commandery meeting. We had a very good turnout and PGTC Jim Potts brought refreshments for everyone. After we finished our business here, we transitioned into our Commandery stated meeting. Since several of the officers were not present the meeting moved along fairly quickly though we did discuss several future items which needed some discussion at this meeting. After finishing all our business we were able to head home at a reasonable hour.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Mansfield #28 Chapter Recon/KYCH State Meeting

Today was the 175 year Reconsecration for Mansfield Chapter. They had a great turnout of members and visitors, many of whom were staying for the KYCH meeting. I would say we had close to 70 in attendance. This is the home Chapter of MEC Robert Blankenhorn who is also their Secretary. (The KYCH meeting was held in Mansfield this afternoon.) We got a few nice pictures at the reconsecration so I'm adding two of them.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Red Cross Constantine

After spending most of the day going to several locations to address Chapter related business, Pam and I headed to the Steer Barn in Upper Sandusky. We had a nice dinner with the members of Charlemagne RCC. I was also officially installed as the Viceroy by MEC Steve Duncan. We also brought in one new member tonight.