Tonight we had a meeting of the PDDGHPs in the 3rd District and had a very good representation at our meeting held in Miamisburg at TJ Chumpps with around 10-12 PDDGHPs present. MEC George Shell and MEC Steve Duncan were both in attendance. They reserved the whole back room for us and ate dinner and a few items but mainly socialized as this is our meeting in which we also invited the ladies to attend.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Monday, January 30, 2017
Corwin-Webb #205 Chapter Inspection
Today I headed up to Cleveland for the Mark Master Chapter Inspection in Brecksville. They did a very nice job of the ritual work and the High Priest was EC Eddie Jones who was a DeMolay State Master Councilor while I was Executive Officer for DeMolay. Our Grand High Priest, MEC Jeff Addis, and several of his appointed Grand Officers were also present. They had 2 candidates on the evening and even got to do the alternate lecture on one candidate. Overall, it was a good evening with really good refreshments to send us on our way home which was nice for me and the 3+ hour drive home.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
John Rhodes Sr. Viewing
Today was the viewing for a Past District Deputy Grand Master and Past Thrice Potent Master of the Valley of Dayton. He also served for many years helping out the Grand Lodge. John's son, John Rhodes Jr., and I served in the Lodge of Perfection Line at the same time. He was a Dentist by profession and is his son and grandson. John Sr. lived in Florida for several years after retiring from his dental practice but had moved back to Ohio a few years back due to some health issue for him and his wife Lois. Anyone who worked with John Sr. would have remembered him as he was a "tell it like it is" type of guy but always did everything with a gusto to improve it.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Shrine Bobbies Comedy Night
Tonight I went to an event which was purely social in nature and involved several non-members who all bought tickets for the event. The Bobbies held their annual comedy night in which they also invited the public. They had four very good comics and entertained everyone in the audience. While their material was adult oriented, it still didn't contain much of the foul language which many on TV feel is necessary to be funny. The headline act for the evening was the former mayor of Fairborn, who has been there before, but every time has a different set of jokes he is telling. He even got a few shots in on Past Master, Past High Priest and Past Potentate, Scott Lipps, who now sits as an Ohio Congressman. I would estimate the crowd at around 200 and it appeared all in attendance enjoyed themselves.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Scottish Rite - Hal McCoy program
The Scottish Rite this evening held a special program to give members the opportunity to bring potential members down to a program in which Hall of Fame sports writer for the Cincinnati Reds, Hal McCoy, spoke about his years of covering the Red's and many of their best known managers and players. He had many stories to relate including some not in his recently released books about his life as a Red's sportswriter. He also answered questions for quite a while on anything the audience wanted to talk about. Despite not actually having a candidate to bring with me, it was a very enjoyable evening.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
KYCH Meeting
Well sometimes best laid plans are changed as yesterday I had planned to go to Warren for their Chapter Inspection but when I went to the other house learned the heat, which we had fixed a couple of weeks back, was out again so I had to get the space heaters back out and turn them on since the temperature is once again dropping. Tonight was the Miami Valley KYCH meeting and our District Deputy Prior MWB Norm Mick was present in addition to our Past Prior Lynn Chadbourne. We had a good turnout as every seat in the area assigned to us was taken, All four York Rite groups were well represented with past and present Grand officers from each in attendance. We met at Houston's Restaurant with the ladies near Mason Ohio. As normal when I eat there, I got the frog legs, Our speaker for the evening was Wendy Sproul from Adopt America. Luckily, the weather didn't get too bad as it was cold and raining outside but didn't seem to be icing on the road.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Trowel Chapter #70 Inspection
Tonight, I journeyed down to Jackson Ohio for Chapter Inspection in the Mark Master Degree in the 5th District. Their Guest Inspector was MEC Keith O'Dell which is I guess the only way they don't keep him busy doing ritual work for them at an Inspection. MEC Jean Justice and REC Ryan Adams, Grand Master of the 2nd Veil, along with REC Dan Smith, Grand Principal Sojourner, were also present. Their High Priest was REC Jeff Humble, Grand Necrologist. They had some assistance from several of the Chapters but still got the job done tonight albeit on a pro-tem candidate. I was also able to get on the road and head home so I would make it before midnight.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Fort Miami-Calumet Chapter #191 Inspection
Tonight in the Toledo area was the Past Master Inspection for Fort Miami-Calumet Chapter. Our immediate Past Grand Master Rob Rill is from the Chapter and was present in addition to REC Keith Green who is Grand King. They did an outstanding job at the Inspection including one person who it was his first time to do a major part. It is the home Chapter of the DDGHP for the 8th District so he had a guest inspector this evening, PDDGHP Dave Kevorkian.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Grand Chapter Planning
Today I met with the General Chairman for 2020 Grand Chapter and our District Advisor, REC Greg Clatterbuck, to discuss plans for the 2019 GHP Reception and all the events leading up to and including Grand Chapter 2020. We discussed several options and some very good new ideas were introduced. As we spoke our goal is to keep with traditions but also work to move things forward. The Grand Chapter venue for 2020 has already been signed at the Great Wolf Lodge near Mason and we have determined the location for the 2019 GHP reception but need to finalized a few details.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Three Event Day
This morning stated out with the Annual meeting for our Jesters where we ate, fellowshiped and appointed/elected new officers. After that meeting, I headed down to our Commandery Inspection at Valley in Miamisburg. Since I was a little late and my knee was hurting, I didn't spend the time going home to get my uniform since I knew I would not be able to march. They had a fairly good turnout of members and visitors and our candidate was the High Priest of the Chapter in Miamisburg. With little time to spare, I headed home and picked up Pam so we could attend the Worshipful Master Recognition night sponsored by the Dayton Scottish Rite. It was announced we had nearly 50 Worshipful Masters in attendance and after a great dinner and entertainment each received a recognition pin from the Grand Master for their year of service.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Twin Valley Chapter #240 Inspection
Today was the Most Excellent Master Inspection in Farmersville for Twin Valley Chapter. While MEC George Shell was cruising around the world, the rest of the members held down the fort. MEC Steve Duncan was in attendance along with several other visitors including 13 from Trinity Chapter. I stayed outside for most of the Inspection to help with the attendance as our District Officers were helping out with the ritual for the evening which per the Inspecting Officer was very good and 3 new candidates became Most Excellent Masters.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Urbana Chapter #34 Inspection
Tonight I was at an Inspection in the 6th District in thee Past Master Degree. There were several dignitaries in attendance: from Chapter MEC Garis Pugh and MEC Bill Berry; from Council RIC Mike Terry and Josh McDonald; and from Commandery Martin Trent and Alfred Johnson. The parts, however, were all done from members of Urbana Chapter. The meeting moved right along and at thee end the protem candidate actually gave us some education information that was very interesting. He also answered for me something that I've been overlooking for almost 30 years which they have at the top of the Ohio flag which is a quite unique piece and I noticed only as of tonight.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Busy Day
The day started out with a trip to the Wright Patterson Airforce base where I signed up to be a volunteer for the USO of southwest and central Ohio. They just started a branch on the base around a year ago and are trying to get enough volunteers to staff it almost 24/7. They have many airman who live on the base with very young families and this especially provides a place for them to relax and help them out a little. I got my base pass and initial training and now have some follow up to review to start the volunteer service for them.
After this I headed down to UD arena, where the Shrine Circus will be held next month, to discuss any changes for this year and coordinate what is needed for the parking lot assignment. Collecting the parking fee is my fund raiser for Grand Chapter expenses and is now also helping to fund extra events in our district. To me this is a win-win for us and the Shrine as they need all of their folks to be working inside ushering and doing other necessary jobs.
I then left straight from this meeting and headed up to my Chapter Region this year to attend a stated meeting for Wapakoneta Chapter. To my great surprise, REC Ross Black, our Grand Scribe, was also present. It was nice to just be able to help them out a little with the opening by filling in for a couple of folks who could not make it and then after a short but productive meeting spend some time fellowshiping with them. While I didn't make it home in time for the news, I was able to make it to bed shortly after it finished.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Jesters Club Meeting
Today the Jesters Club got together and had a few laughs, socialized a while and ate a meal together. It was a great opportunity to see all the fantastic changes at the Antioch Temple and officially get to hear some words from the new Potentate. We also talked about our annual meeting being held this weekend and the number of activities planned by our probable new Director come Saturday. Tonight we headed over to a good friend of ours restaurant which was just recently opened to the public.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Shrine Oriental Guide Roast
After a day and a half of ice on the roads around us, it finally started to get warmed and we headed off to the Shrine and the Oriental Guide Roast. They started off with a social hour and then moved into a very nice dinner. Afterwards they introduced all the officers including the new Potentate Wes Ramsey. Next the Oriental Guide Todd Rider was Roasted by the prior Oriental Guide and afterwards everyone enjoyed a party/dance. Overall it was a nice and relaxing evening.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Nugen Chapter #124 Inspection
Tonight was the Inspection for MEC Alan Hart's Chapter in the Mark Master Degree. He was present along with MEC John Gartrell. This Chapter is located in Newcomberstown just above Cambridge in the 14th Capitular District. RIC Dave Mourer, Deputy Grand Master Grand Council of Ohio, was present and did the Right Worshipful Master part in the degree work and they an actual new candidate who was joining as a courtesy from Warren Chapter in Newark Ohio.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Unity Chapter #16 Stated
Today was Unity Chapter #16 stated meeting and it would have been hard to tell today that just less than a year ago I was working with them to keep them from closing. We had 16 in attendance and around 5 of them where in attendance because we were meeting during the day and they can no longer drive at night. They received a new petition and were talking about practicing for Inspection. We also continued to work through a few challenges with only meeting officially 4 times per year but I think we are now in good shape to be able to handle those issues. I heard lots of optimism and folks who indicated they would ask some others to attend at the next meeting who they know can no longer get out at night.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Trinity Chapter #44 Inspection
Tonight was my Chapters Inspection in Miamisburg in the Past Master Degree. The DDGHP indicated that we had a very nice Inspection and despite some less than ideal weather conditions our Chapter had a nice turnout of our members with 18 present. MEC Steve Duncan was also in attendance. Now the York Rite in our temple can start focusing on the rest of the Inspections in the building. Once again my Chapter made me very proud to be a member.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Lebanon Chapter #5 Inspection
Tonight Lebanon Chapter was inspected in the Royal Arch degree. While the weather was much warmer, I'm not sure you could say it was much better as they are calling for a potential ice storm on the way home (luckily that held off). PGIM Lynn Alexander was present and helped them out with the work as he is a member of chapter here. They had several new persons helping out with the inspection and have many non Past High Priests in line. It was nice that this inspection was in my own District as it allowed me to get home at a reasonable hour.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Masonic Cooperation meeting
Today we started out with several of the Grand Chapter officers having lunch together and discussing some items within Grand Chapter. We then went over to the Delaware temple and met with the leaders from Lodge, Chapter, Council, Commandery and Scottish Rite. We discussed several items and Grand Master MWB Doug Kaylor, gave us some insight on the OMH 125 Anniversary and the Grand Masters class. We had lots of good discussions and headed home after a little more than 2 hours of discussions.
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Wilmington #63 Chapter Inspection
Tonight was an inspection for Chapter in my District in the Past Master Degree. While I had planned to go this morning to a Lodge Inspection in my district that was cut short when I woke up and felt terrible. Luckily after taking some medicine, I felt well enough to head out tonight into the bitter cold. Wilmington is a Chapter which relies on a smaller number of persons to help with the degree work but always does a first class job. The High Priest, Ray Lewis, was a repeat but approached it as if it was his first time by doing one of the main parts in the work. MEC George Shell was present and once again Trinity Chapter won the travelling award with 8 present.
Friday, January 6, 2017
Masonic Rosecrutians
Well yesterday I had planned to attend an Inspection in Marion but Wednesday evening the heat went out at our second house and we had to get it fixed and they thought they could get the part Thursday and fix it but it was not to be as I waited until it was too late to go to Marion only to find out the part didn't come in and they couldn't fix it until Friday (which they did). Tonight we had a full program of socialization, dinner, induction, and a paper. I was had the lead part in the induction ceremony. The fact that up until this year we have only met once per year and never put on this order means I had never seen the grade work before doing it which was definitely a challenge. I think though that everything well off well and I was able to head home with the realization ... now I get to start work on my next part.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Trinity Stated Meeting
Tonight was the stated meeting for Trinity Chapter and while I have spent almost every waking moment over the past few weeks working on a part for a degree I have never seen and have to do Friday evening, I figured I need to take some breaks to make sure it is sinking in on the part I'm trying to learn. We had about five who where sick who normally attend but still had around 15 in attendance. We went over the final preparations for our Inspection next week and planned out our travels and activities for the next several weeks. As we finished early, several went downstairs and spent time working on the Chapter Resource Course.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Happy New Year
Well... last night was the end old an old year which was filled with challenges and several changes in my personal life including a couple of deaths from those closest to me, my only daughter moving away from home, the end of a career and even a very poorly played Ohio State game last night. But with every end of each year comes the hope of a better new year. Today, the daughter was home visiting for the weekend and the Bengals actually won a game to start things off right. In addition, I've figured out I only need to work if I chose and I think I might be starting to shake the terrible sinus issues I've been fighting for over a month. I'm planning to ramp back up my travels later this week after a few closer trips at the beginning of the week. Things in 2017 will probably not be all smooth sailing but hopefully with a positive attitude and lots of support it will progress in a productive and healthy direction.
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