Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Get Together

Tonight several from the 3rd District informally got together to fellowship over the Christmas break. The ladies and families were invited Canad there were no speeches, no introductions and only a couple of changes to the schedule for the year which were discussed. We all fellowshiped and ate pizza and handed out a few goodie baskets and then departed.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas To All

Last night was a nice surprise as I went to the Moose for dinner and ended up eating with the Motor Corps from the Shrine and EC Jim Potts who is the Membership Chairman for the 3rd District. It is good to be with friends no matter where you are at in life. This year has been challenging with my mom and my dog both passing away and I became retired unexpectedly; remembering the real reason for living is to be able to have friends and family who you care about and helping out others who need a little help especially during this time of the year. 

Merry Christmas!  

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Shrine Volunteer Christmas Ranch

Tonight I went to the Christmas Ranch and volunteered for the Shrine Hospital's. This place has been recognized on several TV programs as a place to go to see Christmas displays and it does not disappoint. It is massive and gives anyone the opportunity to get their fix of Christmas lights, displays and food along with photos with Santa. I worked in the Santa photo house so it was inside and nice and comfortable from a temperature perspective. We were fairly busy and my job was to get the kids coats off and have them ready to see Santa when the last group was done. It was a nice easy job but was definitely something with no time for a break which was not bad since it was a little less than 6 hours work. Every year they make generous donations to the Shrine Hospitals and a couple other charities and the more volunteers they can get the less full time paid employees they need which means the greater the donations they can give.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Chillicothe #4 Chapter Inspection

Tonight in Chillicothe several of us got together to eat and then went over to the Inspection. MEC Keith O'Dell was the inspecting officer. We also had present REC Ross Black Grand Scribe who helped out as Junior Deacon in the Most Excellent Master Degree which they were being inspected. REC Dan Smith Grand Principal Sojourner and REC Ryan Adams Grand Master 2nd Veil were also in attendance. Tonight a few of the ladies, including my wife Pam, were also there this evening and waited for us in the dining area. They unfortunately did not have an actual candidate and a key member of the staff was called to the hospital to be with a critically ill family member.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Trinity Chapter Past Master & Stated

Tonight was my chapter's Stated meeting and Past Master' Degree. We had one candidate and this will again be our degree for Inspection next month. REC Don Wilcox came down to do the Right Worshipful Master as ours is in Florida until February or March. We had around 18 in attendance for the meeting. I was glad though that tonight was close to home as I had a 2 foot long crack come in my windshield today so I need to get it fixed before driving it again. I should also mention that Mac Polston from Twin Valley dad died and at 98 had the funeral today which I attended.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Circleville #20 Chapter Inspection

Tonight I attended an Inspection in the 5th District in the Mark Master Degree for Circleville Chapter. You might recognize their High Priest from my photo... MEC Jean Justice. Tonight REC Ryan Adams and REC Dan Smith were in attendance along with PGC Tom Ramsey who helped out the Chapter with the degree work tonight. Despite leaving early, I was just able to make it in time for the start of the meeting as the traffic on the highway was much heavier and slower than anticipated. The Chapter is trying to rebuild and get themselves reorganized in the degree work as several long time helpers have passed away and it has left a burden for those still around. Luckily they have a few new people who have stepped forth and are trying to help out the Chapter.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Another change in plans today

While the past couple of days I had some non-Masonic duties to attend to, today I had planned to head up north to the 2nd District for their all degree Inspection day but the weather made me see things differently.  I looked at the weather report before I went to bed and said I'm getting up and going but when I got up very early this morning, all I heard about was accidents which were shutting down the highway between my house and the Inspections. I waited almost 2 hours and still was hearing reports on multiple accidents when I finally decided I wasn't going to chance the drive. Again as I mentioned before not sure if it is that I'm getting smarter or feeling less than invincible as I get older.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Unity Chapter #16 Awards

Today at noon Unity Chapter had a special luncheon, Awards presentation and  Christmas program at the Dayton Temple. We stayed right in the same room in which we had lunch to provide a relaxed and socially inviting atmosphere for the event. We had a good turnout with around 20 in attendance. Two of the four receiving 50 year awards were present and the other two are being planned for next month. Ed Howard and Cliff Ladman were both present to receive their 50 year awards. I've known both for almost 30 years as they are both very active Masons. After the awards we moved into a Christmas presentation from Randy Clark, Retired United Methodist Minister, and as of 1/1/17 will be the new Executive Secretary for the Valley of Dayton. He gave a nice historic talk about the most likely birth time of Jesus and why we probably celebrate it on December 25th. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Weather Changed My Plans

Not sure if the saying you get wiser as you get older holds true tonight but while I had planned to go to Minerva Chapter Inspection this evening, when we had 6 inches on the ground at my house when I was supposed to leave and it was scheduled to continue for several more hours, I decided I had better not try it. In addition, they were calling for dangerous roads as everything refroze hard. My biggest concern is the winding roads to get to Carrollton Ohio and probably more importantly since I had gone their before, I knew it was an area where I have no cell phone reception. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Walnut Chapter Inspection

Tonight was the annual Inspection in Canal Winchester just south of Columbus for Walnut Chapter in the Most Excellent Master Degree. We had 3 progressing line officers in attendance with myself, REC Dan Smith Grand Principal Sojourner and REC Ryan Adams Grand Master 2nd Veil. Overall, the DDGHP REC Dave Percival, commented that they did a good job on the degree. I also learned that listening to a GPS when you know it is wrong is not a good idea. I had been to this temple a couple times in the past and the GPS said turn right on the final road and I knew it was to the left. I turned right and sure enough it was to the left.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Minerva Lodge Christmas Party

Today was my lodges Christmas Party and we had a good turnout of both adults and kids. They had lots of food for everyone and gifts for the kids. In addition, they read Christmas stories and sang Christmas songs and the best part was there were no adults complaining as the kids went around having a good time during the activity. We took a picture of the Lodge members present.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Marysville and Lafayette Chapter Inspections

This morning we had two chapter inspection held at the Marysville Chapter: Marysville #99 in the Most Excellent Master Degree and immediately afterwards in the Royal Arch Degree Lafayette #60 performed the work. MEC Bill Berry and MEC Garis Pugh were both present with MEC Pugh helping out in the degree work. The two Chapters worked very well together and John Pience from Springfield came up to do the Principal Sojourner in the Royal Arch Degree for the four new members. There were a lot of very seasoned and good ritualists present mixed in with a few newer members they are trying to get involved. Overall, it was easy to see that is was two Chapters who both appear to be working hard to move in the right direction.

LaGrange #68 Inspection

Tonight was Chapter Inspection in Ironton in the Mark Master Degree. They were able to bring in 3 new members. REC Ryan Adams, Grand Master 2nd Veil, and MEC Keith O'Dell were both present with MEC O'Dell again helping out with the degree work. It was interesting and one of the candidates had to leave for work by 8 PM so the degree moved along without delay. It is always an adventure when you attend a meeting in Ironton as you will most likely always have some type of event which occurs to remember the night by and tonight was no different as several thought tonight was Lodge Installation instead of Chapter Inspection and two of the three candidates were Lodge officers who came down for the Installation and instead became new candidates for the Mark Master Degree. With the situation around the one candidate we were able to finish very early and thus I was able to get on the road early which I was happy to get home by 11:30 PM as I had got up this morning at 6 AM to get ready to drop my sister and her son off at the airport and then head straight up to Marysville.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Charlemagne Annual Meeting

Tonight was our annual Christmas Party and elections/installation for the Red Cross of Constantine. I was elected and installed as the Junior General for next year. Our new Intendent General Steve Duncan did the Installation of officers and Past Grand Sovereign Burch Zehner was also present. We had a very nice dinner and the meeting moved along smoothly as outgoing Sovereign John Clime had a well planned and executed agenda. It was good that the events of the evening moved along well as the snow started to really come down while we were meeting which made the trip home from Findlay a little bit more tricking on the roads.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Hillsboro Chapter Inspection

Tonight was Hillsboro Chapter Inspection in the Royal Arch Degree. MWB Mike Himes came up and did the Journey for them. In addition, this is MEC Keith O'Dell's Chapter and REC Ryan Adams Grand Master 2nd Veil was also present. The High Priest was Richard Smith is very active in this area in all the Masonic bodies and this was not his first time around though he announced it would be his last. It was the first "sticking" snow of the season which made the drive a little slick since it appeared nothing was done to the roads to prepare for any weather.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Eaton Chapter Inspection

Well last night I had planned to go to Cambridge Chapter but as I felt terrible for most of the day, I took some drugs to try to make me feel better but at the last minute decided I was still running a fever and better stay home. Today I felt somewhat better and no temperature so I went to the Inspection we had in the Mark Master Degree where we had an awards presentation and special program for the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I also saw a guy I who worked for me around 20 years ago who just got his Mark Master Degree in Eaton last week. We had a good crowd with MEC Steve Duncan and MEC George Shell both present. If you look close in the one picture you will see MEC Duncan diligently studying something in the ritual.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Hi-12 Christmas Party

Today was the Dayton Hi-12 Christmas party and all of the State officers were in attendance. While I don't often get to make the meetings I always try to make the Christmas party. I've also been asked why I continue to belong if I can't make the meetings since Hi-12 is mainly a social group for those who are retired. I always tell them that when I was in DeMolay Hi-12 paid for me to go to Leadership Camp and without them I could not have gone so if I can belong and maybe help out someone else it is worth belonging.

Valley Commandery Stated

Tonight were were inspection on the paperwork and administrative items for our Commandery which I can say we passed. We also had a good turnout on the evening even though several who normally attend were unable to make it. We also practiced for the full form opening which will be held at the inspection in January. It was nice to be done early and head home with time to relax before heading off to bed.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Hicksville #188 Inspection

This morning was the annual Chapter Inspection at Hicksville in the 1st District in the Most Excellent Master degree. They kept things moving right along as several had other commitments right after the Inspection completed (5th Masonic District PM Convocation). They did a good job with help from several Chapters in the District. My next obligations, however, were not until the Grand Council/Grand Commandery reception this evening so Pam went with me and we stopped at a few places along the way and made it a whole day event.

Grand Council/Grand Commandery Reception

Tonight we went to the Kalahari for a Grand Reception evening and they had a nice turnout for the event. MIC Ed Herrick and EGC Ron Vicars were both honored with Bill Statton as the master of ceremonies for the evening. Since we had to get up at 5AM this morning to start on the day long journey, both of us were tired on the way back home but we were able to stop by and say hi to several from Ohio DeMolay who were at the Kalahari holding their Winterfest weekend.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Ormus Grotto Installation

My Grotto had their annual Installation of officers tonight and Kent Lyon was installed as our new Monarch which made me very happy as I was able to turn it over to him and now am a Past Monarch for the second time. While it was a smaller than normal number of people present we had a nice installation and meal which everyone present seemed to enjoy. Our District Deputy Tom Schliep installed the officers.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Ohio Chapter #12 Inspection

Tonight I went to the Royal Arch Inspection for Ohio #12 in Columbus. REC Randy Williams Deputy Prior for Ohio Priory #18 came down and helped them out with the Principal Sojourner part. REC Dan Smith, Grand Principal Sojourner, was in attendance as were several of the normal traveling crew from the 11th Capitular District. It was nice to see two of their long time PDDGHPs back and present at Inspection. They did a nice presentation for the candidate and he indicated he was impressed and looking forward to attending some more Inspections. Tonight for one of my pictures I was able to take one of the man who is usually taking the pictures for the 11th Capitular District Tim Mohon.