Today we had our Grand Family Meeting for Grand Chapter at the Ohio OES Home in Mt. Vernon. While we had lots of business to cover, our Grand High Priest Bob Blankenhorn did a great job of keeping the discussion moving and on topic so we were able to finish on schedule. The banquet also moved along nicely but had plenty of opportunities for it to be very enjoyable with some humor mixed in as our Grand High Priest was definitely a good sport about it and played right along. If today was any indication of how the year will go, it will definitely live up to the Grand High Priest's theme of Celebrate and I for one am looking forward to a great year! NOTE ... Pictures to follow.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
AMD Meeting
Tonight was the quarterly AMD meeting held in Middletown. We had a relatively small amount of business to attend to as we discussed a couple of new invites for membership and the new officers for 2016. We had a relatively good turnout as most not present were on the list of members who had some type of health issues. It is really important in this organization that every member try to make attendance at meetings a priority since membership in the local group is limited to 27 active members.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Ormus Grotto Stated
Last Wednesday would have been our. normal stated meeting but since everyone was out of town or unavailable who normally attends, we decided to wait to hold it until tonight. We discussed several items of business including officers for next year and our December Ceremonial/Monarchs Ball/Installation being held jointly with Springfield. After some discussion we made a few decisions and called it an evening.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Cabiri Social Event
Tonight was our monthly stated meeting for the Past Potentates but instead of just going over the business, we decided to have a dinner night out with our ladies, I think we had more present than at most meetings. We covered the small amount of business we had in around 10 minutes and delayed discussion until the next meeting but spent a couple hours fellowshipping. I'm wondering if maybe there is something to this when we go for long periods of time in our stated chapter meetings when all we are doing is meeting to pay bills and having a meeting which lasts 10 minutes. Maybe we should consider periodically adding a social time with the ladies before or after we do the necessary business. I think most Commanderies do this on a fairly regular basis ... maybe it would be a nice "change-up" for us to consider in Chapter.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
3rd DIstrict Halloween Party
Tonight we had a social night activity as we held a Halloween party. Most everyone came dressed in costume and we had a few "extra" added challenges. First a couple of local activities got changed to the same night, then we had the person letting us into the temple stuck in his driveway as a gate was stuck down and then when we got in the building we set off the fire alarm with the fog machine and it couldn't be reset. All this being said, I think everyone had a good time, we played a few games and everyone left with a full stomach.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Probably no new posts until next weekend
While I was looking forward to attending the Ohio Masonic Home ceremonies today, as I told our Grand High Priest, I have been called out of town all week for work in New York and leave today early in the morning. Traveling for work is not something I look forward to but considering until this year I haven't had to travel but once in the past 6 or 7 years, guess I can't complain.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
DDGHP and DEO Installation 3rd District
Tonight was the installation of Claude Seibel as DDGHP and Rick Bielicki as DEO for the 3rd District in Brookville. MEC Crawford Installed them. MEC George Shell and MEC Steve Duncan were also present. While the crowd was a little smaller than normal it might have been that several were home watching Ohio State play.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
York Rite College
Tonight 9 new members came into Miami Valley York Rite college. We have a number of dignitaries in the college and those coming in were in the same category. We had current or Past Grand Officers from Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery joining this evening. We are proud in our college that all the York Rite bodies come together in harmony and are all represented as officers and members.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
PM Club Picture and Chapter 50 year pin
Tonight I first headed down to the Shrine for a picture of the PM Club so we could use it to promote that our club goes out and helps do the MM degree as needed. I then headed over to the Dayton Temple for Unity Chapter's meeting and a 50 year pin presentation for REC Ire Saxton. REC Saxton has been very active on all Masonic bodies and is a Past President and Past District Deputy in the 3rd District. We had a nice turnout to congratulate REC Saxton who is unfortunately not currently in very good health. At least 8 PDDGHPs were present.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Valley Commandery
Tonight was the stated meeting for my Commandery and I decided I better try to make it since many of our members are in West Carrolton doing degree work for a new member in Chapter. I was glad that I did since we just had enough to open but we needed everyone. We discussed old business and a 60 year membership award to be presented. We also read the general orders.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Officially closing the door on 2014-15
Travel totals for 2014-2015 were around 35,000 miles and 260 masonic related activities. Unfortunately this year some work related items cut down on my total visits but the mileage actually was a little more. Thank goodness I got a new car! And since Grand Chapter is over as promised each year I am allowed to progress in the Grand Chapter line I plan to have a pin designed to provide to the travellers in my district and those traveling within the region I am assigned. My region for this next year will be District 2, 7 & 10. As I mentioned each year the pin will alternate between a piece of architecture and a mode of transportation through time. This next year will be the Wright "B" Flyer since I'm from the Dayton area and as everyone knows is where the Wright Brother's made the first airplane to take flight.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Grand Commandery
Well best laid plans...I planned to attend the sessions on Friday but couldn't make it as I had some items come up for work which I had to attend. I did however make it back to drill with my Commandery on Saturday and attend the 70 year membership plaque present to Earl Gorsuch from our Commandery. Earl is the only remaining Charter member of our Commandery and I appointed him to the line when I was Commander which was significant in itself as I was the youngest Commander appointing the oldest.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Minerva Stated
I try to attend my own Lodge meetings as often as possible and am proud to say that over the past 3 years which I have been elected in Grand Chapter line, my first visit has been to my own Lodge. We had lots to discuss but the meeting moved right along. Once it was over we did, of course, stay around for a while fellowshipping.
Grand Chapter
What a couple of great days. I was privileged and humbled to be elected to the position of Grand Principal Sojourner and our new Grand High Priest is Robert Blankenhorn. Congrats to Keith O'Dell who did a nice job leading us over the past year. Everything ran smooth on the session and we are ready for another good year.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Grand Council
Well this week is the Grand sessions being held in Mason Ohio at the Great Wolf Lodge. Monday and Tuesday are Grand Council, Tuesday night thru Thursday afternoon Grand Chapter and Friday thru Saturday Grand Commandery. It is very convenient to have them all in the same location and normally I would have just came in on Sunday and left on Saturday but unfortunately work didn't allow that flexibility this week. In fact while I made Grand Council on Monday, I wasn't able to make it on Tuesday as I had a demo meeting meeting I needed to attend on Tuesday. Tonight I do need to make it back as I have the items for the Hospitality room.
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