Monday, March 30, 2015

Few Days Off

Well this weekend while I had planned a few Masonic activities, other tasks came up which I needed to attend to immediately and since this is Holy Week (and the 5th week of the month), my activities this week from a Masonic standpoint will be few.  (Some of the "other" tasks this past weekend included taking care of some Masonic administrative business but then who cares about that!) 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

North Bend Mark Master #1 Lodge Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for the Mark Lodge in North Bend near Cincinnati in the Fourth District. The Grand High Priest Keith O'Dell was present and they had a guest Inspector for the evening MEC Don Owens PGHP. The High Priest this year is Ron Hart Sr. who is serving the Grand Chapter as Grand Master of the 1st Veil. While the night ran a little long with 4 candidates, it was nice to see that they had 4 persons joining and each is going to finish their journey and receive the other Chapter degrees as well.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3rd District Grand High Priest Reception

Tonight was the Grand High Priest Reception for Keith O'Dell in the 3rd District (My District) held in Middletown. We had a great dinner served by the Middletown Eastern Star and afterwards went upstairs for some introductions, a few words from the Grand High Priest and then the presentation of a few gifts before heading home. We had a decent turnout with around 40 in attendance. The turnout might have been a little lighter than normal as we held it during the week instead of the weekend to accommodate the GHP schedule.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Bowling Green Council Inspection

Tonight was the Council Inspection for Bowling Green in the Select Master degree and was the final Arch in the State for me to visit this year. Due to some unforeseen circumstances a few last minute fill-in's were needed but all came through with flying colors. It was also a little bit of a surprise that  we had quite the snow squall which really made the roads slick and I saw several accidents as  a result. Despite the poor weather we had a good turnout. We also had several Grand Council reps at the Inspection with RIC Steve Hill, RIC Ed Herrick and our GIM Lynn Alexander. In addition, PGIM Doug Habagger and PGIM Robert Rettig were also present.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Another Multiple Activity Day

Today started out with three activities on the schedule. I headed down to the Shrine for the ROJ Book of the Play in which I had a part and while the event moved right along after it was done as the weather was so nice, I decided I should go home and get a few things accomplished at the house that needed done rather than head over to Xenia for their Commandery Inspection. We were able to pick up a dog kennel for Laura's house and I went over there to see if I could get it set up and the mower started. For the most part the dog kennel was set up but the mower is still going to take some more work as the normal changing the spark plug wasn't enough to get the job done. We then headed down to the Grand Master's Reception for the 2nd Masonic District where in addition to recognizing and honoring the Grand Master, the George Washington Gavel was on display.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Adoniram SEM

Tonight was the SEM degree for my council and as we are trying to get backups for all the parts, tonight my backup was ready so after 30 years of doing the Nebuchadnezzar part, we had a new person to do it. I'm glad to see we are backing parts up and in addition it was Pam's birthday so after the fish fry it gave me time to leave early and do something for her for her birthday. I think this sis the first time sine we got married I was able to spend the whole evening with her on her birthday. I was glad to hear everything went well.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Another Unexpected Event

Well over the past couple of days work has interfered but this time for an unexpected and unfortunate reason. While I was training/mentoring a new employee on the assignment we are doing, he received notice yesterday that his mother was being moved to Hospice and has a short time left to live. Needless to say, I assumed his responsibilities until he returns. While it sounds as though her fate is inevitable and she has not been well for an extended period of time, this is one time I will gladly put my life on pause to help someone in a difficult situation.

Monday, March 16, 2015

DeMolay LOH Observance

Tonight several DeMolay's and Legion of Honor members met at the Ohio Masonic Home for dinner and the annual LOH observance. In addition, after the meeting several members of the Order of DeMolay received their RD award. It was a nice get together with DeMolay's from Eaton, Ralph H McMillan and Frank W. Keifer in attendance. The 7th District Governor Randy Clark was in attendance along with Bill Fannin who is a member of DeMolay International. Every year around March 18, LOH members observe a day of remembrance and rededication for the Order of DeMolay.

Friday, March 13, 2015

ROJ Practice & Hillbilly's

Tonight I dropped by the Shrine for the Hillbilly's and ROJ practice for our degree coming up next week. This was actually a nice break as I have a couple of long days of non-Masonic activities planned for this weekend. I was able to get done fairly early and plan to try to head home to maybe catch up on some sleep as work related activities lately have really been taking their toll.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Minerva Lodge PM Night

Tonight was Past Master's night at my lodge and I was actually able to attend this evening. In addition, the Past Master's were doing the Master Mason Degree on one candidate. While luckily they had all parts covered, I was able to attend and watch a new member join our Lodge. We had around 15-20 Past Masters present and a total of around 40 members and two visitors (who are considering to become dual members). The best part was that while they did good work, they had some fun and I think really made the candidate and visitors (along with one new dual member tonight) feel like we are all part of a big family. I was also excited to see the attention given to the newer members with each being assigned a mentor to tell him why certain things were happening when they had questions. We also took care of around 10 members who are well over 80 and over 50 year members who are having some financial issues. In all, I came home really felling proud to be a member of Minerva Lodge and even bought a new Minerva Lodge Polo shirt!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Golden Rule Chapter #167 Inspection

Tonight was the Most Excellent Master Inspection at Willard (on the lake between Toledo and Cleveland) in the 9th District. They had a nice turnout despite this being a smaller Chapter. They did a good job on the ritual work and only needed slight help from other chapters. The weather afterwards turned out to be terrible as the fog was so thick that in spots on the highway you could only travel around 25 MPH. It took much longer than anticipated to get all the way back home. Luckily the Inspection moved along and got done in fairly good time.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Hamilton Chapter #21 Inspection

Tonight was the inspection for Hamilton Chapter in the Past Master Degree. They have been having some difficulty so a few persons from other Chapters came in to help them out. It was encouraging to see that they are now starting to get more of their own members out as they had 15 present from their Chapter for the inspection. We also had a special "mystery guest" show up to portray King Solomon, MEC Don Owens. (I say mystery since he wasn't there for introductions and did a good job of costuming and it wasn't until he spoke that we were aware of who was doing the position.) REC Ron Hart Grand Master 1st Veil was also in attendance along with REC Jim Frazier who is Grand Warder Grand Commandery and Arch Adjutant Grand Council.This was REC Joe Fair's final Inspection as DDGHP and he was thanked for the excellent job he has done over the years for the 3rd District.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Dayton Council Degree

Today was a busy day at the Dayton temple, both Silver Trowel and Reese held their Inspections and after that held a combined SEM degree. Deputy Grand Illustrious Master Ed Herrick was in attendance for the activities along with several other dignitaries. The activities started at noon with the Royal Master Degree followed by the Seleet Master and finishing up with the SEM degree. They had 8 candidates and the best part for the day was that I got to sit and watch as several new persons participated in the degree work today including a new Nebuchadnezzar in the SEM (I had done the part for several years to help them out.)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dayton Combined Inspection

Four many years there were four Chapters in the Dayton Temple and all the Inspections for those Chapters were held during the York Rite week. When the one merged it left three but in an attempt to ensure the quality of the work stayed high and the interest did as well for the entire week, our District has acknowledged the combined degree as a ritual inspection (and part of our traveling award). As part of that tradition we have had the Grand Scribe come to the District and inspect one of the Degrees. Tonight Our Grand Scribe, Jeff Addis, inspected the combined degree in the Royal Arch. Our Class Honoree in which the week is named after is Eugene Banks who is a KYCH. MEC Steve Duncan and PGC Burch Zehner were present along with PDDGHP Joe Orzo from Cleveland who traveled down with Jeff Addis for the evening.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Unity Chapter #16 Inspection

Tonight was the inspection for Unity Chapter in the Most Excellent Master Degree and despite the poor weather conditions we had 13 candidates this evening. We also presented a 60 year pin to a Companion who came down tonight just to get his service pin. MEC Steve Duncan and PGC Burch Zehner were also present. Unfortunately due to a work commitment, I had to leave a little early. I am proud of Unity Chapter for despite many challenges over the past few years, they are working hard to keep their Chapter alive.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mt. Moriah Chapter #230 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Mt. Moriah Chapter in Dayton in the Past Mast Degree. They did a very nice job and tonight we had 12 candidates to receive the degree. The weather basically cooperated with us tonight as it was just raining and wet. For the first time in a while Trinity Chapter came in second on the traveling award with 10 present right behind Unity's 11. MEC Steve Duncan and PGC Burch Zehner were both present.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Victory Chapter #210 Inspection

Tonight was the start of York Rite Week at the Dayton Masonic Temple with Victory Chapter performing the Mark Master Degree for their Inspection. They had several candidates though most usually receive their Mark Master at their own Chapters while the rest of the week all Chapters provide their outstanding candidates. We had a very good turnout (highest total in attendance for the year). The weather was fair but we are preparing for worse weather for the rest of the week with freezing rain and snow predicted. MEC Steve Duncan PGHP and MWB Neil Smalley PGM were both present.