Saturday, January 31, 2015

Ed Schultz Funeral Service

Today was the funeral service for Worshipful Brother Ed Schultz from Minerva Lodge. As I have mentioned before he was one of the most prominent members ever of Minerva Lodge. In addition to being Secretary for 45 years and a Past Master, he was also only one of seven 33rd Masons from our Lodge in nearly 175 years. Ed also signed up over 200 men to join the Scottish Rite and was an Ambassador for the Scottish Rite from the inception of the program. I was privileged to present the Scottish Rite Ring Service and present a short Tribute to him as a 33rd on behalf of the Valley of Dayton Scottish Rite. While a "to the point type guy" as mentioned today Ed was not only a guy who taught you how to be a Mason but how to love our Lodge and Temple in Miamisburg.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Herman Lawrence #82 AMD

Tonight was the AMD meeting and installation for Greg Clatterbuck as our new Sovereign Master. The weather was less than ideal and so was the attendance on the evening. Many of our members did however have valid reasons for not being present as sickness was plaguing several members. The meeting turned out to be rather quick with no papers to be presented but one should be ready for the next meeting. After the meeting our new Sovereign Master had refreshments for all in attendance.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Chapter 3rd District PDDGHP Meeting

Tonight was our bi-annual PDDGHP meeting and the turnout was a little light due to several last minute cancellations with folks sick and a few being called to do a funeral service. For those present, we discussed how this group can assist the district, some issues being addressed in the District and also about several changes in the manner in which our District events are held to increase participation. It seems as though REC Fred Gallo is still having some severe problems with mobility and MEC George Shell is in rehab after knee surgery and MEC Jerry Crawford is in the hospital after a serious fall and an irregular heart beat.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

2nd Masonic District Officers Meeting

Tonight in Brookville was the 2nd District Officers Meeting. While I had planned to go to Coshocton to their Council Inspection, I changed my plans as I'm still trying to get ready for the move to going to work in Columbus starting next week and couldn't leave as early as I needed to make the Inspection. By attending, I found out an opportunity which our Chapter District may have to help out with our membership in the long run. The meeting was very well run and covered a wide variety of items in a short period of time. There are many projects planned to improve officer proficiency and also increase membership. One sad thing i did learn today was our long time Secretary of Minerva Lodge, Ed Schultz, passed away this morning. He served as the Secretary for almost 50 year before having to give it up a few years back. He was our senior living Past Master in Lodge and Council.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Cabiri Meeting

Well tonight we officially started with the new officers and I'm no longer the President. This is definitely a good thing since I will be working from Columbus, I'm not sure if I'll be able to make the meetings in the future, especially since we voted to hold them at 5:30 (but I was one in favor of the change!). I wished I would have had time to stay for the joint membership & leadership meeting after the Cabiri meeting but unfortunately due to the snow we got this morning, I needed to get over to the other house to get the snow cleared away. Laura is still in the process of moving in to the house and once she fully moves in she can shovel the snow (and cut the grass in the summer)... Something I am defenitely looking forward to becoming a reality.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Chapter District Planning Day

Today I spent most of the day talking with DDGHP Greg Clatterbuck about some District items and making sure the workers for the Circus money maker are lined up. It was really an enjoyable day and made me remember that planning and just getting to know the DDGHPs better can be really nice as well as a necessary part of life.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Worshipful Master Recognition Night

Every year the Valley of Dayton sponsors a Worshipful Master Recognition night in which the Grand Lodge Officers attend and the Grand Master recognizes the Worshipful Master of the Lodges in the Valley of Dayton area with a special pin. The only different this year was many Grand Lodge Officers were unable to attend as they headed north to the viewing for Most Worshipful Brother Jim Olmstead also being held this evening. I was able to sit with those from my lodge but unfortunately Pam was not feeling well and I told her she needed to stay home and recover. After a nice dinner and some entertainment from the Brookville show choir the pins were presented and everyone headed home at an early hour. Definitely a busy day but I had a good time doing it.

Jerusalem Commandery #75 Inspection

After the Chapter Inspection in Springfield I headed over to Eaton Ohio for the Commandery Inspection. Many who were present at the Chapter Inspections were also present here (even some who helped out). Overall the room was full and despite a small room to perform in, they were able to accomplish the task. Their candidate was Gene Latakos who is also an adviser for the DeMolay Chapter and a very active Mason. The Inspecting officer was Richard Eakin who is the 1st District Division Commader who is from Findlay were I attended their Commandery Inspection a couple of weeks back.       

Shawnee Chapter #237 Inspection

Next was the Chapter Inspection in the Royal Arch Degree for Shawnee Chapter with High Priest John Pience presiding and also performing the Journey. Since REC Bill Jones was performing at this inspection REC Bails did the Inspection. Most of the persons from the first Inspection stayed with a few new ones attending. While the Inspection lasted until almost 1 PM (and I think some folks were getting hungry while most had another Masonic event to hurry off to attend), the did a good job and did not hurry the work being performed for an actual candidate.

Springfield Chapter #48 Inspection

Today started out in Springfield with Chapter Inspection in the Most Excellent Degree with High Priest Geoff Fisher presiding. This is the home Chapter of Marty Trent Grand Senior Warden Grand Commandery who served as the prompter. Past Grand High Priest Most Excellent Companion Bill Berry and Grand Master 1st Veil Ron Hart Sr. were also present. While REC Erick Bails PDDGHP was present and ready to inspect, DDGHP Bill Jones was back and inspected the Chapter. And as some said he told them, it is easier to be with friends than home sitting alone. They did a nice job on the work and prepared than candidate for the next degrees which was being performed by Shawnee Chapter for their Inspection.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Schedule Changes

Well work has officially thrown a big curve into my schedule. Tonight I was headed to McArthur for a Chapter Inspection but I got a last minute emergency at work and wasn't even ready to go anywhere until almost 8 PM. In addition, I need to stay a little closer to home this weekend so I'm headed to Springfield for a couple of Chapter Inspections instead of my original plans. Also as of 2/1, I will be working every day from the office we have in Dublin Ohio. I'm hoping this will just make things a little different but we will see. Some visits now will actually be closer to where I'm working to travel but at least for February I'm not putting out a planned schedule since I have to get used to the daily travel from my home to Dublin and my after work activities may change more than once during the day.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Miami Valley KYCH Meeting

Our KYCH group meets in January and May and tonight we met at TJ Chumpps in Fairborn and I think we actually had a few more than had even signed up to attend as we had to set up a few extra chairs. Since we actually had nothing to vote on tonight we had the two presiding Grand Officers: Grand Commander Tom Gault and Grand Illustrious Master Lynn Alexander present, they did a short talk and we just socialized for the rest of the evening. Even with a larger group we were able to order off the menu and they served us fairly quick and seemed to give really good service.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Urbana Chapter #34 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Urbana Chapter but the DDGHP Bill Jones who unfortunately lost his wife this week was not in attendance and PDDGHP Erick Bails filed in for him as the Inspecting Officer. PGHP Garis Pugh was in attendance and served as the prompter for the evening. This Chapter is in the process of rebuilding/restructuring after several key players over the past couple of years have passed away, been unable to help further due to health or for some other reason no longer able to attend. Also in attendance was one of their members Michael Terry Arch Inspector for the 2nd Arch Grand Council. It was good to see almost every High Priests present from the other Chapters in the District at the Inspection. The best part is most are repeat High Priests but are treating it as if it were their first time and trying to strengthen their Chapters not just fill the position.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Chillicothe Council #4 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Chillicothe Council in the Royal Master Degree in the 6th Arch.  I have been to many meetings in Chillicothe as I know most of the members who work in the various degrees. In total, they had 6 PDDGM's working in the degree on the evening. Deputy Grand Master Richard Amlung was present and well as the Inspector Grand Conductor of Council Matthew Schetter.  He discussed many exciting new ideas the 6th Arch may be supporting in the future including a new Diabetic kids camp in their Arch. Afterwards, I headed back home but had to stop to rinse off my new car since I think it is white but looked more like a shade of dirt from the road I had to go on last night.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Fremont Council #64 Inspection

Tonight I went to the Inspection for Fremont Council in the 4th Arch. While I woke up this morning feeling terrible, by the time the evening rolled around I felt much better and headed north for Fremont up by Lake Erie. They were inspected in the Select Master Degree by the Arch Inspector and several Council dignitaries were present including Grand Principal Conductor of the Work Edwin Herrik, Deputy Grand  Master Richard Amlung and Grand Illustrious Master Lynn Alexander. They did a good job on the work for the evening and I was really glad I had called my friend DDGHP Herb Smith and asked for information about finding the building as he is an officer at this Council. My GPS sent me to a different location and they had a big bonfire going at their place (it turns out several others were also lead here by their GPS). I decided to drive the whole road and see if I could find it and I'm glad I did (and Herb had told me it was an unmarked metal building) because it wasn't close to where the GPS kept telling me to go but I made it and a few more came after me who had the same experience. Home safe and sound even without the GPS telling me how to get here!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Valley Commandery #80 Inspection

After the first couple activities I attended today, I went to the Order of the Temple Inspection for my Commandery in Miamisburg. It was nice to see a good turnout with over 60 in attendance. While the had to have fill-in's for two of the offices due to a death in the immediate family for one officer and the other with some serious heath issues keeping them hospitalized (and they only had a couple of days warning), the fill-in's along with the other officers did a good job. The candidate was another Past Master of the Lodge which meets in the building and is helping us to really strengthen the bond with the Lodge. Past Grand Commander Burch Zehner was present along with current Grand Officers Senior Warden Marty Trent and Deputy Division Commander William Dillon.

Hamilton DeMolay Installation

For the second event of the Day I traveled to Hamilton to attend the Installation for Hamilton Chapter. The adult support today was fantastic and all together there were around 60 in attendance between DeMolays and adults. At the last minute several of the Installing Team had to swap parts to cover for some who could not attend but still pulled off a good installation. The best part was that the first thing that happened after being installed was for the MC to announce the schedule of events for the term of which he had added a copy to the Installation program. I think Hamilton is ready to be in another upward swing.

Chapter School

Today was the 3rd District School held in West Carrollton. The topic for today was the Most Excellent Master Degree. It was really great to hear some of the comments about "fine print" items in this degree which folks had noticed which were missed in some of the MEM degrees already held in the District. They also had a number of good questions and wanted to make sure the most recent ritual changed voted on at Grand Chapter were understood for all. While it kept the DDGHPs on their toes, I'm sure it also was nice for them to see the interest and questions shown for this degree. The DDGHPs also read several of the coded areas for the Companions to make sure the words are being learned as they are in the type written ritual. Overall I think it was a very productive day for those in attendance.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Zanesville Council #12 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Zanesville Council in the 9th Arch in the Select Master Degree. This is the home council for Past Grand Illustrious Master Pat Lively and in addition the Grand Illustrious Master Lynn Alexander was also present. It was the second night in a row I have been with Dave Mourer Grand Captain of the Guard who was inspecting this evening. The Inspection moved right along and I was able to be on the road by 9:15 and headed back home after some great refreshments.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Nugen Chapter #124 Inspection

Tonight was the Chapter Inspection for Nugen Chapter in Newcomberstown in the 14th District. This is the home chapter of Past Grand High Priest Alan Hart and in addition him tonight Past Grand High Priest John Gartrell along with Grand High Priest Keith O'Dell were also present. Grand Aide Richard Smith was traveling with MEC O'Dell this evening. This is also the home Chapter of Grand Captain of the Guard Dave Mourer from Grand Council. To start the evening off a 50 year pin was presented. Afterwards REC Randy Williams helped out the Chapter in the Most Excellent Master Degree on four candidates. After the inspection they had pizza for refreshments.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Trinity Chapter #44 Inspection

Tonight was my Chapter's inspection in the Mark Master Degree. I was really happy to not only see a large turnout from our Chapter but also from the rest of the District as well. REC Fred Gallo was a guest Inspector for the ritual work this evening since unfortunately last year due to health reasons he never was able to inspect a Chapter. I was really glad they did a good job but with several practices I would expect no less.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Shrine Jesters

Today was the monthly lunch meeting for the Jesters in the Shrine. I was able to attend this month since a work meeting I had normally had at this time was changed. The meeting was short and the luncheon good and it was nice to be able to get to attend again. I did, however, decide that I am not going to the Lodge Inspection I had planned to attend this evening at Middletown so I can watch the whole OSU vs Oregon game. GO BUCKS!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Antioch Shrine Oriental Guide Roast

Each year at the Shrine we have a roast for the new Oriental Guide which this year is Max Richardson. This time there was a slight twist as we also had a new High Priest and Prophet Brett Stahler since one of the officer had to drop out for health reasons. As is always the case no punches are held back to have a laugh at the expense of the new officers to join the line. After the roasting of the new officers, they had some additional activities, including dancing, at which time I decided to call it a day and headed back home.

Findlay Commandery #49 Inspection

After the Chapter Inspection I had a pick up I had to make in Michigan (since I was only an hour away from the location) and then headed down to Findlay for their Commandery Inspection. The attendance was a little lighter since there were multiple Masonic event going on in the area today. It was kind of neat that the candidate was related to four of the persons doing the work on him for the Order of the Temple. I also saw several who were at the Chapter Inspection working in the ritual work at the Commandery Inspection. As soon as this was over, I again got on the road to head back towards home for the final Masonic event of the day.

Wauseon Chapter #111 Inspection

I have to say I love days like today. I got up at 5AM to get ready to head north to Wauseon for their Chapter Inspection which is in the first District located near Toledo. They were inspected in the Most Excellent Master Degree with the Grand High Priest also in attendance. They did a nice job for the 2 candidates and one of them was a Past District Deputy from Lodge. I was glad this time was a little less eventful than the last time I was at their Chapter as the car I had got hit last time....luckily good luck this time for my new car.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Antioch Shrine Stated Meeting and Installation

Tonight was the Stated Meeting and Installation for Antioch and Kevin Sweeney is the new Potentate. Kevin also works at Hewlett Packard though we have always worked in different areas. There are many activities planned again this year...some prior events and many new. I was glad the events of the evening moved right along since I have to get up early tomorrow for the start of a long Masonic day.

Hillsboro Chapter #40 Inspection

Tonight was the Chapter Inspection of the Grand High Priest in Hillsboro in the 5th District in the Past Master Degree. Grand Master Steve Cokenhougher, Grand Illustrious Master Lynn Alexander, Grand Commander Tom Gault, and Prior Robert McNutt were all present in addition to several Grand Officers. Despite all the dignitaries in attendance they did a good job on the degree. The weather, however, was terrible as Past Grand High Priest Most Excellent Companion George Shell and I were on the way home and we saw at least 3 cars which had ran off the road and flipped.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Greenville Chapter #77 Inspection

Tonight was Inspection in Greenville which is in my District (though it is at the outer limits of our District). They have had a few members step forward over the past few years to help keep the Chapter alive and last night for the first time in a while did the Most Excellent Master Degree for Inspection using mainly members of their own Chapter. From a Chapter that a little more than a year ago wanted to turn in their Charter to putting on the degree with little assistance is in my mind a great achievement. Our Grand High Priest Keith O'Dell and Grand Aides George Bauer and Richard Smith were in attendance this evening. The temperature outside was below zero but as normal with Grenville, after they had the Inspection they had pulled pork to warm you up before leaving. Once again tonight Trinity Chapter was out in force with 8 present.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Trinity Chapter Stated Meeting

Tonight I attended the stated meeting for my Chapter in which they were preparing for Inspection next week. We had a good attendance and it appeared everyone was focused on the Inspection and moving the Chapter forward. Since they have won the traveling award at every Inspection and had the most at the other points activities for the traveling award, part of the discussion last night was about to ensure we stay in first place.They also discussed working the circus this next month. I couldn't be happier with the efforts my Chapter is putting in to continue to improve.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Valley Commandery Full Form Inspection

Tonight was the Full Form Inspection for my Commandery and I'm glad I was able to attend since I filled in as part of the army to help them out. We are one of the few Commanderies in Ohio with an actual Captain General who is progressing in the line and not a Past Commander. The Deputy Division Comander William Dixon was inspecting us and PGC Burch Zehner and Grand Senior Warden Marty Trent were also present. We passed so that was the main goal....despite my filling in!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

York Rite Cooperation Meeting

Today the Grand Officers for the York Rite Bodies met in Delaware Ohio to discuss communications among groups and how the various groups can work closer together. It also serves a a way for the Grand Officers who will potentially be serving together in any given year to start to get to know each other and work together on future plans. It has especially been nice at the past few meetings that the Grand Master has been able to attend which has lead to even more productive meetings than in the past. It also gives the Grand Chapter Officers an opportunity, either before or afterwards, to meet a little more informally and get to know each other better. As we are often all going our own ways to help support Ohio across the state, the opportunities to get together are not as plentiful as some might think.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Wilmington Chapter #63 Inspection

Tonight it was a Chapter Inspection in my District in the Royal Arch Degree and the Grand High priest Keith O'Dell was in attendance. Also present with him were two of his Aides Richard Smith and George Bauer. I was really glad to be at the Inspection since the new props they added were exceptional and really made this one of the best Royal Arch Degrees I have ever seen. My own Chapter, Trintiy Chapter, again won the traveling award with 8 in attendance despite us threatening to leave 2 trouble makers behind. Ok so they were just having a good time....

Dayton Commandery #68 Inspection

Today was the first Commandery Inspection of the year in our Division in Dayton under the new format. The Grand Commander Tom Gault was present in addition to PGC Richard Holcombe and Inspecting Officer PGC Dave Snyder. There were several other Dignitaries present including progressing Grand Comamndery Officers Marty Trent and Paxton Mendelssohn. Overall they had a good turnout and did some good work to start out the Commandery Inspection season. And while I was right yesterday...I didn't get home and get to sleep until after 4 AM today, I didn't make Lebanon's Lodge Inspection as when the alarm went off at 7:30 AM I was still very tired and not feeling so great so I decided to sleep some more and start out at the Commandery Inspection today.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Mt. Olive Chapter #189 Inspection

Tonight was the inspection for Mt. Olive Chapter in the 16th District in Euclid near Cleveland. They were inspected in the Mark Master degree and had a decent turnout present with several dignitaries in attendance. MEC PGHP Robert Thomas along with Grand Scribe Jeff Addis, Grand Parliamentarian Abraham Kay and Eminent Grand Standard Bearer Robert C. Hager were all present just to name a few. The only unfortunate part was it lasted quite late and then on the way home I had to stop to take a couple rest breaks so attending a Lodge Inspection in my District in the morning was out since I'm guessing I won't get to sleep until around 4 AM.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Weekly Travels for January

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running monthly schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events outside our area (with an occasional Lodge, Council or Commandery Inspection as well). If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.

• Friday 2 16th District Mt. Olive Chapter #189 Inspection (Euclid near Cleveland)

Week of 1/5
• Monday 5 Ohio COUNCIL #92 Inspection (Ironton)
• Tuesday 6 University LODGE #631 Inspection (Columbus)
• Thursday 8 5th District Hillsboro Chapter #40 Inspection
• Saturday 10 1st Wauseon Chapter #111 Inspection then Findlay COMMANDERY #49 Inspection

Week of 1/12
• Wednesday 14 14th District Nugen Chapter #124 Inspection Newcomberstown
• Thursday 15 Zanesville COUNCIL #12 Inspection
• Friday 16 6th District Amelia LODGE #590 Inspection

Week of 1/19
• Monday 19 Fremont COUNCIL #64 Inspection
• Wednesday 21 6th District Urbana Chapter #34 Inspection
• Friday 23 13th District McArthur Chapter #102 Inspection
• Saturday 24 7th District Scioto Chapter #119 Inspection at Kenton AM

Week of 1/26
• Monday 26 10th District Bucyrus Chapter #160 Inspection
• Tuesday 27 Coshocton COUNCIL #110 Inspection
• Friday 30 7th District Western Sun LODGE #91 Inspection
• Saturday 31 Logan COMMANDERY #78 Inspection

Grotto New Year's Day Dinner

Today was the annual Pork and Sauerkraut dinner for Ormus Grotto which Pam and I attended. I drove the new car we picked up yesterday and will be replacing my blue car which is around 250K miles and getting close to its' last run. This is our first new car in some time but I'm going to break it in right driving it to Mt. Olive Chapter Inspection in Euclid tomorrow up by Cleveland.