Tonight our PDDGHP association got together in Brookville at K's restaurant to meet as a group and discuss ideas to help out the 3rd district and make it better. The President REC Jim Stephens lead the meet and REC Harless Maynard took the minutes. All three of the PGHPs from our District MEC's Crawford, Duncan and Shell were present. We discussed items of concern and exchanged ideas on how to address various situations. Our Current DDGHP's Clatterbuck and Fair gave an update of the Statewide April 5th Grand Lodge/ Grand Chapter event our District is assisting with in the 2nd, 3rd, and 8th Masonic Districts.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Solomon #79 Council Inspection
Tonight was the Council Inspection for Solomon Council located in Portsmouth in the 6th Arch. They also briefly opened and closed the Chapter and Commandery as it is their stated meeting night as well. On the evening they had 6 new candidates who received the Select Master degree. In addition to the Arch Inspector and Arch Adjutant, the Grand Principal Conductor of the Work, Richard Amlung was present as was the District Deputy Grand High Priest for the 5th District Lloyd Eichenlaub and Grand King Keith O'Dell who as you can tell from the pictures helped them out with the work on the evening.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Scottish Rite Worshipful Master Recognition
Today ended up with the Worhsipful Master Recognition by the Scottish Rite in the Valley of Dayton. The entire Grand Lodge Line was present along with numerous distinguished guests. While the weather did probably slow some down from attending, several of the Worshipful Masters still made it out to receive their pins from the Grand Master Norm Mick. The weather caused the entertainment to cancel out but it was probably a good thing that we were able to finish early and hopefully allow everyone to travel safely back to their homes.
Portage Chapter #202 Inspection
Luckily I planned to stay overnight in Kent after the Council Inspection last evening as they had at least 6 inches of snow and even the 15 mile drive to get to Barberton Chapter in the 17th District via the highway was slow. This is the home chapter for MEC Dale Ray, who was present as was PGC David Snyder and Past Prior Bill Straton. The DDGHP Rick Memmer has told me the night before that no matter what they would have the Inspection in the morning in the Royal Arch degree and they did with almsot 30 in attendance. They had several new persons in the degree cast for the morning which is an encouraging sign. Ths inspection moved right along which I was happy as my next event for the day was to be in Columbus at Mt. Vernon #1 Commandery Inspection. Unfortuantely, the bad weather slowed my travel but a stopped highway traffic for over an hour due to several semis being involved in an accident caused me to change my plans but I was able to make a stop by the hospital in Columbus to see my friend Tom Schoff.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Tuscarawas Council #109 Inspection
Tonight I attended the Council Inspection for Tuscarawas Council in New Philadelphia in the 8th Arch. They did a nice job on the Select Master degree and despite the bitterly cold temperatures and snow had a nice crowd. As this is the home Council for MEC John Gartrell several Grand Chapter Officers and Past Grand Officers were present. REC DDGHP if the 14th District and REC Rick Memmer DDGHP of the 17th District were both present as was PGHP Alan Hart and Past Prior Bill Straton who did the Inspection. Grand Council had several Grand Officers present including Grand Illustrious Master Richard Rinerhart, Deputy Grand Master Lynn Alexander, and Grand Principal Conductor of the Work Richard Amlung.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Marshall Chapter #47 Inspection
Tonight I travelled north to Marshall Chapter Inspection in the Royal Arch Degree in Elyria Ohio. The weather was not the best but I can't complain since I made it safely up and back. The 9th District, where this Chapter is located, is part of my region this year. I was also happy to be able to say that after visiting this Chapter I had attended an event at all the Chapters in my Region (Districts 1, 8, & 9). To me, getting to travel around the state and meeting the various members at the various locations around the state is the best part of being a Mason. REC Ross Black, Grand Royal arch Captain, was also present. I was also glad to hear the District is making arrangements for the April 5th Grand Master's Class in which the 9th Capitular District will be working with the 16trh Masonic District to perform the Peculiar Stone Skit and the Mark Master Degree. After the Inspection they had a Chili cook off where several members brought various types of Chili to sample.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Viewing for EC Pelfrey
Tonight was the viewing for another long time Masonic Brother WB EC Pelfrey who passed away last week. He was a Past 2nd Masonic District Education Officer, Past Sovereign Price Valley of Dayton, 33rd, Knight York Cross of Honor and Past Prior for Ohio Priory KYCH. There was a nice turnout of Past Potentate's who stood Honor Guard and guests as his widow is Barb Pelfrey who was Grand Worthy Matron last year. EC was glad he had the opportunity to travel with her last year. EC was also the Potentate when I joined the Shrine in 1987 and I have know him since that time. Tonight I was able to stand honor guard for him. As was Jim Elliott who I attended the viewing for last night both were super active Masons for more than 60 years.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Viewing For Jim Elliott
Tonight was the viewing for Worshipful Brother Jim Elliott of Vandalia. Jim has been active in the PM Club at the Shrine for more than 40 years. He was the President in 1973 and was the Director for many years including in 2003 when I was the President of the Club. For the Masonic Services the PM Club were dressed in their formal dress with over 30 in attendance and nearly 50 in total. Anything you asked Jim to do for the PM Club he did it including times when he was not really in good enough physical condition to accomplish the task. He was equally active in his Lodge and in 2012 the Vandalia Temple was renamed the James Elliott Center. So long to a good man.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Valley Commandery #80 Inspection
This morning after the Lodge Inspection, I headed to Miamisburg to my Commandery Inspection. While I have been assisting on the stage crew for several years, today I was pushed back into duty and helped out in the active drill ranks. Despite their being a major Commandery Inspection just down the road in Middletown with the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment present, we still had a nice turnout. It was especially nice to see Earl Gorsuch at the Inspection who is a KYCH and Charter Member of Valley Commandery (1946). At 92, he was definitely getting around very well. Everyone was pleased with the outcome of the inspection which went much better than the practices and the Commandery passed their inspection. The roads were getting a little tricky as we left as the snow was coming down at a fairly steady clip.
Solar Lodge #730 Inspection
Today was Solar Lodge #730 inspection in Dayton in the EA degree. It was obvious that they had spent some time practicing for the inspection and the lodge did a good job on the work of the morning. RWB Doug Kaylor the Junior Grand Warden was present along with several Past District Deputies and the current Grand Officers from the Second Masonic District. Bob Deam who is a Past Potentate of Antioch is now the Senior Warden for Solar lodge. This is the home lodge of EC Pelfrey who passed away yesterday and was a Past District Education Officer, 33rd and Past Prior for Ohio Priory KYCH. A short moment of silence was held for him at the beginning of the meeting.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Mansfield Council #94 Inspection
Tonight was inspection in the Royal Master degree for Robert Blankenhorn's council. While he is long since a Past Illustrious Master, he offered to help out when a person came down sick but another officer filled in the station. While the weather wasn't ideal, it wasn't that bad since I took my time both up and back to be safe. It also kept the attendance down especially those who would have been coming from locations which did get a significant snowfall amount. The meeting moved right along and after refreshments I was headed back home so I can get up early in the morning for Lodge inspection in Dayton.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Twin Valley Chapter #240 Inspection
Tonight was the Chapter Inspection for Twin Valley Chapter in my district located in Farmersville. They did a nice job in the Royal Arch degree and PGHP George Shell even performed in the degree and sat in for the Scribe who had to rush his wife into the hospital. MEC Steve Duncan was also present as were several members of my Chapter (who won the traveling award) and followed closely by Wilmington Chapter who brought two candidates for the Royal Arch Degree in addition to the one from Twin Valley Chapter. I think the weather kept many from coming this evening as the snow and slick roads did make it tricky to safely get to this slightly more remote location.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Circus Fund Raiser Meeting
Tonight was the planning meeting for the Shrine Circus in which we in the Chapter are helping with the parking as our fund raiser.We discussed the various parts of the circus and how some of the areas would be slightly different than in the past including the parking detail.Since there are several; new leads on the side of the venue (University of Dayton) and also on the Shrine side, some of the discussions went a little longer but at the end I think everyone is on the same page and knows what is I'm just hoping for good weather that weekend.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Trinity Chapter #44 Inspection
Tonight was the inspection for my Chapter in the Royal Arch degree. They had put some time into practicing and it showed as they did a nice job of the degree. The best part is we had 3 candidates who are all younger members of the Lodge. It was also good to see REC Fred Gallo out for the first time since he broke his hip. In addition, PGHPs Steve Duncan and George Shell were in attendance as were PGIM Bobby Campbell and RIC Mike Smith from Council. I was glad that three Past High Priests of the Chapter who served before I was High Priest were present so I was not first in the line for introductions. In fact one of those PHPs will be receiving his 65 year award this month in Lodge and 50 year pin in Chapter next month and he participated in the degree work.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Jeffferson Lodge #90 Inspection
Tonight I went to a Lodge inspection in my Masonic district at Middletown. They had a good crowd present with right at 100 in total and over 50 of their own members. One of the good things is that even though Jefferson Lodge is a merger of a total of 3 Lodges which met in the Temple at Middletown, the other two Lodges have been accepted in with Jefferson and their were members of the MM work from all three Lodges. They did a nice job on the evening and it was kind of neat that the Worshipful Master used his daughter's gavel from when she presided as Worthy Advisor of the Rainbow Assembly at Middletwon. I was glad to hear they were promoting Grand Master's Class in addition to the York Rite Mark Master after the Lodge degrees on April 5th.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Antioch OG Roast
Hopefully after today I'll start taking a few more pictures as I got a new camera at Christmas (which now has a memory card to save pictures). Tonight we roasted our new Oriental Guide Ed Peters and also picked on the new Potentate Scott Lipps. We learned about several exciting new programs being planned for the year but mainly just had fun at the expense of Ed. It was good that he was a good sport about about it and his boss even got in on the fun. Afterwards we headed to Columbus for an event tomorrow for our daughter.
Reed Coomandery #6 Inspection
There was a nice attendance today at the Commandery Inspection for Reed as the Grand Commander Dennis Hughes (from our 2nd Division) was in attendance. The number of dignitaries is more than I will take the time to mention. Unfortunately as was the case at the inspection for Commandery in Dayton last week they were running seriously behind schedule. While I had planned to stay throughout the entire full form opening I has to leave a little early (since they were running so far behind) to make it over to the OG Roast being held at Antioch.
4 Chapter Inspections Cincinnati
Today at Loveland the 4th Capitular District held an all day 4 inspection day. Morrow, Wyoming, Loveland, and Blanchester all held their inspections at Loveland and by the end of the day two new Royal Arch Masons were exalted. Grand King Keith O'Dell was also present. It was nice to see REC Robert Benton in attendance and in much better health than over the pas two years. Luckily they started early as I had to head back up north to Dayton in the afternoon for a Commandery inspection.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Antioch Shrine Stated Meeting/Installation
Tonight we tried something new at Antioch Shrine and held the state meeting and installation the night prior to the OG Roast. Tonight Scott Lipps was being installed as our Potentate. Scott and I were officers in Lodge together and I was Junior Warden when he was Worshipful Master. (Guess it was appropriate I was Potentate when he was 3rd in line this time around.) It was announced tonight that for the second consecutive year we have had positive membership growth and the room was full for a stated meeting. I think we are doing something right. It also excites me that many of the ideas we spent the entire year working on during 2011 as a group to start implementation in 2012 are still being implemented.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Bellevue Chapter #113 Inspection
Tonight was the Inspection in the Most Excellent Master degree in Bellevue in the 9th District up on the lake. While we got some snow tonight, it was quite obvious they had received lats of snow over the past couple of weeks. The drive wasn't too bad just so you paid close attention and drove at responsible speeds. This was my first visit to Bellevue temple but it was easy to find. The cast did a nice job on the degree and the members of the Chapter seem to be trying to turn things around for this Chapter.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Middletown Council 136 Inspection
Considering the temperature was a heat wave of around 20+ degrees (Compared to the last couple days where everything was cancelled since it was below zero for two days) I headed out tonight for the Middletown Council Inspection in my Arch. The inspection was in the Royal Master degree and they did a nice job or it. The had many dignitaries present including the Grand illustrious Master Robert Rinehart and Deputy Grand Illustrious Master Lynn Alexander. In addition, Past Grand Master Mike Himes and Deputy Grand Commander Tom Gault were present.They had also worked to get their own members out and had a full set of walkers all from Middletown.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Union Chapter #15 Inspection
While normally I try to attend every Inspection possible in my own District and Wilmington Chapter was holding their Chapter Inspection last night, I decided to head over to Stuebenville to their Chapter Inspection since it is a very long drive to go to the 15th District and when something is happening on a Saturday instead of during the week, I need to take advantage of the situation. Their Inspection was in the Mark Master degree and since the District Deputy Grand High Priest for that District is from that Chapter he had a guest Inspector of Past District Deputy Grand High Priest Davis. Several members from Toronto Chapter came down to assist as some of the Union Chapter members in the cast unexpectedly were out of town. It is nice to see in any District but especially in the smaller ones that the Chapters are helping each other out. Past Grand Commander Arthur Michael, Jr. is also from this Chapter and was present last evening and we talked about several old timers (Guess if you know old timers must be one too!).
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Dayton Commandery Inspection
Today was the start of Comamndery Inspection season. There were several dignitaries present including Past Grand Commander Burch Zehner, Past Grand High Priest Steve Duncan, Past Grand Master Neil Smalley and from the Grand Commandery Eminent Grand Generalissimo Gerald Pugh (who was inspecting) Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander Tom Gault, Eminent Grand Standard Bearer Marty Trent, Eminent Grand Sword Bearer Richard Ganion, and Eminent Grand Warder John Christman to name a few. The work went well during the Order of the Temple and I would expect the same from the Full Form opening though I had to leave to get on the road as I was heading to a Chapter Inspection in Stuebenville this evening.I was also glad I went as I saw a couple of changes that have been made which I was unaware which in COmmandery happens often so attending other Inspections is a must to keep up with the changes.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
Well after a day of terrible weather and cancellations all over, tonight I ventured out to Newark, Ohio. Most would say...what is this I've never heard of it so how about by its slightly easier name, the Masonic Rosicrucian Society of the United States. Still clueless, well it might be because the origination is invitational only, limited in membership and officially held its first meeting to start the Ohio branch in 2007. Tonight was their annual meeting (only meeting held each year) and we were back at where it all began in 2007 at the Cherry Valley Lodge in Newark Ohio. The meeting consists usually of a program, a degree presentation and invitation of new members. Oh and for a little more information on the group, you can check out their website at
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Ormus Grotto New Years Day Dinner
Every year Ormus Grotto in Beavercreek puts on a Pork and Sauerkraut dinner to welcome in the New Year. This year was no different as our Monarch Skip Vanderhorst was busy working in the kitchen along with several other members preparing, serving and cleaning up form the event. It is a casual event where members, their families and guests can get together to welcome in the New Year.
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