Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mt. Moriah Chapter 230 Inspection

Tonight was the Royal Arch Inspection for Mt. Moriah Chapter in my District as part of the York Rite Reunion Week at the Dayton Temple. The had nine candidates this evening and we also had several distinguished guests. Among them were Past Grand High Priests MEC Jerry Crawford, MEC Steve Duncan and MEC George Shell. Tomorrow they will put on the first Order of Commandery ad on Saturday I will be back for the Inspection of both Councils and the SEM degree of which I will help them out by playing Nebuchadnezzar.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Victory Chapter 210 Inspection

Tonight was the Most Excellent Master degree with nine candidates. Each year we invite the Grand Scribe to inspect one of the Chapters during the York Rite reunion in Dayton. REC Keith O'Dell was the guest Inspector tonight. We again had close to 60 in attendance and saw some very good ritual work. The best part of the evening was the HP William Dillon finally wasn't wearing a green coat! (He is also Deputy Division Commander which is why he wore the green jacket) We were in the Commandery Asylum as it has much more room and a better stage for the MEM and RA degrees.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Composite Cast Day 2

Tonight the three Chapters that meet in the Dayton Temple worked together to put on a very nice Past Masters Degree. Two more candidates were added this evening to bring the total up to 8 candidates. Tonight they kept things moving at a nice pace and we were able to finish at a relatively early hour. This, of course, gave us more time to go downstairs to fellowship. It was good to see Joe Fair back with us tonight after a serious case of pneumonia.

Monday, February 25, 2013

York Rite Week Dayton

Tonight was the start of York Rite week In Dayton with Unity Chapter performing the Mark Master degree. They had a good attendance with nearly 60 in attendance. During the rest of the week the remaining degrees of the Chapter will be performed, the first order of Commandery, and the Council degrees  including  Super Excellent Masters degree. They had 7 candidates tonight and all three living PGHPs of the 3rd District were present (MEC Jerry Crawford, MEC Steve Duncan, MEC George Shell). Also present were Past Grand Master Neil Smalley and Past Grand Commander. Burch Zehner.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Travels Week of 2/25

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running two week schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events which I plan to post every Sunday or Monday. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.
Week of 2/25
·       Monday 25      3rd District Unity Inspection Chapter Dayton
·       Tuesday 26      3rd District Composite Cast Review Chapter Dayton
·       Wednesday 27 3rd District Victory Inspection Chapter Dayton
·       Thursday 28     3rd District Mt. Moriah Inspection Chapter Dayton
·       Friday 1           4th District Cumminsville Inspection Chapter Cincinnati
Week of 3/4
·       Thursday 7     11th District Ohio Inspection Chapter Columbus
·       Saturday 9      3rd District Grand High Priest Reception Farmersville

Saturday, February 23, 2013

16th District Ball/GHP Reception

Tonight Pam and I went to Cleveland for the 16th District Ball. Also in attendance in addition to the GHP, Don Owens were PGHPs MEC Charles McCarty and MEC Jim Himmelright. Grand Officers REC Robert Thomas, REC Bob Blankenhorn and REC Chester Burton rounded out the Grand Line in attendance. At the event the also recognized the High Priests in attendance and there were representatives from each of the Grand presiding bodies in attendance as well. REC Jeff Addis was MIA (something about slaving away in 90 degree weather in Arizona for work) but he sent his son in his place to keep the sound system straight and the music following. Once we were able to get Bob Blankenhorn away from guarding the beverages, we took a picture of the group present.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Minerva Lodge 98 Inspection

 Tonight was the Inspection for my Lodge in the Fellowcraft degree. But while it might have been lodge, I was able to talk one PHP into reinstating into our Chapter. I think I also have two more talked into considering it as well. I was also glad to see good ritual work which made me proud to be a member of Minerva Lodge. An interesting point about our lodge which the District Deputy pointed out this evening. Our lodge each year holds a Charley Thomas Night. Everybody knows Charley Thomas....right???? No he wasn't related to Danny Thomas or Dave Thomas. No he never did anything heroic. No he never was a great political leader. What Charley Thomas was is much more as he served as an inspiration to many members at our lodge. As I start to tell you about Charley Thomas, I should point out that I think it was in the 1970's when he passed away so I never met the man though he served to inspire me as well. Charley Thomas was born into a family of Masons and he always wanted to be a Mason but when he turned 21 he found out he couldn't join because he was missing a hand from a childhood accident on the farm. (At that time you could not join the lodge in Ohio if you were missing any limb.) For years he wanted to be a Mason and told everyone he would do anything to be a Mason. After WW II when the Masons started coming home from the war many had lost limbs and the Grand Lodge voted that it was time to change the rule and no longer have this as a requirement to be a member. Charley Thomas petitioned and joined the lodge immediately. For the rest of his life he rarely missed anytime the building was open of coming down to the lodge. As I was told he was the first one there and the last to leave. If a true story like this can't serve as an inspiration to any Mason to do just a little more then maybe he really isn't a Mason in his heart.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Clyde Chapter # 90 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Clyde Chapter in the 9th District in the Royal Arch degree. While I don't normally talk about a specific person doing ritual work here on the blog, tonight I will point out Jim Foreman who indicated he's been doing the journey for 65 years and did an excellent job of the journey this evening. It was also great to see the same 20 or 30 guys out traveling in the 9th district    I've been seeing  all year at their inspections. I also had one humorous thing happen this evening from when I came up to Clyde's Inspection this evening. As I was driving down the highway I looked over next to me and there was a husky dog hanging out the window in the middle of the highway with his  hair blowing in the wind. It looked more like Bigfoot than a husky!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Trinity Chapter Stated Meeting (& Minerva Lodge candidate balloting)

Tonight Minerva Lodge (my Lodge) held a special meeting and balloted on a couple more candidates for the Grand Master's Class coming up in April. That now makes 9 so far and at least 3-4 more are promised. Hopefully, Trinity Chapter (my Chapter) will fair as well from the raising of several new members of Minerva Lodge in April. We also held the Stated Meeting for Trinity Chapter this evening. We got several items accomplished and I'm happy to report that we had 16 members in attendance. we also planned out the Royal Arch degree for the current 3 candidates who have already received their MEM degree. We unfortunately had to discuss the same issue most Chapters are facing declining income and increased expenses which makes for the tough decision of raising dues and initiation fees. Actually, we are still one of the cheaper Chapters in this area but it is always difficult when you have to raise costs.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Fort Miami-Calumet Chapter 191 Inspection

Tonight was the Chapter Inspection for Fort Miami 191 in Maumee near Toledo Ohio in the 8th district. They portrayed a great Past Master degree this evening with several younger officers. MEC Wayne Dill PGHP was present along with our current Grand High Priest Don Owens. Grand officers Chester Burton and Keith Green were also present. They also presented a 60 year this evening to a Companion who was WM of his Lodge over 50 years ago. The interesting part of that story is the Treasurer indicated that he was Junior Warden for that particular Worshipful Master. Overall it was a good evening; nice weather, good degree work and good refreshments afterwards.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Travels Week of 2/18

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running two week schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events which I plan to post every Sunday or Monday. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.
Week of 2/18
·       Monday 18     8th District Fort Miami Inspection Chapter Toledo
·       Tuesday 19     7th District Scioto Inspection Chapter Kenton POSTPONED til 3/5
·       Wednesday 20 9th District Clyde Inspection Chapter
·       Saturday 23     16th District Masonic Ball Cleveland
Week of 2/25
·       Monday 25      3rd District Unity Inspection Chapter Dayton
·       Tuesday 26      3rd District Composite Cast Review Chapter Dayton
·       Wednesday 27 3rd District Victory Inspection Chapter Dayton
·       Thursday 28     3rd District Mt. Moriah Inspection Chapter Dayton
·       Friday 1           4th District Cumminsville Inspection Chapter Cincinnati

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Grand Family & Willis-Mariemont Insp & Grand Illustrious Master Reception

Today was really a busy day. I personally had a Grand Family meeting down in Cincinnati this morning at ET Carson Lodge where we started out at 9 o'clock this morning and finished up at about 330. We then had the Inspection for Willis-Mariemont Chapter. Afterwards, I headed to the Grand Illustrious Masters reception for Rusty Eagle up the road about a half an hour. It was interesting at the reception is I spoke to guys who had been at the Grand Family meeting, some who went to the Chapter Inspection, some who had gone to Commandery Inspections, some who went to Scottish Rite and others who.went to Lodge Inspections first. But for all it was one busy day.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Shrine Fish Fry Social Activity

Tonight the activity I was scheduled to attend was postponed so I ended up going to the Shrine for a fish fry they had this evening. It was basically just an opportunity to socialize and eat for a couple hours with no introductions,  nothing fancy just a good time and some fellowship. They had well over 100 In attendance. I can remember several years back when the chapter used to put on activities like this. I wonder if maybe it's time to think about doing it again. A social event for your chapter just might get some people interested in coming back.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Greenville Chapter 77 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Greenville Chapter in the Mark Master degree in my District. Their candidate was the Senior Deacon for the Lodge which meets in the temple. This is one of the most remote Chapters in our District and you often see folks who you don't see at many other events. I took a picture of a new item in the Lodge which is somewhat hard to tell what it is. It is a gold hanging lamp over the altar and the lamp has masonic symbols embossed on the lamp. I also tried to get a picture of the gates they use which are unique as they have a keystone built into the gate carved out of stone.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Viewing for Larry Grady

Tonight I went to Mount Healthy for the viewing for Dad Larry Grady. The room was packed and several active Demolays in addition to many senior DeMolay. Many of our Grand Officers were trained by men like Larry Grady in DeMolay. Larry Grady was a giant among men ... whose time for rest has come.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Berea Chapter 134 Inspection

Two new members


Tonight I went to the Inspection of Berea Chapter in the 16th District in the Mark Master Degree. They had two actual candidates for the degrees and I saw the first red altar which I can remember. (The candles and altar itself alone with the bulbs were completely red). This Chapter was easy to find as I had been there many times for the DeMolay Chapter which meets in the same building. Despite having multiple calls for work on the way up (I have hands free that goes through the car speakers) and not getting home until almost 2:30 in the morning, it was a nice evening for a drive. It also brought me closer to my personal goal of an inspection in every district each year that I am in Grand Chapter line. I have the 2nd, 19th, and 20th to go and have them planned during March and April. It also inched me a little closer to another personal goal of going to every chapter in Ohio which I hope to finish off in the next couple of years.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Travels Week of 2/11

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running two week schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events which I plan to post every Sunday or Monday. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.
Week of 2/11
·       Monday 11      16th District Berea Inspection Chapter
·       Wednesday 13 3rd District Greenville Inspection Chapter
·       Saturday 16     Grand Family Meeting
·       Saturday 16     4th District Mariemont-Willis Inspection Chapter
Week of 2/18
·       Monday 18     8th District Fort Miami Inspection Chapter Toledo
·       Tuesday 19     7th District Scioto Inspection Chapter Kenton
·       Wednesday 20 9th District Clyde Inspection Chapter
·       Saturday 23     16th District Masonic Ball Cleveland

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Masonic Week Day 3 and the Long Drive Home


Well luckily the bad weather stayed north of I-70. I stayed around through lunch and decided early in the afternoon I had better head back case the storm veered off and headed south. The drive back turned out to be great all the way back. The sun was out most of the way (until evening as it got dark). Some pictures from the event and travels to and from....

Friday, February 8, 2013

Masonic Week Day 2

Today was another fun day of meeting Masons from around the world. I spent time talking with Masons from several states in the US along with several from Romania and Brazil.  But when it came meeting time, I think that Ohio was well represented as half the candidates for one organization were from Ohio. In the organization which MWB Mike Watson (Grand Secretary Grand Lodge) presided over, Knight Masons USA, Irish Council of Dayton Ohio had the most in attendance with 11 members.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Masonic Week

Well I'm in Reston Virginia at the Masonic Week Activities. Luckily the drive over was uneventful. The only problem may be heading home this Saturday when they are calling for snow (somewhere between 3 and 43 inches) or given the accuracy of the predictions, maybe it will be sunny. This is a fun time as you get to meet folks from around the world and it offers an opportunity to hold some of the invitation only international meeting which otherwise might not be possible due to the size of the group.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Farmersville Lodge 482 Insp

Tonight I attended the Lodge Inspection for Farmersville Lodge in the Entered Apprentice degree. This lodge in very active with the York Rite as Twin Valley Chapter meets at this location. In addition it is the home lodge of MEC George Shell who is the Treasurer. I also have to thank the officers of this lodge as several were present this past weekend helping me with our Chapter Fund Raiser with parking at the Shrine Circus. Farmersville is also close to me as I belong to an organization which also meets here (Tall Cedars of Lebanon of which I presided over 20+ years ago).

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Carlisle 57 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection at New Carlisle Chapter in the 6th District in the Mark Master Degree. They had two candidates who received some very good degree work. As an added treat, they sang all the singing parts associated with the Mark Master Degree this evening. Past Grand High Priest MEC William Berry lead the singers. It was good to see some old friends from this Chapter who I have not seen in a while. Now it is time to prepare for going to Reston Virginia and the Masonic Week activities as I leave tomorrow night after the Lodge Inspection for Farmersville in my Blue Lodge District.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

All Cold Things Come To An End

It was back to being cold, windy and slightly snowy again today. I guess the only good part was that we prepared to handle a bigger crowd than we ended up with for the day. The day started out with multiple folks calling in sick (luckily I had more than needed already and a couple of folks were added at the last moment). And so we finished working the frozen wasteland known as the UD Arena parking lot. Four shows in all and several thousand cars later, the workers went home speechless with awe of their accomplishments. (Okay .. Maybe they were too tired and their jaws frozen shut so they couldn't say anything!)
Pam is still thawing out but I unfortunately had two viewings to attend. One was for an 89 year old Past High Priest, Alan Gabbard, from my District and the other was for the father of our Grand Scribe Keith O'Dell's wife, Cindy.

My Travels Week of 2/4

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running two week schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events which I plan to post every Sunday or Monday. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.
Week of 2/4
·       Tuesday 5      6th District New Carlisle Inspection Chapter
·       Thursday 7     Masonic Week Washington DC
·       Friday 8         Masonic Week Washington DC
·       Saturday 9      Masonic Week Washington DC
Week of 2/11
·       Monday 11     18th District Minerva or 15th Bellaire or 16th Berea Inspection Chapter
·       Wednesday 13 3rd District Greenville Inspection Chapter
·        Saturday 16     Grand Family Meeting
·        Saturday 16     4th District Mariemont-Willis Inspection Chapter

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day Two of Our Fund Raiser

 Well today we had two shows. It wasn't as cold so it decided to snow on us. I've now been dubbed by the Shrine officers and clowns as the Polar Bear. We had a great crew again today and with a few tweaks from last night things went off great. And while the day show was fairly good the night show was exceptional. For the first time in many years, we ran out of parking in two of the parking lots. One more show tomorrow before I will be attending two separate views for Chapter members who passed away. Another busy day ahead.....

Friday, February 1, 2013

Chapter Fund Raiser

Well it seemed like a good idea....tonight was the first of three days of collecting admissions at the Shrine Circus and it was COLD! Is was so cold ... How cold was it ... It was so cold we saw a polar bear heading south. I know one thing, I will not debrief the members about working until summer. One show down and three to go and tomorrow they are calling for snow.  I guess I could sum it up in short phrase it summer yet?