Monday, December 30, 2013

Travels During January

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.

• Saturday 4 15th District Inspection Union Chapter (Steubenville)
• Thursday 9 9th District Inspection Bellevue Chapter
• Saturday 11 4th District Inspection Loveland (Morrow, Wyoming, Blanchester, Loveland)
• Tuesday 14 3rd District Inspection Trinity Chapter (My Chapter ... Miamisburg)
• Wednesday 15 20th District Inspection Painesville Chapter
• Thursday 16 3rd District Inspection Twin Valley Chapter (Farmersville)
• Tuesday 21 4th District Inspection Price Hill Chapter (Cincinnati)
• Wednesday 22 6th District Inspection Urbana Chapter
• Thursday 23 3rd District Inspection Marshal Chapter (Elyria)
• Saturday 25 17th District Inspection Portage Chapter (Barberton)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

3rd District Chapter Get Together

Tonight several persons who have been leaders through the years in the 3rd District got together for an informal social event. We had a small but mighty group as unfortunately health concerns kept several from being able to attend. In addition we discussed several more who are to have some surgery shortly after the first of the year. It was nice to have a night which was informal and just a chance for some social interaction.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Denbrook DeMolay Installation

Tonight I headed to Berea with Greg Fyffe (State Senior Deacon) and Eric Lovingshimer (State Marshall)from Ralph H. McMillan Chapter for the Denbrook DeMolay Installation. This was the Installation for the son of our Executive Officer Martin Woodworth. Due to lots of advanced planning and communications, they had around 150 in attendance. The International Master Councilor, Robert Laing did the installation and they had numerous distinguished guests present including several Past State Master Councilors, most of the Governors, almost all State Officers, DeMolay International members and Masonic dignitaries including our Grand High Priest. Afterwards they had a great feast for all in attendance. Overall it was one set of proud parents and a new Master Councilor in Brady Woodworth ready for a very successful term.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Minerva Lodge

Tonight I attended my stated Lodge meeting and while the meeting was fairly straightforward we did discuss our food drive, latest Christmas Party and a couple of other community related projects we are working on. It makes me proud that my Lodge is trying to improve our building and also making a difference in the community.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

3rd District Chapter School

This morning was the final 3rd District Chapter School for the year in West Carrollton and despite the closeness to Christmas, we had a decent attendance. REC Greg Clatterbuck was our presenter and gave a very interesting talk with new information outside what can be found in the Chapter Management manual. PGHPs Steve Duncan and Jerry Crawford were both in attendance. We also had a nice discussion on how we can recognize/communicate better with our widows. MEC Steve Duncan brought up some of the challenges we have working around the Governmental privacy laws.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Ormus/Khana Shahar Grotto Installation

This evening was the installation for the Grotto and it was held as a joint installation in Springfield. Our new Monarch at Ormus is Skip Vanderhorst and our new first time officer is RWB Keith Newton, Grand Senior Deacon. While thee Grotto is smaller in numbers it definitely doesn't lake when it comes to having fun as they held several fun events after the installation. We learned Keith and his wife are not bad golfers. We learned Bill Parmer is not always full of hot air. And most of all we learned that it is sometimes better to take than to receive. I will explain no more but rather leave it to your imagination for the games which were played.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Rabboni Chapter 232 Inspection

This past evening was the inspection for Rabboni Chapter in Fairborn. They were being inspected in the Mark Master degree and we had a good crowd of just at 50 present. PGHP George Shell was in attendance along with several PDDGHPs. It was really good to see Rabboni Chapter have a nice inspection as they have struggled a little over the past few years as many of their long time members/cast members have passed away. This is the last Chapter Inspection that I'm aware of in the state for 2013 so the next one is a couple of weeks away.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Past Master's Convocation

Tonight was the postponed session of the Past Master's Convocation for the 2nd Masonic District. Since it was done all in one evening instead of a while day, it had to be slightly condensed. I sat through the instructional session of the meeting and heard much about the programs and expectations for the year. We then proceeded into the actual Past Master section of the meeting. Very shortly after starting I got a text from my wife indicating we had an emergency and I needed to call her immediately. I was able to leave the meeting and found out they had sent my daughter to the emergency room with a potential concussion. (She had been feeling bad the past couple of days after a fall on the ice so we had taken her into a clinic where they instructed us to take her directly to the emergency room.) Needless to say, I immediately left and met them at the emergency room where after some checking they determined they felt she did not have a concussion but rather a virus of some type which was causing balance and sleep problems. Hopefully, they have a correct diagnosis and she will be better soon.

Grand Master's One Day Class

Today Chester Burton and myself met to finalize some of the decisions about how the Chapter portion will be held so information can be distributed out to the DDGHPs shortly after the beginning of the year. We also discussed which districts are already well on their way to being prepared for the event vs those who still need a little assistance. We also discussed how we can get the other committee members more involved and further communications with all involved in the activity. Overall, it proved to be a productive meeting. Now off the the Past Master's convocation this evening in Middletown.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Valley Commandery Christmas Observance

Tonight was our annual Christmas Observance and toast from each of the various masonic bodies. It is an event which I try to attend if at all possible. It is a little more laid back evening where we reflect some on the past year, look forward to the next year and remember those who we lost in the past year. Other than Inspection, it is often one of the better attended events at the Commandery. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cabiri Christmas Party

With the weather changing the originally plan dates along with other conflicts, this year I've unfortunately been able to attend only this Shrine Christmas party. (In talking with the Potentate, it has been tough on even the Divan to make many as the weather has postponed many to the point where they are having to hold 5-6 on a single evening ... and not at the same locations). I'm hoping this is not an indication of what the winter is going to have in store this year but I won't bet on it. I heard that the meeting Saturday in Delaware for the training session went well but that we may have some follow up to make sure all are using the same version of the peculiar stone skit. Well I guess if everything were going smooth I would have to wonder what I was missing!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Antioch Shrine & HRAKTP Elections/Annual Meetings

Scott Lipps being nominated by his father Kenny Lipps
Today I was hoping for the weather to cooperate despite the predictions of doom and gloom by the various weathermen. I got up and it appeared they were right and as I headed to the Shrine it looked as if the day was getting worse quickly as the drivers side windshield wiper stopped working right about half way to the Shrine. The meeting went fairly smooth with our Potentate elect being Scott Lipps (who I served with in line at Minerva Lodge) and Ed Peters getting elected as the new Oriental Guide. Once the meeting was over I immediately went out to check the windshield wiper which I determined was just a loose bolt which I tightened and it started working again and the snow/freezing rain changed over to just rain. Things were looking up. I then took off for the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest meeting in Lima (This is an invitational organization in which only 33 active members can join each Tabernacle and I believe there are only 4 Tabernacles in Ohio). When I got there I learned that I was spared doing the part as the candidate was unable to attend (which I was somewhat worried about doing for while I had practiced for some time now I still wasn't sure about the actual performance). Things were really seeming to look up but then I noticed my friend Ted Korn, who was to be elected and installed as the presiding officer for this group, was not present. Where could he be...after all Ted is not known for his driving excellence. Then in came Ted ...just a few minutes late to be elected and installed. The best part was since we ended up with no candidate we were able to finish very early, have dinner early and be back on the road to get home hopefully before any of the roads froze over.

Ted Korn ... new Preceptor at dinner

Friday, December 13, 2013

Charlemagne Red Cross of Constantine

Tonight was our annual meeting for the Red Cross of Constantine held in Springfield Ohio at the Simon Kenton Inn. The food was great and our Grand Sovereign Burch Zehner was present with us this evening. Our retiring Sovereign, Garis Pugh, did a good job of keeping things moving as bad weather was projected and many had long journeys home. Our new Sovereign is Jack Allen planned to be with us but unfortunately was unable to attend as his wife Yvonne had unexpected surgery on Friday. The remaining officers present were installed by our Intendent General Harvey Lowry. I was installed as Standard Bearer. It was a great evening but the trip back home was a little extended as a major accident on I-70 had the highway close for a while until the could get one lane back open.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

AMD Annual Meeting

Tonight was our Annual Meeting for Middletown AMD and our new Sovereign Master is Rick Bielecki. We also brought in one new member this evening. Unfortunately we learned that Tom Kerr had passed away since our last meeting and that Richard Holcombe was not feeling well and had to go in for some surgery in the near future. Since we had no papers to present for the evening, the meeting was relatively quick and we adjourned for refreshments early before heading out until our next meeting at the end of January.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chillicothe Chapter #4 Inspection

This evening I went to a Royal Arch inspection in Chillicothe in the 5th District. REC Keith O'Dell was also present and I think it was the first time I’ve been in the 5th District he didn’t have to help out with a part (which was lucky since he had not been feeling well over the past couple of days). They also had several PDDGM's and one current DDGM present. Whenever you walk into this building you have to remember the long history of all their Masonic bodies in this temple. The best part is that Chillicothe is a very easy drive since it is right off SR35 and I’m around 10 miles from SR 35 and most of that is from a connecting highway. This is especially important since the weather again tonight was not ideal which is why I chose to go here instead of Haly Chapter as around half of that trip would have been on the back roads.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Back on the trail ...Friendship Chapter #245 Inspection

This afternoon I got back on the Masonic trail with a luncheon with several folks from the Shrine at an annual Christmas party/get together. Later this evening I attending Friendship Chapter in West Carrollton's (my District) annual inspection in the Royal Arch Degree. Their High Priest was Most Illustrious Past Grand Master and Grand Recorder Bobby Campbell. Performing the lead part was MEC Steve Duncan and REC Robert Oldfather did the journey for the evening (RIC Mike Smith 3rd Arch Council Inspector also helped out with a part).... basically a star cast performed this evening. Also present was the MEC George Shell. It was nice to again be close to home as I heard we may have some more weather headed to the area tonight.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Staying home for a couple days

Well I had planned to head to Toledo (almost into Michigan) last night for a Council Inspection but decided I didn't want to spend the final hour and a half driving on ice on my way back home. Tonight the activities I had were cancelled due to the potential weather and especially since many of those attending were coming from out of town. Hoping for sunshine on SaturdaySundaySomeday.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Eaton Chapter #22 Inspection

Tonight was an Inspection in my District in the Past Master Degree. For being in a small more rural location, this Chapter still has over 100 members.It was nice that the weather didn't turn bad as is usually the case whenever this Chapter holds their Inspection. REC Norm Lincoln did the King Solomon part and received many positive comments from the DDGHP about his performance on the part. We also started gathering workers for the Shrine Circus parking which is done by the 3rd Capitular District and discussed the preparations for the Grand Master's Class in the 2nd, 3rd and 8th District which we are helping out to make sure it comes out successful. In all it was a good evening of ritual and I always enjoy going to this Chapter as they are definitely a friendly group.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cambridge Chapter #53 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Cambridge #53 in the 14th District in the Mark Master degree. It was like an all star cast and they did a great job on the degree. REC Charles Paine PDDGHP is the High Priest this year so I would have expected nothing less. PGHP Alan Hart was present and he stepped up and helped out as one of the craftsmen. PDDGHP Randy Williams did the charge and 4 other helpers for the evening were 33rd who are past presiding officers of Scottish Rite. We also spent some time discussing the Peculiar Stone skit and the Mark Master degree for next year April 5th as they are going to be working with 3 Masonic Districts to make sure the Chapter work is performed up to speed and are actually taking the Peculiar Stone Skit on the road prior to April 5th.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Hi-12 Christmas Party and Commandery Order of Malta

Today was a busy day with the Hi-12 Christmas party at lunch where all the State Officers came to Dayton to install the officers (with Joe Fair as President) and to hold their annual Christmas Party. An interesting side note is that for a group mainly made up of retired guys, one of their main projects is to raise funds to help pay for College Scholarships at a specific school for political majors. The cost per year at this school $60K per year and these guys raise the money to help students attend and the only thing they ask in return is the students must work in the field after graduation. I personally belong (though I can't attend very often) because they are big supporter of the local DeMolay Chapters and when I was in DeMolay they gave me a scholarship to attend DeMolay Leadership Camp. Later in the evening I went to my Commandery meeting where they were doing the full form Order of Malta on a candidate to get him ready for Inspection in January. The candidate is a Past Master of Minerva Lodge, Ken Ballinger, and one of those who have been very involved with a major renovation of the temple over the past few months.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Weekly Travels December

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running monthly schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.

Week of 12/2
• Tuesday 3 14th District Inspection Cambridge Chapter
• Wednesday 4 3rd District Inspection Eaton Chapter
• Saturday 7 3rd District Inspection Xenia Chapter

Week of 12/9
• Monday 9 3rd District Inspection Friendship Chapter West Carrolton
• Tuesday 10 1st District Inspection Haly Chapter Napoleon or 5th District Inspection Chillicothe Chapter
• Wednesday 11 9th District Inspection Bellevue Chapter
• Thursday 12 5th District Inspection Hillsboro Chapter

Week of 12/16
• Wednesday 18 3rd District Inspection Rabboni Chapter Fairborn
• Saturday 21 6th District Inspection Lafayette & Marysville Chapter Marysville

Week of 12/23-end of Year
• Christmas Break

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Scottish Rite Thanksmas Dinner

Every year on Thanksgiving weekend the officers, past officers, and major 14th degree contributors get together for an annual party. Since it is between Thanksgiving and Christmas it is called the Thanksmas dinner and has been going on for around 30 years. Tonight was one of the largest turnouts in years and was held at the Yankee Trace Golf Course in Centerville. The Thrice Potent Master this year is Dave Buchheit who I appointed when I was Thrice Potent Master. I also caught a picture of our resident joker PTPM John Rhodes Jr. as he was telling one of his many jokes.

Rufus Putnam Chapter #108 Inspection

This morning was the chapter inspection for Rufus Putnam Chapter located in Beverley Ohio in the 13th District. (Beverley is located around an hour below Zanesville) Our Grand High Priest Robert Thomas was there along with the Grand Principal Sojourner REC Jeff Addis. Since the District Deputy Grand High Priest, REC Ken Finkle is from Rufus Putnam Chapter, REC Rodney Carr who is Grand Master of the 1st Veil and from the 13th District did the inspection. They have a very nice facility, provided a nice breakfast and did a fine job on the ritual work despite being a smaller more remote chapter. Luckily the Inspection moved right along so I could listen to the Ohio State Buckeye beat the team up north on my way home.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Galion Chapter #142 Inspection

Tonight was an inspection for Galion Chapter in the 10th District in the Mark Masters degree. MEC Robert Crabbs was present and help to post the colors. Our Grand Scribe REC Robert Blankenhorn was also present and helped out with the degree work for the evening as one of the overseers. He also did a nice job on the introductions even though some of the cards were missing for introductions. After the inspection we found out that the guy who did the main part for the degree has been doing it since around 1967 . REC Blankenhorn and I also talked about our common interest after the meeting...beagles. The best part was we got done to leave fairly early for the evening and hopefully will get home early as tomorrow morning will be an early one for the inspection in Beverly for Rufus Putnam Chapter in the 13th District.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and hope for many their day starts after 9AM and they are not headed to the massive sales. I on the other hand get to drop our daughter off at 7AM for a 5 mile run (Miamisburg Turkey Trot) and head over to fight the crowds for an item we want.....guess I would rather fight the crowds than be running outside 5 miles on Thanksgiving day....

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Shrine Greeters Meeting

This evening was the Greeters meeting for the Shrine of which I am a member. Since the Trowel Chapter Inspection was postponed I decided to attend their meeting. We confirmed our by-laws changes, went over upcoming events and heard that the Imperial Officers are probably coming to our Greeters Christmas Party since they will be in town for a Membership Seminar. This is great news for us as the Imperial Potentate will probably be at our Christmas Party.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Spencerville #169 Chapter Inspection

Tonight I headed to Spencerville (which is outside of Lima) for their Chapter Inspection in the Most Excellent Master degree. This is the home Chapter of PGHP Bill Purdy and our current Grand Commander Dennis Hughes. With it being the week of Thanksgiving, a few of their "regulars" were out of town visiting relatives for the Holidays but the cast did a nice good with a little help from a couple of last minute fill-ins for a couple cast members who came up sick at the last minute. They had two candidates who have been traveling from Inspection to Inspection to get their degree work and will finish up at the Van Wert/Sidney Inspection in the Royal Arch on December 14th. I'm starting to see several Districts try this out and the good thing is the candidates seeem to be building a bond between them and are still returning to additional Inspections after they receive their Royal Arch Degree.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving Baskets & Our Anniversary & Schedule Change

I took Friday and Sunday off to prepare Thanksgiving Baskets for the needy, something which our family has been doing now for around 20 years through the Elks. One of our members is a minister at an intercity church in Dayton and definitely has plenty of folks who can use a little extra help. Sunday was also our Anniversary and we went to Carver's for a very nice dinner. The food is great there but to get the best you definitely pay a little more (but it is worth it for a special I guess bologna this week for the rest of my meals). ALSO please note the Chapter Inspection Tuesday in Jackson Ohio at Trowel Chapter in the 5th District has been postponed.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Busy Day Again

This Saturday was definitely another busy day. It started out with me heading up to Bryan Ohio in the 1st Capitular District for Northwest #45 Chapter Inspection in the Past Master Degree. At first we were afraid of severe disaster as one of the persons who did a lead part had called the day before and said his health would not allow him to be there. Well they remembered to replace him in all but the Right Worshipful Master's part. Luckily the High Priest of Wauseon was present and had just presided a couple weeks back and did the part to save the day. After lunch, Bryan Council #101 performed the Royal Master Degree. Since many had other events they needed to go to soon after the Inspection was to be over, it started a little early but moved right along so I had time to actually head back home after the Council Inspection to pick up my wife and head to Dayton for the Grand Commander Denny Hughes Statewide Reception. The weather was nice on the way up though I did almost have a major issue when a lady in a SUV almost rear-ended me on the highway. she was really moving and I saw her almost do the same to two more cars after she swerved to miss me. A few miles up the road she apparently did hit someone and totalled her vehicle and the other vehicle. I heard later on the news that a cop clocked her doing 92 MPH around the time she passed me. Guess I was REALLY lucky. On the way back the wind kicked up and in really good cold.... Oh and I did see 9 wild turkeys trying to cross the road. Guess they were not aware next week is Thanksgiving or maybe they did and were leaving town because they knew it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

West Gate Council #129 Inspection

Tonight I headed to Columbus for a Council Inspection in the 5th Arch. West Gate had their Inspection in the Select Master Degree. MEC Don Lossaso is a member of this council and helped them out with some of the work for the evening as did the 5th Arch Inspector Grover Manning. The Arch Adjutant Mark Bruns did the Inspection. Also in attendance was the Grand Illustrious Master Robert Rinehart and the Deputy Grand Master Lynn Alexander. Past Grand Illustrious Master Rusty Eagle was also in attendance. It was also nice to see an old friend, Jerry Belt, who I served with as DDGM several years back. It also interesting that the Worshipful Master for Mt. Carmel Lodge and High Priest for Marysville Chapter were both present and I talk to for a while since I plan to attend both Inspections later this year.I also found out another guy I seem to run into every place I travel is Worshipful Master this year of Mechanicsburg Lodge so I'm going to try to add it to my list of Inspections to make as well.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Clark County 32 Club

Tonight I spoke at the Ohio Masonic Home on the symbolism behind the 14th degree in Scottish Rite. They had 4 persons present who were part of our last class just a couple weeks back. It must not have been too bad as one of the new candidates asked for a copy of the information (so I gave him the copy I used for the presentation). Overall they had a nice attendance and very good meal.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cabiri Meeting and Franklin Chapter #24 Inspection

Tonight was our monthly Cabiri Meeting and we held elections and guess in January I'll have my turn presiding. The meeting ran a little long but since Franklin Chapter is in my district in Troy the trip from Dayton was short. They were being Inspected in the Royal Arch which I was happy to see as just a few years ago this Chapter was having issues with anything but Mark Master so I it was nice to see the turnaround. It happened because a few members decided to take ownership and make it happen. PGHP MEC Jerry Crawford was also present. The crowd was a little small with right around 40 in attendance but there were also some conflict for those who normally attend mainly a few stated meetings.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Grand Illustrious Master Reception

Yesterday was the Grand Illustrious Master Robert Rinehart statewide reception in Independence near Cleveland. The event was well attend and the night moved right along as we finished early and everyone headed to the Hospitality rooms. I really liked the fact that the give aways for the evening all contained bees on them. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Child Advocacy Center Fund Raiser

Usually I don't write about non Masonic events here but today I'm making an exception since a large group of Masons were present to help support a very worthy cause. Last night we attended a fund raiser for the child advocacy center of Warren County.  It was really a fun time and we had the opportunity to help the Center in Warren County raise several thousand dollars to help out with the protection of several young persons unable to speak up. For themselves.They had a dance off as the entertainment and it was fun to see many of the local leaders making fun of themselves all for the cause of helping out children. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Lima Chapter #49 Inspection

Tonight was a busy night around the state for the York Rite in general. we have several major events including some inspections and of course the viewing for Past Grand Commander Bruce Basil. I had already planned to attend the Inspection at Lima in the 2nd District so that is where I went tonight. (I was going to try to make it up to Findlay for the viewing before the Inspection but couldn't leave work in time.) They dud the Mark Master degree this evening and since the person supposed to do the Lecture was the Grand Commander Dennis Hughes and he was at the viewing and Masonic Services (as he needed to be) the District Deputy Grand High Priest REC Jack Hollman filled in and did a nice job on the Lecture. I also learned that they have set up their inspections in the 2nd District so the candidate this evening will be a Royal Arch Mason by the end of the month since he is going to the next 3 Inspections (where he will be joined by several other Mark Masters who will also be following to complete their journey) which are in the Past Mast, Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch Degree. This process seems to be working well in some of the smaller Districts which all are working together to do each of the degrees and an interesting positive camaraderie is developing among these candidates in the Districts trying this approach.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pomeroy Inspection

Tonight was Pomeroy's Chapter Inspection in the Royal Arch Degree. Middleport (where they meet) is in the 13th Capitular District and right on the border of West Virginia. This was the first opportunity I have had to visit this Chapter though I have planned a visit here for several years. Past Grand Illustrious Master Roger Gaul along with Dan Arnold current Prior of the KYCH and David Fox Past Prior were all present last night and area members of this Chapter. In addition, REC Rodney Carr Grand Master of the 1st Veil was present and REC Randy Williams District Deputy Prior of KYCH was present and did a very nice journey presentation for them in the degree. It was also nice to hear that the majority of officers were NOT Past High Priests. In all, the drive was nice both there and back though the 30 cent jump in gas prices from yesterday was not so nice.

Monday, November 11, 2013

PDDGM Meeting

Tonight was our quarterly meeting for the PDDGM's and we discussed several items including Grand Lodge, DeMolay, Grand Master;s Class 2014, and several other Lodge related items. We have started something similar in Chapter to help keep the PDDGHP's informed of what is happening. I'm not sure why in most of our organizations it seems as though almost all mail and information about the organizations ceases the day you go out of office. We really need to come up with a better was of using that knowledge of our past officers rather than just discarding it.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Scottish Rite Reunion

Yesterday we finished up the Scottish Rite Reunion where they brought in around 50 candidates. It was a busy day as they started the 14th degree around 8AM and didn't finish until late in the day. They also caught up on several outstanding membership award presentations. In all it was a good day for Dayton Scottish Rite. After lunch I had to prepare to head to Columbus for a non Masonic event; the football playoff game for Miamisburg for only the second time in the history of the school. As my daughter, Laura, is one of the head cheerleaders, she was very excited like the rest of the team. While the excitement only lasted into about half of the 1st quarter and the final score of 48-7 may not have been that great, it still ended up as one of the best years in the school's history for football.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Scottish Rite and Adoniram Council

Tonight was the Valley of Dayton Scottish Rite Reunion and am the Director for the 5th Degree so I was very happy when the degree was over and I think the cast did a nice job on the presentation. Afterwards, our Illustrious Master of council asked if I could come by to help them open as he figured several would be at Scottish Rite and they might not have enough to open. So after I dinner I went down to help them open but was pleasantly surprise when around 15 showed up for the meeting.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Continuing Service Award

Some nights you just have to forget any plans you might have for something which comes up unexpectedly. Tonight was one of those nights. While I had made arrangements some time ago to take half a day vacation at work and go to a Chapter inspection just a couple miles from PA and almost to the tip of Ohio, I cancelled them to attend the continuing service award presentation for Clarke Wylie this evening from the White Shrine of Jerusalem. Clarke is a KYCH and a supporter of ALL masonic organizations (along with many non-masonic as well). Clarke also will do anything he can to support you as the presiding officer and has presided himself over numerous groups. I'm proud to think Clarke sees me as a good friend because he definitely is a good friend to anyone who will let him be their friend.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wauseon Chapter #111 Inspection

Tonight was Wauseon Chapter's Inspection in the Past Master Degree. The chapter did a nice job on the Inspection and I was actually able to get back on the road headed home early. It was also nice to see both DDGM's from the 5th Masonic District present for the Inspection. I was also glad this year no mishaps in the parking lot like last year when someone accidentally hit my car. Before I left town tonight I decided to fill up as gas was $2.89 per gallon!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Piqua Chapter

Last night DDGHP Joe Fair and myself headed up to Piqua to discuss their future. Since they were not represented at Grand Chapter we guessed they were also not holding meeting which was true (and has been for some time). Apparently the Lodge is going to contact another local temple to see about renting space and if that comes about they would sell the current building and the Chapter (and Council) would probably merge in with an existing one. While it might not be the plan I want to hear, sometimes you have to face the facts and do what is best for the Chapter.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Exciting Day For DeMolay in Eaton Ohio

Today I trained 6 DeMolay Advisors for a Chapter we are trying to start in Eaton Ohio which Bolivar Lodge agreed to sponsor. One of the Advisors trained was Mark Howard who is a Past State Master Councilor and has helped start other Chapters and has 3 boys to transfer to this Chapter. In addition, Troy Davis who is a District education Officer for the 2nd Masonic District will be the Chairman of the Advisory Council. Ray Jones also agreed to come back as an Advisor and was on the Council when the Chapter in Eaton closed 30 years ago. Hopefully this is the start for big things to happen with a new DeMolay Chapter in Eaton Ohio.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

KYCH and Grotto Special Ceremonial

Today was a long day which started early with a drive to Van Wert for the KYCH Meeting and induction of new members to the KYCH. Dan Arnold is the new Prior for Ohio Priory #18 KYCH. One of the candidates for the day was REC Jeff Addis who is also serving in the Grand Chapter line along with two Grand Council officers who were also candidates. Our immediate PGHP MEC Don Owens and current GHP MEC Robert Thomas are officers for the KYCH and both advanced in the line. Since I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to attend I had not made lunch reservations and ate across the street at Balyeat's which I have wanted to eat at for years but never had an opportunity. The food was all homemade (I had beef and noodles and pie) and judging by the taste they use real ingredients including lard in the pie crusts which were fantastic. After the induction of new members into the KCYH, I headed over to Toledo for something a little different. Tonight the Grotto in Toledo got special permission to portray the ceremonial degree work as it would have been done around 100 years ago. It was quite different than the work being done today in the current ritual. Being that it was unique, members from all over the state and even some from out of the state came in for the unique presentation. They had five candidates and over 50 members in attendance. it goes to show that a little thinking outside the box, planning and communications can greatly increase membership and interest.

Friday, November 1, 2013

DDGHP & DEO Installation 3rd Capitular District

Friday evening in Farmersville was the Installation for REC Fred Gallo and EC Mac Polston as District Deputy Grand High Priest and District Education Officer respectively. Since both were from Twin Valley Chapter it was a little bit of a unique Installation. Unfortunately, Fred had fallen a week earlier and was hurt fairly bad and was confined to a wheelchair for the Installation. MEC George Shell (also from Twin Valley Chapter) did the Installation for both on the evening. MEC Jerry Crawford and MEC Steve Duncan along with the sitting DDGHP's, DEO's and myself also participated in the ceremony. Afterwards everyone went downstairs to enjoy refreshments.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Tonight was our AMD (Allied Masonic Degrees) Meeting and since it was Halloween we decided to treat ourselves to an informal casual meeting. We took care of several pieces of necessary business and then ate. And it was probably a good thing that we didn't stay too long as soon after we all left a bad storm came through and it was good everyone was home instead of driving through the mess.

Weekly Travels - November

While often my travels are dictated by my work schedule, I am going to try keep at a running monthly schedule of potential Chapter related visits/events. If anyone from my area is interested in traveling with me, contact me and we will see what we can do.

Week of 11/4
• Tuesday 5 Piqua Chapter Stated Meeting
• Wednesday 6 1st District Inspection Wauseon Chapter

Week of 11/11
• Wednesday 13 13th District Inspection Pomeroy Chapter
• Thursday 14 2nd District Inspection Lima Chapter
• Saturday 16 3rd District Chapter School West Carrolton & Statewide Grand Illustrious Master Reception ... in Independence

Week of 11/18
• Monday 18 3rd District Inspection Franklin Chapter Troy
• Saturday 23 1st District Inspection Northwest Chapter Bryan & Statewide Grand Commanders Reception ... in Dayton

Week of 11/25
• Monday 25 2nd District Inspection Spencerville Chapter
• Tuesday 26 5th District Inspection Trowel Chapter Jackson
• Friday 29 7th District Inspection Galion Chapter
• Saturday 30 13th District Inspection Rufus Putnam Chapter Beverly

Scottsih Rite Practice

This past evening was the final rehearsal for the 5th Degree for Scottish Rite which I am Directing with Jim Smith assisting. It was the first time to use the entire new sound system and it really sounds great. I think the cast is ready for the performance which will be next Friday November 8th at 4:50. Around dinner time next Friday I will definitely feel a relief as the degree will be done for another time.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Youngstown Chapter 93 Inspection

Tonight was the Inspection for Youngstown Chapter in the Mark Master degree. They had five candidates and did a really nice job on the work. Our Grand High Priest MEC Robert Thomas was present and was the Grand Marshal REC Tom Johnson and Grand Chaplain REC Doug Dolan. This is one of the further Chapter Districts for me to visit as the 19th Capitular District is around 4 hours from my home. The best part was the weather was nice and the traffic was not heavy so it was a nice leisurely drive. After the meeting they served a nice hot meal which was good as the meeting room was rather cool.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Installation of DDGM 2nd District

Tonight was the installation of RWB Arnold Fugate as DDGM of the 2nd Masonic District. Arnold is a KYCH from Middletown and assists with the York Rite work in Middletown when requested. He is also a current officer in the Scottish Rite. A large crowd was on hand and filled the room for the Installation including almost 20 PDDGMs.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Grand High Priest Statewide Reception and Grand Family Meeting

One busy weekend up near Cleveland/Willoughby Ohio at the Quail Hollow Resort. It was a long drive up late Friday night to the resort after getting the opportunity to walk my SENIOR daughter Laura across the field at the Miamisburg Home Football game. Saturday then started early with meetings for most of the day and a reception for MEC Robert Thomas of over 200 people on Saturday evening. Today we got up early and decided to take it a little bit easier and made several stops on the way home.(I'll give you a few hints on some of the stops...)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Miami Valley York Rite College

Tonight was the York Rite College meeting. York Rite College is an invitational organization and one of its' purposes is to assist the York Rite in promotions and future growth. We brought in four new members and since we only do degree work once a year it is always a challenge for the officers to get their parts down for the one and only time they will do a specific part. I thought things went very well and we had a great dinner prior to the meeting. We have local leaders from all the Masonic York Rite groups as officers and members.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

First Chapter Inspection of the Year

Tonight was Clinton Chapter #26 Inspection in the Royal Arch Degree. They now meet in the Lodge room at the Ohio OES Home and it is a fantastic facility to hold meetings. REC Dan Smith and MEC Don Losasso filled in as candidates during the evening so the both got to do lots of walking. This was my first trip to Mt. Vernon and Clinton Chapter was the final Chapter in the 11th Capitular District I had not been to an activity. It ended up being a nice drive over and back with very little traffic since I took many of the back roads.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lodge District Officer Meeting

Tonight was the installation for the 2nd District Lodge Officers Association. It was held at my home Lodge since the incoming President was Kent Crager of Minerva Lodge. He is the 8th person from our Lodge to be District President (I was installed way back in 1995 as District President). In addition the outgoing DDGM RWB Bryan Worley and incoming DDGM RWB Arnold Fugate were recognized.We had a very nice attendance and were able to show off the new dining room downstairs which is prepared for the open house on Saturday.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cabiri & Commandery Meeting

Tonight was our Cabiri (Past Potentates) and Commandery stated meetings. As goes with most stated meetings, there was not a whole lot of excitement. One item which was kind of nice was during the Cabiri meeting we were told bu the current Potentate John Bull that we have been chosen to participate in an Imperial pilot project to improve the overall Imperial membership program. I was excited about this since last year we showed a positive membership gain while I was Potentate. The best part was much of what I used was what we developed in Grand Chapter. Hopefully, this year maybe we can show that positive membership growth in Grand Chapter that the Grand Chapter Membership committee worked so hard to achieve last year (of which I was a part) and while they did not completely meet the goal, we ended with the lowest loss in nearly 50 years.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Grand Lodge Weekend and other items...

Rufus Putnam Receipient

New Grand Master being installed

Well I've been in Akron over the past couple of days attending Grand Lodge and the trip north was not without excitement. First I had to delay leaving due to 5th degree practice being held on Thursday evening and since I'm the degree director thought it would be nice for me to attend. I was very pleased with the progress being made with an all new cast for the degree. So I got up Friday morning at 2:30 to start the long haul to Akron. Needless to say much caffeine would be part of a long day. It was fairly uneventful until I got just south of Mansfield when I had to think quick and make a couple split second decisions. As I was driving up the highway and in the middle land with two semis on either side and a car behind me I noticed in my lane a dead deer laying on the road which had obliviously been hit by a semi. I had to make a decision and fairly much the only one I could, run over it at the least point of impact. After striking it at first I thought it was noisy but not too bad. So I was finely able to get over to the side and exit to assess any damage. Well it appears it went under on the passenger side and other than tearing up some plastic parts, hopefully that will be it. (I guess I'll see when I have it looked at but driving the car was not an issue so I headed on in to Grand Lodge). Everything seemed to go fairly smooth and I was able to fit in a trip over to Ali Baba Grooto in Warren Friday evening. I was happy to be able to attend (along with Pam) the new Grand Maseter Norm Mick's installation.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Commandery and Chapter Stated Meetings

This week I was able to attend my Commandery and Chapter stated meetings. As a nice surprise, I was able to potentially get a new member signed up for the York Rite as well. We still have some coordination to make it happen but I'm confident it will occur. In addition, the dining room at the Miamisburg Masonic Temple is almost complete and an open house is being planned for October 26th.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

21 Club Dinner

We had a great dinner in Brookville today for the 21 club. I had set this club up while I was a DDGM in Lodge to acknowledge those who attended 21 inspections within the 2nd district within a single inspection season. The long term expectation was that this would become a social club with dinners and informal get together's. This is the third year the social events have been held. Right now we had many active members and this club has added around 15-20 new travelers each year for our inspections.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Grand Commandery and Drill

I'm proud to say that our Drill team did beat out that team called OPEN on the schedule though the other teams competing all outscored us but we all did our best and had a good time (and we would have won if this was like golf and the low score was the winner!).I did, however, get the opportunity to go to the Marblehead Lighthouse and get some good pictures and drop by a local winery and pick up some liquid refreshment for my wife.